


A Girl of the Limberlost电子书

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作       者:Gene Stratton-Porter

出  版  社:Booklassic


字       数:55.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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A Girl of the Limberlost



Chapter 1 - Wherein Elnora goes to high school and learns many lessons not found in her books

Chapter 2 - Wherein Wesley and Margaret go shopping, and Elnora's wardrobe is replenished

Chapter 3 - Wherein Elnora visits the bird woman, and opens a bank account

Chapter 4 - Wherein the Sintons are disappointed, and Mrs. Comstock learns that she can laugh

Chapter 5 - Wherein Elnora receives a warning, and Billy appears on the scene

Chapter 6 - Wherein Mrs. Comstock indulges in "frills", and Billy reappears

Chapter 7 - Wherein Mrs. Comstock manipulates Margaret and Billy acquires a residence

Chapter 8 - Wherein the Limberlost tempts Elnora, and Billy buries his father

Chapter 9 - Wherein Elnora discovers a violin, and Billy disciplines Margaret

Chapter 10 - Wherein Elnora has more financial troubles, and Mrs. Comstock again hears the song of the Limberlost

Chapter 11 - Wherein Elnora graduates, and Freckles and the Angel send gifts

Chapter 12 - Wherein Margaret Sinton reveals a secret, and Mrs. Comstock possesses the Limberlost

Chapter 13 - Wherein Mother love is bestowed on Elnora, and she finds an assistant in moth hunting

Chapter 14 - Wherein a new position is tendered Elnora, and Philip Ammon is shown Limberlost violets

Chapter 15 - Wherein Mrs. Comstock faces the almighty, and Philip Ammon writes a letter

Chapter 16 - Wherein the Limberlost sings for Philip, and the talking trees tell great secrets

Chapter 17 - Wherein Mrs. Comstock dances in the moonlight, and Elnora makes a confession

Chapter 18 - Wherein Mrs. Comstock experiments with rejuvenation, and Elnora teaches natural history

Chapter 19 - Wherein Philip Ammon gives a ball in honour of Edith Carr, and Hart Henderson appears on the scene

Chapter 20 - Wherein the elder Ammon offers advice, and Edith Carr experiences regrets

Chapter 21 - Wherein Philip Ammon returns to the Limberlost, and Elnora studies the situation

Chapter 22 - Wherein Philip Ammon kneels to Elnora, and strangers come to the Limberlost

Chapter 23 - Wherein Elnora reaches a decision, and Freckles and the Angel appear

Chapter 24 - Wherein Edith Carr wages a battle, and Hart Henderson stands guard

Chapter 25 - Wherein Philip finds Elnora, and Edith Carr offers a yellow emperor

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