An Empress ripped back to the life she left behind.A Prince desperate to save his people.One child lost within another realm, the other dependent on their constant protection.Betrayed by those closest to her, Empress Alexstrayna must figure out a way to get it all back - her throne, her people, her son. Fulfilling a two-thousand-year-old prophecy, Reylor, the banished Lord Steward, has stripped Alex of her rightful rule and set in motion a chain of events even he, himself, does not fully understand. Determined to strip his brother of happiness by any means possible, his actions send Alex and Treyan back to Boston and away from the Empire they called home.Blinded by vengeance with hate running thick within her veins, the Empress must consider the ramifications of their return, for better or for worse. But when an unexpected visitor offers help assist with their attempts, Alex and Treyan need to determine how best to reclaim their Empire without more lives lost before whatever time they have left runs out.It’s time to return to the Empire. Are you prepared to join the battle?