


Stepping into Success电子书

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作       者:Johnson, Julie

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:243.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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If your business is not where you want it to be, or you've been implementing tactics that aren't working, this book is a 'must read.' Julie's passion and expertise shine through in this refreshing business book which turns traditional business building and business development on its head using a unique and feminine approach that gets to the heart and soul of success for you as a business woman. Julie's innovative DANCE system shows you how to create meaningful and authentic success in your business and in your life. DANCE is a simple and creative approach to grow your business in a completely different way. After reading this book you will have more clarity and focus, be able to embrace your uniqueness, and understand and overcome what's currently stopping you succeed.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information



My Route To Success - The Feminine Way

About This Book

Stepping Into Success Through DANCE

About You And Your Dance

Stepping Into Success

Dance or Die: Why Your Feet Can Take You Where Your Head Can’t 21

Exercise 1 - Step Into Living Life Full Out

Why You’re Here Now

How This Works For You - Starting Right Now

Exercise 2 - Step Into Your Current Reality

It’s Easier Than You Think - Give Up The Struggle

Exercise 3 - Step Into Feeling Successful

Go Easy On Yourself - Be Curious And Playful

Exercise 4 - Step Into Feeling Your Dance

Be Grateful

The 3 Dynamic Ds To Your DANCE

The First Dynamic D - Discover

Discover Your DANCE (You)

Exercise 5 - Step Into Discovering Your Dance

Your Life DANCE - Past/Present

Your Life DANCE - Future

Behind The Scenes Of Your Stage

Exercise 6 - Step Into Discovering Behind The Scenes Of Your Stage (Business)

Bringing The Lead Dancer Centre Stage, Supported By Your Troupe

Exercise 7 - Step Into Bringing You Centre Stage, Supported By Your Troupe

Your Supporting Troupe

The Second Dynamic D - Define

Define Your Lead Role

Exercise 8 - Step Into Defining Your Lead Role

Define Your Stage

Exercise 9 - Step Into Defining Your Stage

Exercise 10 - Step Into Defining Your Soul Goals

Define Your Rules Of Engagement

Exercise 11 - Step Into Defining And Aligning Your Rules Of Engagement

The Third Dynamic D - Direct

It’s Your Responsibility

Taking The Lead Role In Your Business

Exercise 12 - Step Into Taking The Lead Role In Your Business

The Importance Of Clarity

Exercise 13 - Step Into Clarity

Authenticity: Knowing And Embracing Your Unique Dance

Your Essential DANCE Moves

Exercise 14 - Step Into Understanding Your Essential DANCE Moves (Your Needs)

Exercise 15 - Step Into Understanding Your Essential DANCE Moves (Your Desires)

Allowing Your DANCE And Accepting It As A Gift

Exercise 16 - Step Into Your Unique Gifts

Access Your Intuition - It’s Your Perfect DANCE Partner

Exercise 17 - Step Into Accessing Your Intuition

Learning To Trust Your DANCE

Exercise 18 - Step Into Learning To Trust Your DANCE

Exercise 19 - Step Into Trusting Your DANCE

No Limitations: Making The Leap From Understudy To Principal Dancer

Additional Show-Stoppers...

Show-Stopper - The Fears Holding You Back

Exercise 20 - Step Into A Show-Stopping Fear

Exercise 21 - Step Into Your Show-Stopping Fears

Show-Stopper - Negative Beliefs And Expectations

Show-Stopper - The Rules We Set For Ourselves (How we Create The Structure To Support Our DANCE)

Exercise 22 - Step Into Understanding And Letting Go Of Your Show-Stoppers

Connection - Loving It And Living It

Loving Your DANCE

Exercise 23 - Step Into Forgiveness

Living Your DANCE

Exercise 24 - Step Into Focus

Loving Your STAGE (Business)

Exercise 25 - Step Into Forgiveness of Your Future Self

Living It - Your Business Strategy

Energising You And Your Business

Energising You

Exercise 26 - Step Into Feeling Energised

Create The Space To De-Clutter

Exercise 27 - Step Into Clearing Your Physical ‘Stuff’

Exercise 28 - Step Into Clearing Your Mental And Emotional ‘Stuff’


Exercise 29 - Step Into Energy And Vibrancy

Energising Your Business

Get Clear

Exercise 30 - Step Into Energising Your Business

Exercise 31 - Step Into Your Legacy

Define Your Business Model: Behind The Scenes Of Your Stage

Exercise 32 - Step Into Defining And Energising Your Business Model

Bringing It All Together In Your Fabulous DANCE Show

Avoiding The Trap-Doors

1. Using Others DANCE Moves Or DANCE Routine Rather Than Your Own.

2. Adjusting The Rhythm And Tempo Of Your DANCE To Fall In Line With Others.

3. Getting Too Comfortable On Your Stage: Know When You’re Ready For A Bigger Stage.

Next Steps

Exercise 33 - Step Into Success

Glossary Of Terms

Recommended Reading

Also Available

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