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Front matter
Title page
Publisher information
Body matter
Chapter 1: How I became a Sherlockian
Chapter 2: Monographs
Elias Openshaw’s Civil War Connection With the Ku Klux Klan
Birth Control In The Canon
The Boy From Oz
Searching for God in the Canon
Knocks and Boosts
Initial Offerings
In the Eye of the Beholder
Drink, Drank, Drunk
It’s a Dog’s Life
Giving the Devil his Due
A Case of Identity
Henry Ward Beecher
Canonical Inflation
The Canonical Balance of Trade
Coats and Cloaks
Hold on to your Hats
If Sherlock Holmes Could Do It Why Couldn’t Others?
The Curious Case of a Curious Man Named Wilson
B for Beautiful
I Don’t Feel So Well - Canonical Sickness and Disabilities
Present Laughter (Or LOL)
A Letter from Professor Presbury
Smoke Gets in your Eyes
Mea Culpa Canonica
Dr. Watson’s Wound Pension
Queen Victoria and Neutrality During the American Civil War
Little Known Facts About Well Known Canon Characters
To Tell the Truth
Sherlock Holmes’ Most Infamous Cousin
Chapter 3: Canonical Body Parts
Getting A Head
The Mystery of The Grey-Eyed Men (And Women)
Legs, Limbs and Feet
Fingers, Fists and Nails
Vox Populi
By the Sweat of Their Brows (And Eyebrows)
What Cheek!
Jaw, Jaw, Jaw
Ear, Ear (Earrings, Too)
Skin Deep
Let’s Face It
Mouthing Off
Shoulder to Shoulder
The Nose Knows
Some More About Eyes
Paying Lip Service
Chapter 4: Toasts
Toast to the Sparking Plugs
Toast to the Geese
Toast to Tea
Toast to Emilia Lucca
A Toast to the Master
Doris’s Toast to Dr. Watson
A Toast to Dr. Watson’s First Wife, a Militant Feminist
A Sussex Vampire Toast
Toast to Lysander Starr
A Toast to Sherlock Holmes from the Members of the Canon
A Toast to Sherlock Holmes
A Toast to Mycroft Holmes
Chapter 5: Whatnots
The Dreaded Homework Assignment for Mrs Hudson’s Cliftdwellers
Yellow Pages Directory London 1895
Tonga’s Law Suit
Thanksgiving Thanks
Apologies to Joe Fink
The Ritz’s Doorman
What Ever Happened To...
Books for Canonical Characters
Communists are Red
Quote, Unquote. A Game Of Who Said What
Back matter
Abbreviations for the Canon Titles
Also available