


Mystery Surrounding Watson's Lost Dispatch Box电子书

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作       者:Lovisi, Gary

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:19.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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When young Joseph Adler enters a small Dorchester bookstore to sell a rare old copy of The Strand Magazine - within its pages is discovered what appears to be a sheet torn from the diary of Sherlock Holmes' friend, Doctor Watson. The implications are incredible. When Adler is found dead, it is up to bookstore owner Thomas Jones, joined by his young friend, Juan Marcano, to search for clues and solve the murder in the style of their hero, Sherlock Holmes. But the older man, nicknamed Viejo, by the cocky younger Juan, have taken on more than they can handle, as they deal with tough cops and tougher drug dealers to solve the case. The discovery of an old tin dispatch box that apparently belonged to Watson leads to a wild case full of mystery, murder and revenge. It is a rousing tale in the best tradition of the Great Detective with a new team of amateur sleuths, in a novel that captures the spirit of Doyle's classic Holmes stories in a modern setting.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information

Body matter

Chapter 1: A Mystery in Dorchester

Chapter 2: A Most Unlikely Team-Up

Chapter 3: A Watson / Holmes Connection?

Chapter 4: Bookstore Shakedown

Chapter 5: What The Autopsy Told Us

Chapter 6: That Missing Tin Box

Chapter 7: Andrea Tells Us What She Knows

Chapter 8: On The East Side

Chapter 9: St. Simon’s Creed

Chapter 10: Two Detectives

Chapter 11: We Find The Evidence

Chapter 12: That Which Lay Within

Chapter 13: St. Simon’s Demise?

Chapter 14: A New Plan is Needed

Chapter 15: The Strand Magazine & The Diary Page

Chapter 16: Juan’s Plan

Chapter 17: Ready to Deal

Chapter 18: Case Closed

Back matter

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