


Protect Your Family Against Terrorism电子书

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作       者:Weston, Angus

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:53.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Today we are all living under a credible terrorist threat, yet many people remain unprepared. Would you and your family know how to react if you were caught up in a terrorist attack? Do you take the necessary steps to protect your family from potential atrocities whenever you leave home?This book delivers the advice you need to help you and your family stay safe. Written in an easy-to-understand format by security experts with many years of field experience in both military and civilian scenarios, it describes how best to prepare for the possibility of an attack, how to react should an incident occur close to you, and what to do in the immediate aftermath.With sections that cover a range of scenarios from an attack on the subway or on public transport to an incident at a beach hotel or even on a cruise ship, you will find straight-talking, no-nonsense advice based on real scenarios that helps you and your loved ones to make decisions and take action that could mean the difference between life and death.In addition to the various specific scenarios, you are also provided with advice on how to enhance your situational awareness in any situation, enabling you to protect your family from the next inevitable attack. Also included is a comprehensive checklist detailing actions to take prior to travelling away from home.Terrorist atrocities are becoming more frequent. Don't let your family find themselves in a dangerous situation without the knowledge of how best to react - Protect Your Family Against Terrorism.

Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information


Protect Your Family Against Terrorism

Chapter 1: About the Authors

Chapter 2: Know Your Terrorist

The Problem

Terrorism (Ideology)

Terrorism (Ability)

Public Attitude


Chapter 3: Life Experiences

Pusser’s Experiences

Angus’s Experiences

Chapter 4: Atlas Strategy

Chapter 5: Security and Safety Advice

Chapter 6: Location and Scenario Advice

At Home in the City

Travelling on the Subway

Travelling by Bus

At the Airport

On an Aircraft

On a Train

At a Hotel or Resort

On Board a Cruise Ship

Travelling by Car or Motorcycle

Chapter 7: Glossary and Checklist


To Do List

Leaving Home Check List

Back Matter

Contact Information

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