


Intellectual Legacy of Michael Oakeshott电子书

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作       者:Abel, Corey

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:94.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This volume brings together a diverse range of perspectives reflecting the international appeal and multi-disciplinary interest that Oakeshott now attracts. The essays offer a variety of approaches to Oakeshott's thought - testament to the abiding depth, originality, suggestiveness and complexity of his writings. The essays include contributions from well-known Oakeshott scholars along with ample representation from a new generation. As a collection these essays challenge Oakeshott's reputation as merely a 'critic of social planning'.Contributors include Josiah Lee Auspitz, Debra Candreva, Wendell John Coats Jr., Douglas DenUyl, George Feaver, Paul Franco, Richard Friedman, Timothy Fuller, Robert Grant, Eric S. Kos, Leslie Marsh, Kenneth Minogue, Terry Nardin, Keith Sutherland, Martyn Thompson and Gerhard Wolmarans.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information


Foreword, Timothy Fuller


Body matter

Part I: Oakeshott and the Ancients

1. Oakeshott and Plato: A Philosophical Conversation, Debra Candreva

2. Platonic Themes in Oakeshott’s Modern European State, Eric S. Kos

3. Appropriating Aristotle, Corey Abel

Part II: Oakeshott and the Moderns

4. Spinoza and Oakeshott, Douglas J. Den Uyl

5. Modality and Compossibility, Josiah Lee Auspitz

Archival Note

6. Oakeshott’s Relationship to Hegel, Paul Franco

7. Regimes of Liberty: Michael Oakeshott on Representative Democracy, George Feaver

8. Michael Oakeshott and the Elusive Identity of the Rule of Law, Richard Friedman

Part III: Oakeshott Today

9. Oakeshott: Rationalism Revisited, Kenneth Minogue

10. Oakeshott’s Characterization of ‘Politics’ in an African Context, F. Gerhard Wolmarans

11. Oakeshott’s Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Terry Nardin

12. Constructivism and Relativism in Oakeshott, Leslie Marsh

13. Rationalism in Politics and Cognitive Science, Keith Sutherland

14. Intimations of Poetry in Practical Life, Martyn P. Thompson

15. Oakeshott on the Nature and Place of Aesthetic Experience: A Critique, Robert Grant

16. Michael Oakeshott and the Poetic Character of Human Activity, Wendell John Coats, Jr.

Back matter

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