


Modernization Imperative电子书

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作       者:Charlton, Bruce

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:105.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This book argues that contemporary society in Western democracies is generally misunderstood to be a pyramidal hierarchy dominated either by government or the economy. Neither view is correct.We live in a fundamentally pluralistic society divided into numerous 'modular' social systems each performing different functions; these include politics, public administration, the armed forces, law, economics, religion, education, health and the mass media. Because each is specialized, none of these systems are dominant and there is no overall hierarchy of power. Modernizing societies are therefore structured more like a mosaic than a pyramid.Modernization is the tendency for growth in the adaptive complexity and efficiency of the social systems. Growth in complexity is shaped by selection processes which maintain the functionality of social systems. The best examples are the market economy, science and democratic politics.The process of modernization is both inevitable and, on the whole, desirable: this constitutes the modernization imperative. Therefore, the proper question should not be whether society should modernize, but how.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information


A Note on Systems Theory

Body matter


Chapter 1: Defining Modernization

I. Modern societies

II. Modernization and complexity

III. Social cohesion

IV. Economism

V. ‘Scissors, Rock, Paper’ interdependency

VI. The inevitability of modernization

VII. Politicians and modernization

VIII. The desirability of modernization

IX. The ethos of modernization

Chapter 2: Education and Modernization

I. Economic drives towards educational expansion

II. Political drives towards educational expansion

III. Education in flexible abstraction

IV. Education and social progress

Chapter 3: Politics and Modernization

I. Modernization and democracy

II. Moral modularity

III. Morality and democracy

IV. The priority of process

V. Single-issue politics and morality

Chapter 4: Opposition to Modernization

I. High status intellectuals and modernization

II. Environmentalism against modernization

III. Optimism versus pessimism

IV. Modernization and alienation

V. Modernizing alienation

Chapter 5: The Future of Modernization

Appendix: Systems Theory

I. Where do systems come from?

II. System boundaries

III. Humans as communication units

IV. Advantages of complexity

V. Selection and functionality

VI. System ‘languages’

VII. The power of cognitive specialization

VIII. Rationality and selection

IX. The modernization imperative

Back matter


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