


Michael Oakeshott, the Ancient Greeks, and the Philosophical Study of Politics电子书

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作       者:Kos, Eric Steven

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:125.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This book addresses a question fundamental for Oakeshott throughout his life, which is what we are doing when we read and discuss some memorable work in the history of political thought. The approach the book takes to Oakeshott's response to this question is of particular interest in that it explores in detail extensive notes he made on the beginnings of political philosophy in ancient Greece in an unpublished set of notebooks in which he recorded his thoughts on many different subjects throughout his life. In addition, the book gives contemporary significance to Oakeshott's interpretation of the history of political thought by using it to confront a series of contemporary challenges to the study of the history of political thought and to the study of the 'great books.' In particular, Oakeshott's distinction between 'various kinds or levels of political thought' is carefully analyzed, as is also the extent of his agreement and disagreement with Quentin Skinner. In the concluding chapter, the author relates Oakeshott's view of the nature of the history of political thought to his well-known description of philosophy as 'conversation', describing it as an introduction to that conversation.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information




Body matter

I. Oakeshott and the Project in the Notebooks


The Value of the Notebooks

The Notebooks and Their Use

The Structure of the Argument

II. Oakeshott and the Beginning of the Philosophic Quest

The Genesis of Philosophy and Oakeshott’s Treatment of the Pre-Socratics

Poets and the Necessary Context for Philosophy

The Physiologists’ Search for Systematic Unity

III. The Sophistic Challenge and the Socratic Reply

The Sophists: Nature, Convention and the Abandonment of Philosophy

Socrates and the Supersession of Sensation

The Thinking and Learning Being

IV. Platonic Knowledge and Platonic Conduct

Published Treatment of Plato

Notebook Treatment of Plato

The Ideas and the Good

V. Plato, Oakeshott, and the State

Beginning to Theorize the State

Divergence in Idealism

Plato and the Modern European State

VI. The Study of Politics

Plato’s Reform Politics

Oakeshott’s Study of Politics

Levels and Varieties of Political Reflection

Oakeshott’s and Skinner’s ‘Method’

VII. Conclusion

Back matter


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