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Front matter
Title page
Copyright page
Body matter
1: Progressing Backwards -- The political and social foreground
2: Why There Are Males -- Men are humanity’s essential genetic design and test lab
3: The Real ‘Power’ -- Intra-sex dominance and female privilege
4: Separate Worlds -- The self-segregation of the sexes, and how they compete and affiliate differently
5: Difference Incarnate -- Sex-typical variation -- men’s focus and women’s connectedness
6: Sex in Care -- Men’s poor health stems from the ‘status syndrome’
7: Historical Blindsight -- Uncovering social justice in the past: woman’s perennial privilege
8: The True Sufferers for Suffrage -- Votes not for men
9: Sex at Work -- Why women are not in love with work, yet the pay gap is so small
10: Home Lies -- Violence between partners is not mostly by men
11: Rape: Fact, Fantasy and Fabrication -- The crime that’s ‘worse’ than murder
12: Who’s Exploiting Who? -- Prostitution defrocked
13: Proscribing Male Thought -- Erotica as ‘pornography’
14: Excluding the Family -- The state as the real absent father
Coda: Seeing the Game
Back matter
Other Titles from Imprint Academic and Andrews UK