


Woman Racket电子书

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作       者:Moxon, Steve

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:76.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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His first book, The Great Immigration Scandal (2004), blew the whistle on abuses within the Home Office and led to the resignation of the immigration minister, Beverley Hughes. Although attacked at the time by the government and the 'liberal' media for alarmism, Moxon's analysis has now been adopted by most of the major political parties. Indeed his views on the dangers of multiculturalism were even echoed by the Chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, leading the Evening Standard to claim 'Moxon appears not so much a racist as a visionary'.But immigration was never his primary interest, in fact he joined the Home Office in order to study its HR policy, as part of a decade-long investigation of men-women. This book is the result. Notwithstanding its provocative title, The Woman Racket is a serious scientific investigation into one of the key myths of our age - that women are oppressed by the 'patriarchal' traditions of Western societies. Drawing on the latest developments in evolutionary psychology, Moxon finds that the opposite is true - men, or at least the majority of low-status males - have always been the victims of deep-rooted prejudice. As the prejudice is biologically derived, it is unconscious and can only be uncovered with the tools of scientific psychology.The book reveals this prejudice in fields as diverse as healthcare, employment, family policy and politics: compared to the long and bloody struggle for universal male suffrage, women were given the vote 'in an historical blink of the eye'.

Front matter

Title page

Copyright page



Body matter

1: Progressing Backwards -- The political and social foreground

2: Why There Are Males -- Men are humanity’s essential genetic design and test lab

3: The Real ‘Power’ -- Intra-sex dominance and female privilege

4: Separate Worlds -- The self-segregation of the sexes, and how they compete and affiliate differently

5: Difference Incarnate -- Sex-typical variation -- men’s focus and women’s connectedness

6: Sex in Care -- Men’s poor health stems from the ‘status syndrome’

7: Historical Blindsight -- Uncovering social justice in the past: woman’s perennial privilege

8: The True Sufferers for Suffrage -- Votes not for men

9: Sex at Work -- Why women are not in love with work, yet the pay gap is so small

10: Home Lies -- Violence between partners is not mostly by men

11: Rape: Fact, Fantasy and Fabrication -- The crime that’s ‘worse’ than murder

12: Who’s Exploiting Who? -- Prostitution defrocked

13: Proscribing Male Thought -- Erotica as ‘pornography’

14: Excluding the Family -- The state as the real absent father

Coda: Seeing the Game

Back matter


Other Titles from Imprint Academic and Andrews UK

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