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Front matter
Title page
Copyright page
Curriculum overview
Body matter
Playground Proposal
Teachers’ notes
Playground Proposal
Activity sheet 1: Playground visit
Activity sheet 2: Play equipment
Activity sheet 3: Playground choices
Activity sheet 4: Playground Proposal
Football Crazy
Teachers’ notes
Football Crazy
Activity sheet 1: Where in the world
Activity sheet 2: Flags
Activity sheet 3: Design a T-shirt
Activity sheet 4: Football story
Song Quest
Teachers’ notes
Activity three — Images in your mind
Song Quest
Activity sheet 1: Musical instruments
Activity sheet 2: Compositions
Activity sheet 3: Images in your mind
Activity sheet 4: Song Quest
The Cycle of Life
Teachers’ notes
The Cycle of Life
Activity sheet 1: Faces
Activity sheet 2: The body
Activity sheet 3: Lifecycle of a frog
Activity sheet 4: Lifecycle of a butterfly
Activity sheet 5: Butterfly
In the Garden
Teachers’ notes
In the Garden
Activity sheet 1: How many?
Activity sheet 2: Tally chart
Activity sheet 3: Questions
Activity sheet 4: Growing beans
How Does This Work?
Teachers’ notes
How Does This Work?
Activity sheet 1: In the home
Activity sheet 2: How Does This Work?
Activity sheet 3: Sequencing
Activity sheet 4: Instructions
Back matter
Also available