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Front matter
Title page
Publisher information
Quotation / Dedication
How to use Thinking Skills ICT
Body matter
Produce a story for a specific audience, including artwork.
Produce one or more pieces of pop art and/or graffiti
Use existing works as a means for developing your own creativity
Produce a piece of artwork in the style of a famous artist
Design your own wildlife park or animal / bird sanctuary
Produce a resource to show how your school or local area has changed over the years
Design a healthy menu for a new restaurant / café / fast food outlet
Plan a holiday for different groups of people
Find out about a pet that you would like to own
Investigate the food chain
Choose the job that you would most like to have
Classify animals
Produce a class newspaper
Create the characters and produce the first scene of a new TV soap or drama that can be acted out and filmed if required
Produce materials with a partner
Design an original educational game
Learn about a musical instrument that interests you
Make a short animated film or cartoon
Back matter
Useful websites
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