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Front matter
Title page
Copyright page
Curriculum overview
Body matter
The Pen Friend Diaries - teachers’ notes
The Pen Friend Diaries
Activity sheet 1: Letters
Activity sheet 2: Checklist
Activity sheet 3: Digital Camera
Activity sheet 4: Speech Bubbles
Celebrations - teachers’ notes
Activity sheet 1: Rangoli Patterns
Activity sheet 2: Light and Dark
Activity sheet 3: Good and Evil
Activity sheet 4: Enlightenment
Activity sheet 5: Diwali
Why Do We Remember? - teachers’ notes
Why Do We Remember?
Activity sheet 1: Going on a Visit
Activity sheet 2: Using the Internet
Activity sheet 3: Interviews
Activity sheet 4: Comparisons
Robot Postman - teachers’ notes
Robot Postman
Activity sheet 1: Right and Left
Activity sheet 2: Map
Activity sheet 3: Instructions
Activity sheet 4: Robots Today
Magic Carpet - teachers’ notes
Magic Carpet
Activity sheet 1: Using a Scanner
Activity sheet 2: Seasons
Activity sheet 3: Tree
Activity sheet 4: Storyboard
The Ice Cream Parlour Break-in - teachers’ notes
The Ice Cream Parlour Break-in
Activity sheet 1: Wanted
Activity sheet 2: Questions
Activity sheet 3: Branching Database
Activity sheet 4: Graphs
Back matter
Also available