


Church-going, Going, Gone!电子书

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作       者:Horan, Michael

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:66.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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In Church-going, Going, Gone! Michael Horan argues that although the Christian church in Britain may be in terminal decline, that is not to be equated with a national decline in spiritual values. Most if not all people have some level of awareness of what he calls the 'Other-than-oneself', even though they have rejected, or never accepted, the church's now outdated teaching. Church-going, Going, Gone! is concerned less with teaching than with learning. The book provides atheists, agnostics and believers-in-exile, as well as those who have given little thought to belief, with a framework for collaborating as learners, working toward equality, peace and reconciliation, and dedicated to unselfish and imaginative social action. A new movement of the human spirit is beginning.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information


Preface: Church-going is going

Body matter

Part One

Chapter 1: An invitation to the fulfilment society

Chapter 2: Closing down: Everything must go!

Chapter 3: Opening shortly: A new enterprise

Chapter 4: Learners wanted: Now recruiting

Chapter 5: In place of teaching: Learning to learn

Part Two

Chapter 6: But that I can’t believe

Sketch 1: The gods and God

Sketch 2: Jesus, the man from Galilee

Sketch 3: A young woman shall give birth

Sketch 4: The death of Jesus

Sketch 5: Resurrection

Sketch 6: Ascending to heaven

Sketch 7: Judgment day

Sketch 8: The spirit of the divine

Sketch 9: The church

Sketch 10: Forgiveness

Sketch 11: An afterlife

Part Three

Chapter 7: Social construction

Jottings 1: Children and young people

Jottings 2: Crime

Jottings 3: Disablement

Jottings 4: Ecology and the environment

Jotting 5: Education

Jottings 6: Employment

Jottings 7: Equality of opportunity

Jottings 8: Ethnicity, ‘race’ and immigration

Jottings 9: Family and marriage

Jottings 10: Gender and sexuality

Jottings 11: Health

Jottings 12: Housing and homelessness

Jottings 13: Media

Jottings 14: Old age

Jottings 15: Poverty

Jottings 16: Other concerns

Epilogue: Where to now?

Back matter

Appendix 1: A Supreme Court opinion on ‘religion’

Appendix 2: Developing the effective working group

Appendix 3: A learning review

Appendix 4: A personal check-up: For your eyes only



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