


Sarkozy Phenomenon电子书

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作       者:Hewlett, Nick

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:113.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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After his victory at the Presidential elections in May 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy quickly became both deeply controversial and intriguing. It was clear from the start that his rule was to be the most autocratic since Charles de Gaulle's; Prime Minister, government and parliament found themselves eclipsed by the ever-present, hyperactive President who sought to take many decisions on his own and to implement changes in numerous different domains, but with no obvious overall plan. His sweeping reform programme was inspired by a perceived need for rupture with the past, and bringing former Socialists into government seemed to confirm his insistence on the validity of some left-leaning points of reference as well as those on the right. To many, Sarkozy was both dangerous and unfathomable, like Napoleon. In this short book the author argues that the Sarkozy phenomenon is best explained by principal reference to the notion of Bonapartism, which of course has a long history in French politics. Bonapartism is an exceptional form of political rule which results from an unstable situation and where an authoritarian leader steps in and appeals to the electorate in populist fashion with promises of modernization and progress. But Sarkozy's authoritarian, populist rule is also influenced by the extreme right as well as by more conventional centre-right politics in which Sarkozy worked for many years. Yet Sarkozy is less out of step with trends in other liberal democratic states than it might seem; in other highly industrialized countries also a long-term decline of interest in politics has combined with the emergence of highly personalized, media-driven political leadership. The book is written in a clear, accessible way which assumes little prior acquaintance with French politics or history. Those with little knowledge of French politics will find it rewarding, as will as readers with greater familiarity with the field.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information




Body matter

1. Introduction

2. The Nature of Bonapartism

Bonapartism: Marx and Gramsci

Napoleon III

De Gaulle


3. Achieving Supremacy

An exceptional leader for a failing nation?

Lessons from the past

The party, business and media

Opposition parties

Interpreting the 2007 election results

The extreme right

May 1968

4. The Challenge of the Highest Office

Tactics of the Sarkozy regime

In pursuit of the free economy: work, business and labour relations

The autocrat and the strong state

Municipal, European and regional elections


5. Understanding the Sarkozy Phenomenon

Back matter


Appendix 1. The French Presidential elections of 22 April and 6 May 2007

Appendix 2. The French Parliamentary elections of 10 June and 17 June 2007

Appendix 3. Abstentions in French presidential elections (first round only) 1965–2007

Appendix 4. Distribution of votes between Sarkozy and Royal according to age and profession, Second round, Presidential elections, 2007.

Appendix 5. Public view of President Sarkozy, 2007–2010.

Appendix 6. Public view of French Presidents, 1996–2010

References and Bibliography

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