


Your Brain's Politics电子书

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作       者:Lakoff, George

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:126.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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At first glance, issues like economic inequality, healthcare, climate change, and abortion seem unrelated. However, when thinking and talking about them, people reliably fall into two camps: conservative and liberal. What explains this divide? Why do conservatives and liberals hold the positions they do? And what is the conceptual nature of those who decide elections, commonly called the "e;political middle"e;?The answers are profound. They have to do with how our minds and brains work. Political attitudes are the product of what cognitive scientists call Embodied Cognition - the grounding of abstract thought in everyday world experience. Clashing beliefs about how to run nations largely arise from conflicting beliefs about family life: conservatives endorse a strict father and liberals a nurturant parent model. So-called "e;middle"e; voters are not in the middle at all. They are morally biconceptual, divided between both models, and as a result highly susceptible to moral political persuasion.In this brief introduction, Lakoff and Wehling reveal how cognitive science research has advanced our understanding of political thought and language, forcing us to revise common folk theories about the rational voter.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information


A Note About This Book

Body matter

1. Normal Thought: Reasoning in Metaphors

1.1. The Embodied Mind: Things we don’t know about our reasoning

1.2. Metaphoric Thought is Physical: How metaphors enter our brain

1.3. Metaphoric Thought is Inescapable: Not all arguments can be arguments

1.4. Metaphoric Thought is Unconscious: Our mind’s very private contemplations

1.5. Metaphors Don’t Come Alone: The many different ways to reason about things

1.6. The Cultural Brain: Why humans cannot all think alike

1.7. The Secret Selectors: How metaphors determine what we don’t think

1.8. We Do as We Think: Acting out metaphors

1.9. The Public Brain: Metaphors in political discourse

2. How to Parent a Nation: The Role of Idealized Family Models for Politics

2.1. Dirty Thoughts and Low Blows: Metaphors and morality

2.2. Founding Fathers and Homeland: How we conceptualize nationhood

2.3. As You Deal with Children, So with Citizens You Shall Deal: Parenting and politics

3. Moral Politics Theory: The Strict Father and Nurturant Parent Models

3.1. Governing with a Firm Hand: The Strict Father model and conservatism

3.2. The Strongest Might Not Survive: The misinterpretation of Darwin

3.3. By the Hand of Adam Smith: Moral markets

3.4. Governing with an Empathic Eye: The Nurturant Parent model and progressivism

3.5. The Commonwealth Principle: Moral taxation

3.6. Idealized Reality: Of strict mothers and nurturant fathers

4. Morality, Times Two: How We Acquire and Navigate Two Moral Systems

4.1. The Physiology of Two Concepts: Social dominance and social empathy

4.2. Morality, Times Two: Strict and Nurturant worldview

4.3. Torn By Principle: Biconceptualism

5. Deciding Politics: Why People Vote Values

5.1. The Reagan Phenomenon: How to win against political interests

5.2. Time to Backpedal: The political middle isn’t there

5.3. The End of Rationalism: Why there are no rational voters

5.4. Facts Need Frames: The nonsense of purely factual communication

6. Political Framing: Value Laden Words

6.1. The Brain’s Filter: Frames and facts

6.2. The Dog that was a Man: Frames and perception

6.3. Don’t Try Not to Think: Frames and negation

6.4. The Laden Tax Debate: Conservative taxation frames

6.5. What is it We’re Debating? Issue defining frames

6.6. Values to be Mindful of: Conservative and progressive worldviews

6.7. The Manipulated Brain: Framing versus propaganda

7. “God Bless America”: Religion, Metaphor, and Politics

7.1. “Our Father...”: Metaphors for God

7.2. Moral Religion: How God’s commandments arise from our embodied mind

7.3. Abraham and Isaac: ...and the moral of the story?

7.4. Religious Politics: For whose God’s sake?

7.5. God’s Favorite Children: The necessary objectivism of holy scripts

7.6. To Tolerate or Not to Tolerate? A question of religious values

8. Words with No (Single) Meaning: Communication and Contested Concepts

8.1. Two Lands of the Free: Why we hear what we think

8.2. Empty Words that We Don’t Get: Metaphors for communication

8.3. Embodied Communication: The world in our brains

8.4. The Never-Ending Semantic Battle: Contested concepts

8.5. In the Name of Two Freedoms: Contested concepts and political communication

9. “Once Upon a Time...”: The Fairytale of Objective Journalism

9.1. Objective Reporting: Ideal and reality

9.2. The Custodians of Conceptual Freedom: Conscious journalism

Back matter


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