


Cultural Challenge电子书

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作       者:Andricopoulos, Yannis

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:224.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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A collection of the three volumes by Yannis Andricopoulos on ancient Greek wisdom applied to modern culture and society, including:- Volume 1: In Bed with Madness- Volume 2: The Greek Inheritance- Volume 3: The Future of the PastIn Bed with MadnessGlobalism endowed us with McDonald's, 'the world's local bank', English football teams without English players and an irrepressible desire for more as enough is never good enough - the blanket is always too short. Our personal world as much as our social and political realities seem to have blithely surrendered to the madness of a civilization which views anything from corporate greed and global warming to military adventures and religious fundamentalism as normal as a door banging in the wind. The destructive capabilities of our age have run too far ahead of our wisdom. However, the process is not irreversible if our thinking can postpone its retirement. In Bed with Madness is 'a well-argued, powerful and profound indictment of contemporary culture', stylishly written - a reviewer said he would have bought it just for its humour!The Greek InheritanceThe culture of ancient Greece, a culture of joy, was replaced by the Judaeo-Christian culture of faith and then by the capitalist culture of profit. Yet it is the only culture worth fighting for if we want a world run by humans rather than theocracies, nanotechnologies or private equity funds. Yannis Andricopoulos views the Greek culture as the front line of the battle against individualism, materialism, authoritarianism and religious extremism. In a world turned into the corporations' playground, this is also the battle for human values, civic virtues and an ethical society. The Greek Inheritance traces the conflict between Greek values and those of the repressive, religious or capitalist order throughout the millennia. The book is challenging and well-written with a light, humorous touch.The Future of the PastUniversalism in its old forms has, just like door-to-door milkmen, gone for good. But the search for some universally accepted ethical standards cannot be abandoned - values are not colourless as the wind and odourless as thoughts. Looking into our world from the classical Greek point of view, Yannis Andricopoulos wonders whether we cannot place Justice again at the heart of our morality, look forward to the happiness of the individual rather than the upgrading of his or her consumer fantasies, and endeavour to create, not more wealth, but a just and honourable world. The Future of the Past is written in 'a lively, challenging style guaranteeing to stimulate debate on the most pressing issues of our time'.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information

About the Author

The Cultural Challenge

In Bed with Madness

Part I: ‘M’ for Madness

Part I: The Culture

1. To Be is to Need

2. Even Eternity is Too Short

3. The Royal Road to Somebodiness

4. Everyone But an Idiot

5. Anything Goes

6. The Word ‘Mother’ Remains

7. A Knickers’ Morality

8. Rich in Zeroes

Part II: The System

1. The Teasing of Vesuvius

2. A Fairy Tale

3. Ferocious Beasts

4. A Cultural Bulldozer

5. The Voiceless Majority

6. In Nemesis Avenue

Part III: The Challenge

1. Unlessened by Time

The Greek Inheritance

Part I: The Culture of Joy

1. The Amorous Gods of Greece

2. Divine in Itself

3. Awe-inspiring Abstractions

4. A Primordial Perception

5. Dreaming Innocence

6. Noblest is the Justest

7. A Semantic Field

8. Nothing in Excess

9. Her Lean, Boyish Body

10. Like a Tuned String

11. A Culture of Honour

12. The Science of Beauty

13. Man’s, Well, Free!

14. A High-Trust Society

15. Freedom from Necessity

16. A Seditious Culture

Part II: Faith and Profits

1. As Elusive as the Holy Grail

2. Maundering in Time

3. A Theology of the Heart

4. The End of Wisdom

5. The Old Giant

6. The Age of ‘Reason’

7. A Life-destroying Culture

The Future of the Past

Part I: Back to the Greeks

Part II: Absent Certainties

1. Weight or Lightness?

2. A View From Nowhere

3. Elusive But Extant

4. Battle For Your Own Sake

Part II: Looking Inwards

1. From Postmodern to Postmortem

Part III: The Spring Depends on Us

1. An Unnameable Essence

2. Contradictions Are Our Hope

3. The Unfinished Business

4. The Unsubmissive

5. Good, But Not Good Enough

6. Beyond the Price of Sausages

7. The Market or the Citizens

8. Virtue and Guts

9. An Ethical Holism

10. Some ‘Normal’ Assumptions

11. Perfect in its Vagueness

12. The ‘Right Thing’

Part V: Epilogue

The Education of Desire

Back Matter

Also from Imprint Academic

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