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Front matter
Title page
Publisher information
About Authors
Editorial Introduction
Body matter
Illusionism as a Theory of Consciousness
Illusionism’s Discontent
Delusions of Consciousness
Illusionism as the Obvious Default Theory of Consciousness
Illusionism and Givenness
Is Realism about Consciousness Compatible with a Scientifically Respectable Worldview?
Consciousness Engineered
Redder than Red: Illusionism or Phenomenal Surrealism?
The Hardest Aspect of the Illusion Problem - and How to Solve it
Meta-Illusionism and Qualia Quietism
A Split-Brain Perspective on Illusionism
The Illusion of Illusionism
Illusionism and Anti-Functionalism about Phenomenal Consciousness
Against Illusionism
Taking Consciousness Seriously - as an Illusion
Illusionism and the Epistemological Problems Facing Phenomenal Realism
Phenomenal Consciousness, Defined and Defended as Innocently as I Can Manage
What is at Stake in Illusionism?
Not Disillusioned: Reply to Commentators
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