


Catholic Schools in a Plural Society电子书

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作       者:Morris, Andrew B.

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:127.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This book comprises a selection of articles published, mainly, in peer reviewed academic journals, supplemented by a smaller number of essays and documents prepared for policy makers within the Catholic educational sector.The chosen texts have been re-printed almost entirely as originally published except for the correction of certain typographical errors, some minor changes in punctuation and some editing to avoid unnecessary duplication, for example, historical background, or reviews of literature.The published articles, essays and briefing papers included this book represent much of the authors contribution to the study of Catholic sector maintained schooling over the last twenty years during which he has been a teacher, headteacher, educational administrator and, latterly, an academic.

Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information



Dr. Andrew B. Morris



Catholic Schools in a Plural Society

Section 1

Exploring Notions of Diversity in School Provision

By Their Fruits You Will Know Them: Distinctive Features of Catholic Education

Schools in the Secular Firing Line

Catholic Schools: Dilemmas, Difficulties and School Admissions

Section 2

A Brief Review of Research pre-1995: The Effectiveness of Catholic Schools

The Academic Performance of Catholic Schools

Academic Standards in Catholic Schools in England: Indications of Causality

Section 3: Empirical Data - Part 1

Catholic and other secondary schools: An analysis of Ofsted inspection reports 1993-95

Patterns of Performance of Catholic Schools in England 1993-1998

So Far, So Good: Levels of Academic Achievement in Catholic Schools

The Catholic School Ethos: Its Effect on Post-16 Student Academic Achievement

Post-16 Value Added Data in a Catholic School 1992-99

Post-16 Pupil Performance in Catholic Secondary Schools in England 1996 - 2001

A Statistical Survey of Attainment in Catholic Schools in England

Contextualising Catholic School Performance in England

Section 3: Empirical Data - Part 2

Explaining High Attainment in Faith Schools

Diversity, Deprivation and the Common Good: Pupil Attainment in Catholic Schools in England

Possible School Effects on the Academic Outcomes of Disadvantaged Pupils Attending Maintained Schools in England

Bridging Worlds: Ethnic Minority Pupils in Catholic Schools in England

Parents, Pupils and their Catholic Schools - Evidence from School Inspections in England 2000-2005

The Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development of Pupils in Catholic Schools in England

Promoting Community Cohesion in England

Section 3: Empirical Data - Part 3

Same Mission; Same Methods; Same Results? Academic and Religious Outcomes from Different Models of Catholic School

What Motivates Newly Qualified Teachers to Work in the Catholic Sector?

Leadership, Management and Pupils’ Academic Attainment: Reviewing the Association Within the Catholic Sector 1993-2007

Charismatic Leadership and its After-Effects in a Catholic School

Section 4

Private Finance Initiative Pathfinder Projects

Meeting the Challenge

New Catholic Schools

Catholic Schools: Contemporary Challenges

Public Policy & Catholic Education: Briefing Notes

Response to […] Local Authority Consultation Document on Changes to an Existing Home to School Transport Policy

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