


Staff Nurse Survival Guide电子书

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作       者:Fowler, John

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:197.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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This handy second edition uses the same easy to read question and answer format as the first, containing over 80 questions and answers from 19 different specialists. It is divided into five chapters and covers topics such as:- Dealing with complaints, Mental health, Clinical supervision, Dealing with aggression and bereavement, Central venous pressure monitoring, Mentoring a student


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information

Introduction to the 1st Edition

Introduction to the 2nd Edition


Survival Guide

Chapter 1

How do I deal with difficult questions?

How do I deal with complaints?

How do I deal with aggressive patients or relatives?

What is involved in incident reporting?

What are my responsibilities in reporting malpractice?

What can I do about bullying within the organisation?

What do I do if a patient wants to self-discharge?

How do I deal with healthcare associated infections?


Chapter 2

How can I recognise an acutely ill patient?

What do I need to know about cardiorespiratory arrest?

How do I carry out basic life support?

What are the principles of preparing patients for tests and investigations?

What is a syringe driver?

How do I monitor central venous pressure?

What do I need to know about wound dressings?

What does an aseptic technique involve?

What is involved in catheterisation and catheter care?

How can I promote continence?

What do I need to know about pressure areas?

How do I help my patients meet their nutritional needs?

What are the principles of caring for patients with wound drains?

How do I look after a nasogastric or gastric tube?

What is the nursing management of intravenous therapy?


Chapter 3

How do I talk with patients, relatives and carers?

How do I contact relatives/carers following a death?

What if I am involved in caring for a terminally ill child?

How do I care for the patient’s body after death?

How do I manage pain in palliative care?

What are the causes of pain in advanced cancer?

What is the analgesic three-step ladder?

How do I manage nausea and vomiting in palliative care?

How do I manage intestinal obstruction in palliative care?

How do I manage constipation in palliative care?

How do I manage dyspnoea in palliative care?

How do I manage mouth problems in palliative care?

How do I manage the psychological care of terminally ill patients?


Chapter 4

What is the nurse’s role in drug administration?

What legislation governs medications and are there other national documents that guide us in this practice?

How do drugs work?

What are the principles of safe practice for giving medication?

What do I need to know about drug calculations?

What are the routes of drug administration?

What are the ethical issues in drug administration?

How can I avoid drug errors?

What are the alternative and new initiatives in drug administration?


Chapter 5

How do I adjust to becoming a staff nurse?

How do I work with others and become part of the team?

How do I manage my time?

How do I get to grips with working unsocial hours?

What should I expect from clinical supervision?

How do I deal with experienced healthcare assistants?

What am I meant to do on a ward round?

What do I need to know about the research process?

How can we begin to evaluate practice?

What issues are involved in obtaining consent?

What is involved in professional development?

How can I develop my professional practice?

What sort of post-registration course should I do?

What are CAT points and APAs?

What is involved in reflective practice?

How do I prepare for an interview?

What is the role of the mentor?

What is involved in teaching a student?

What is involved in assessing a student?

What are my roles and responsibilities regarding the Mental Health Act?

How do I refer patients to the community services?

How do I refer patients to the multidisciplinary team?

What are my rights and responsibilities regarding risk management?

What do I need to know about clinical governance?


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