


Ireland, A Very Peculiar History电子书

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作       者:Pipe, Jim

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:148.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Great Britain can be accused of many things; a proliferation of queuing, a fondness of the demon drink; but it's not without more than its fair share of important historical and modern people. 'Great Britons: A Very Peculiar History' looks at a myriad brillliant Britons and their influence on the world. The book features a short potted history of each person, detailing their acheivements, personalities and lifestyles in a quirky and memorable way. From kings and queens, pirates and politicians, actors and directors to sportsmen, explorers, scientists and inventors, 'Great Britons: A Very Peculiar History' celebrates the men and women who have shaped Great Britain and made it what it is today.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information




Ten things to thank the Irish For

Putting Ireland on the Map

Some very peculiar Facts

CHAPTER ONE: Ireland emerges from the mist:

The first Irish rovers

Settling down

Loot on legs

Riddle of the tombs

The tomb-spotter’s guide

The Bronze Age

The mysterious Celts


Swirls and stories

How to spot a Celt

Four heroes...

The shrieking stone

Saints and snakes

A real charmer?

Celtic gods and goddesses

Spreading the word

The first books

All for a good cause

CHAPTER TWO: Invasion!

The round towers

The first Irish towns

The little people

Seven of the worst

The Norman conquest

The Emerald Isle

The castle builders

10 things animal lovers would rather not know about Ireland!

All in a name

The Gaels fight back

Tying the knot

The Ice Age returns

Too Irish by half

Chancing your arm

CHAPTER THREE: The English take charge

Death by poetry


Are you dancing?

Spuds and spanish galleons

Irish wisdom

Top 10 traditional Irish dishes

The Flight of the Earls

The harp

The original blarney

To hell or Connacht

Battle of the Boyne

The bogeyman

The marching season

CHAPTER FOUR: Catholics vs. Protestants

Irish superstitions

The black stuff

‘Patriots’ and rebels

Secret societies

Ten bloody battles to remember...

A sticky end

The Great Hunger

Famine horrors

Irish travellers

Fenians, the ‘land war’ and Home Rule

Traditional music

Irish words


CHAPTER FIVE: A nation reborn

A hot drop

The First World War

Gaelic games

The Easter Rising

Irish wit

Wild women of Ireland

The War of Independence

Bonfire night

Civil war

The bloody hand

CHAPTER SIX: One island, two states

Building a nation

Holy control

A thoroughly modern Ireland

The Blueshirts

Neutral but poor

Irish generosity

Ireland rocks the world

The Troubles

Nelson loses his head

The peace process

Recipe for crubeens (Pigs’ feet)

The Celtic tiger

Celtic Names

Timeline of Irish History

End matter

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