


Using Stories to Teach Maths Ages 7 to 9电子书

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作       者:Way, Steve

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:58.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Make the teaching of Maths a more exciting and creative cross-curricular experience! This innovative series provides original and fun stories, sketches and poems to use as the basis for teaching objectives from the Mathematics Programme of Study. The stories are supported by differentiated lesson plans and original resources such as card games and suggestions for kinaesthetic activities.Ages 7-9 stories include: Round up Rebellion, Dodgy Divisions, Decimal Dilemma, Right Angle Tangle, The Unsquare Square, Mad Measures, One Out of Two People, Time Table Poems, Metric v Imperial Poem. The stories have been road-tested in schools and the children thoroughly enjoyed them!

Front matter

Title page

Copyright page


Body matter

Round up Rebellion

Round up Rebellion

Dodgy Divisions

Dodgy Divisions

Guitar Gnoffs

Here go the Guitar Gnoffs

Decimal Dilemma

Decimal Dilemma

Shape Pieces and Poems

Shape up your 2D shapes!

Love Quadrilateral

The Unsquare Square

Right Angle Tangle

Right Angle Tangle

Mad Measures

Mad measures

One Out of Two People

“Equivalent fractions” card game

One Out of Two People

Contradictory Comparative Commentaries

Contradictory Comparative Commentaries

Galaxy for Sale

Chapter 1: Comparisons and mixed numbers

Greater or Less Game

Chapter 2: Inverses and 2D shapes

“Inverses” card game

Chapter 3: Comparing fractions and large numbers

Chapter 4: 3D shapes

Galaxy for sale

Seven Times Table in Verse

Times table dance

Seven Times Table in Verse

Eight Times Table Rhyme

Imperial v. Metric Poem

Imperial v. Metric Poem

Back matter

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