


Black Oxford电子书

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作       者:Roberts, Pamela

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:65.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Oxford University has attracted and produced many of the world's most original thinkers over the centuries. It boasts heads of states, academics, writers, actors, scientists, philosophers and many other luminaries among its alumni. On any tour of the University and colleges famous ex-students Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Margaret Thatcher to name a few are often mentioned but what about its Black scholars? The University has a long but little known history of attracting Black scholars from Africa, the Caribbean, America and even Australia since the matriculation in 1873 of Christian Fredrick Cole, who became the first African to practise in an English court. He was followed by other outstanding personalities: Alain Locke, the Father of the Harlem Renaissance and the first Black scholar to be awarded a Rhodes Scholarship in 1907; Kofoworola Moore, the first African woman to graduate from the University in 1935; Eric Williams, the great historian of the Caribbean, who was elected Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. Oxford s Black alumni include statesmen, lawyers and teachers. More recently, Oxford-educated African American women have risen to high office in the United States. Students from all parts of Africa, the Caribbean and the Commonwealth have made significant contributions and left lasting legacies in the fields of politics, literature, science and the arts. Uncovering the stories of prominent and lesser-known Black students at Oxford, Pamela Roberts reveals a hitherto undocumented strand in the University's history and its relationship with the wider world.

Front matter

Title page

Publisher information

Author’s Preface



Body matter

Oxford Pioneers

Christian Frederick Cole, 1852–85

Lady Kofoworola Abeni Ademola, 1913–2002

George Frederick Hall, 1891–1972

Alain Leroy Locke, 1885–1954

James Arthur Harley, 1873–1943

Female Rhodes Scholars

Carla Peterman, 1968-present

Dr Susan Rice, 1964-present

Karen Leslie Stevenson, 1956-present

Prime Ministers and Presidents

Eric Williams, 1911–81

Sir Grantley Adams, 1898–1971

Tom Adams, 1931–85

Norman Manley, 1893–1969

Sir Seretse Khama, 1921–80

Kofi Abrefa Busia, 1913–78

Legal Eagles

Edward T. Nelson, 1874–1940

Pixley Ka Isaka Seme, 1881–1951

Sir Samuel Forster, 1873–1933 and Wilfred Davidson Carrol, 1900–41


Ralston Milton (Rex) Nettleford, 1933–2010

Florence Mahoney, 1929-present

Loyiso Nongxa, 1954-present

Professor Stuart Hall, 1932-present

Creativity and Literature

Lushington Wendell Bruce-James 1891–1968 (Known as Bruce Wendell)

David Upshal, 1967-present

Abena Pokua Adompim Busia, 1953-present

Caryl Phillips, 1958-present

Other Notable Graduates

Back matter

Further Reading


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