


Destination is in Sight电子书

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作       者:Coghlan, Patrick

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:133.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The Destination is in Sight speaks about a Christianity that engages with everyday life, demands a response now, is filled with challenge, urgency and the demand for action, gives meaning and purpose to today, and hope and promise for tomorrow.The Destination is in Sight is written for those who are searching, those who have become disillusioned by Christianity as they see it, and those who need an injection of encouragement, purpose and challenge to their walk of faith.The Destination is in Sight is about making a personal, spiritual journey into understanding more about the nature of the Kingdom, learning more about Kingdom living and sensing a feeling of urgency to help lead others into the Kingdom - with a particular reference to the end times. As well as prayerfully seeking (and allowing) the Holy Spirit to shape our lifestyles accordingly. The Destination is in Sight looks at a selection of John's writings: the 'I am' passages of Jesus (recorded in John's Gospel); passages from John's letters; the letters to the seven Churches in the Book of Revelation and a selection of other passages from the Book of Revelation. It is good to note that Revelation 1:3 promises blessing to those of us who study the book of Revelation and endeavour to apply it to our lives. The Destination is in Sight is not a commentary on John's Gospel, John's letters or the Book of Revelation; neither is it a theological debate. But it is a user friendly, personal resource, encouraging the reader to seek what God is saying to them about the Kingdom and what relevance it has to their life today, whilst awaiting its ultimate fulfilment. The Destination is in Sight links in a variety of other relevant passages of scripture, as it endeavours to encourage the reader's individual journey in an 'easy to read', and sometimes light hearted style, but also challenging, affirming and scripturally based.The Destination is in Sight has been written by a middle aged Baptist Minister, counsellor and author who decided to try a local running club, but realised that walking energetically was more suited to him - his inspiration for this book (well, some of it!)


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information


About the Author


The challenge of the Kingdom

The Destination is in Sight: A Companion for the Journey

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

The Destination is in Sight: Making a Start

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

The Destination is in Sight: Focussed on the Journey

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

The Destination is in Sight: Equipped for the Journey

Chapter 18

The Destination is in Sight: Endurance and Perseverance on the Journey

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

The Destination is in Sight: Finishing the Journey

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

The Destination is in Sight: Reaching the Destination

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Back Matter

Also Available

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