



售       价:¥

85人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:王旭东

出  版  社:南京大学出版社


字       数:3303

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



  • 读书简介
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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
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Lesson 1 Traveling

1.1 Tina and Mary are talking about travel

1.2 Words

1.3 Sentences

1.4 Listening

1.5 Grammar Tips:数词

1.6 Reading Comprehension

1.7 Translation-English into Chinese

1.8 Oral English

Lesson 2 Traveling

2.1 Ben talked about his trip to Nanchang with Shawn

2.2 One day Ally and Suzy were discussing where to spend the holiday

2.3 Words

2.4 Sentences

2.5 Listening

2.6 Grammar Tips;介词

2.7 Reading Comprehension

2.8 Writing

2.9 Oral English

Lesson 3 Traveling

3.1 Justin was talking about his travel with Nelly in his family

3.2 Words

3.3 Sentences

3.4 Listening

3.5 Grammar Tips:固定搭配

3.6 Reading Comprehension

3.7 Translation-English into Chinese

3.8 Oral English

Lesson 4 Housing

4.1 Barbara wants to rent an apartment and she is phoning about it

4.2 Code is cooking at an apartment

4.3 Words

4.4 Sentences

4.5 Listening

4.6 Grammar Tips:连词

4.7 Reading Comprehension

4.8 Writing

4.9 Oral English

Lesson 5 Housing

5.1 Andrew is phoning about the flat she wants to rent

5.2 Words

5.3 Sentences

5.4 listening

5.5 Grammar Exercise

5.6 Reading Comprehension

5.7 Translation-English into Chinese

5.8 Oral English

Lesson 6 Advice and Suggestions

6.1 Zhao is asking Mr.Smith to give some advice on the plan of developing new products

6.2 Wu Dong is asking for some advice about job interview from M.Zhang

6.3 Words

6.4 Sentences

6.5 listening

6.6 Grammar Tips:实义动词

6.7 Reading Comprehension

6.8 Writing

6.9 Oral English

Lesson 7 Advice and Suggestions

7.1 Mary and Tina are talking about English learning

7.2 Words

7.3 Sentences

7.4 Listening

7.5 Grammar Tips:系动词I—be动词

7.6 Reading Comprehension

7.7 Translation-English into Chinese

7.8 Oral English

Lesson 8 Study

8.1 Whillie didn't go straight from school to college.Zhang is asking him why he did so

8.2 Vickey is asking his teacher where he can find some information for this paper

8.3 Words

8.4 Sentences

8.5 Listening

8.6 Grammar Tips:系动词Ⅱ——感官动词

8.7 Reading Comprehension

8.8 Writing

8.9 Oral English

Lesson 9 Study

9.1 Jane wants to buy an English dictionary,and she is asking forsome information about it

9.2 Words

9.3 Sentences

9.4 Listening

9.5 Grammar exercises

9.6 Reading Comprehension

9.7 Translation-English into Chinese

9.8 Oral English

Lesson 10 Study

10.1 John wants to go for further study.He is asking his professor for some advice

10.2 Larry looks unhappy,Carol is asking her what happenedto her

10.3 Words

10.4 Sentences

10.5 Listening

10.6 Grammar Tips:情态动词1

10.7 Reading Comprehension

10.8 Writing

10.9 Oral English

Lesson 11 Hobbies

11.1 Some students are taking about their interests and hobbies

11.2 Words

11.3 Sentences

11.4 Listening

11.5 Grammar Tips:情态动词2

11.6 Reading Comprehension

11.7 TranslationEnglish into Chinese

11.8 Oral English

Lesson 12 Study

12.1 Sally is talking to Jack about one of her hobbies-go fishing

12.2 Samuel and Alex are talking about their favorite sports

12.3 Words

12.4 Sentences

12.5 Listening

12.6 Grammar Tips:简单句I

12.7 Reading Comprehension

12.8 Writing

12.9 Oral English

Lesson 13 eather

13.1 Both Jane and Didi are in Beijing now.They are talking about the weather in Beijing

13.2 Words

13.3 Sentences

13.4 Listening

13.5 Grammar Tips:简单句Ⅱ

13.6 Reading Comprehension

13.7 Translation-English into Chinese

13.8 Oral English

Lesson 14 Weather

14.1 A hurricane is coming.Karen and Bob are talking about the preparations about the hurricane

14.2 Sandy and Kyle are talking about the weather

14.3 Words

14.4 Sentences

14.5 istening

14.5 Grammar Exercise

14.6 Reading Comprehension

14.7 Writing

14.8 Oral English

Lesson 15 Diet and Heath

15.1 Dane wants to watch TV.He is talking about it with Eileen

15.2 Words

15.3 Sentences

15.4 listening

15.5 Grammar Tips:一般现在时I

15.6 Reading Comprehension

15.7 Translation-English into Chinese

15.8 Oral English

Lesson 16 Transportation

16.1 Helen is asking how to get to Jingshan Park and she is interested in the city tour

16.2 Anne and Benny are discussing when they will be leaving for France

16.3 Words

16.4 Sentences

16.5 Listening

16.6 Grammar Tips:一般现在时Ⅱ

16.7 Reading Comprehension

16.8 Writing

16.9 Oral English

Lesson 17 Diet and Health

17.1 Rechel is ill.Her mother takes her to see the doctor

17.2 Words

17.3 Sentences

17.4 Listening

17.5 Grammar Exercise

17.6 Reading Comprehension

17.7 Translation-English into Chinese

17.8 Oral English

Lesson 18 Diet and Health

18.1 Emma's father's cholesterol is too high

18.2 Cristina wants to lose weight.He is talking with Will about it

18.3 Words

18.4 Sentences

18.5 Listening

18.6 Grammar Tips:一般过去时I

18.7 Reading Comprehension

18.8 Writing

18.9 Oral English

Lesson 19 Transportation

19.1 George is taking a taxi back to school and he is talking to the driver

19.2 Words

19.3 Sentences

19.4 Listening

19.5 Grammar Tips:一般过去时Ⅱ

19.6 Reading Comprehension

19.7 Translation-English into Chinese

19.8 Oral English

Lesson 20 Diet and Health

20.1 Ally wants to balance his diet and is talking about it with Will

20.2 Kevin is a vegetarian.He is talking about his diet with Zoey

20.3 Words

20.4 Sentences

20.5 Listening

20.6 Grammar Exercise

20.7 Reading Comprehension

20.8 Writing

20.9 Oral English

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