


Numerical Computing with Python电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Pratap Dangeti

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:67.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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Understand, explore, and effectively present data using the powerful data visualization techniques of Python Key Features *Use the power of Pandas and Matplotlib to easily solve data mining issues *Understand the basics of statistics to build powerful predictive data models *Grasp data mining concepts with helpful use-cases and examples Book Description Data mining, or parsing the data to extract useful insights, is a niche skill that can transform your career as a data scientist Python is a flexible programming language that is equipped with a strong suite of libraries and toolkits, and gives you the perfect platform to sift through your data and mine the insights you seek. This Learning Path is designed to familiarize you with the Python libraries and the underlying statistics that you need to get comfortable with data mining. You will learn how to use Pandas, Python's popular library to analyze different kinds of data, and leverage the power of Matplotlib to generate appealing and impressive visualizations for the insights you have derived. You will also explore different machine learning techniques and statistics that enable you to build powerful predictive models. By the end of this Learning Path, you will have the perfect foundation to take your data mining skills to the next level and set yourself on the path to become a sought-after data science professional. This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products: *Statistics for Machine Learning by Pratap Dangeti *Matplotlib 2.x By Example by Allen Yu, Claire Chung, Aldrin Yim *Pandas Cookbook by Theodore Petrou What you will learn *Understand the statistical fundamentals to build data models *Split data into independent groups *Apply aggregations and transformations to each group *Create impressive data visualizations *Prepare your data and design models *Clean up data to ease data analysis and visualization *Create insightful visualizations with Matplotlib and Seaborn *Customize the model to suit your own predictive goals Who this book is for If you want to learn how to use the many libraries of Python to extract impactful information from your data and present it as engaging visuals, then this is the ideal Learning Path for you. Some basic knowledge of Python is enough to get started with this Learning Path.

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Numerical Computing with Python


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Journey from Statistics to Machine Learning

Statistical terminology for model building and validation

Machine learning

Statistical fundamentals and terminology for model building and validation

Bias versus variance trade-off

Train and test data


Tree-Based Machine Learning Models

Introducing decision tree classifiers

Terminology used in decision trees

Decision tree working methodology from first principles

Comparison between logistic regression and decision trees

Comparison of error components across various styles of models

Remedial actions to push the model towards the ideal region

HR attrition data example

Decision tree classifier

Tuning class weights in decision tree classifier

Bagging classifier

Random forest classifier

Random forest classifier - grid search

AdaBoost classifier

Gradient boosting classifier

Comparison between AdaBoosting versus gradient boosting

Extreme gradient boosting - XGBoost classifier

Ensemble of ensembles - model stacking

Ensemble of ensembles with different types of classifiers

Ensemble of ensembles with bootstrap samples using a single type of classifier


K-Nearest Neighbors and Naive Bayes

K-nearest neighbors

KNN voter example

Curse of dimensionality

Curse of dimensionality with 1D, 2D, and 3D example

KNN classifier with breast cancer Wisconsin data example

Tuning of k-value in KNN classifier

Naive Bayes

Probability fundamentals

Joint probability

Understanding Bayes theorem with conditional probability

Naive Bayes classification

Laplace estimator

Naive Bayes SMS spam classification example


Unsupervised Learning

K-means clustering

K-means working methodology from first principles

Optimal number of clusters and cluster evaluation

The elbow method

K-means clustering with the iris data example

Principal Component Analysis - PCA

PCA working methodology from first principles

PCA applied on handwritten digits using scikit-learn

Singular value decomposition - SVD

SVD applied on handwritten digits using scikit-learn

Deep auto encoders

Model building technique using encoder-decoder architecture

Deep auto encoders applied on handwritten digits using Keras


Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning basics

Category 1 - value based

Category 2 - policy based

Category 3 - actor-critic

Category 4 - model-free

Category 5 - model-based

Fundamental categories in sequential decision making

Markov decision processes and Bellman equations

Dynamic programming

Algorithms to compute optimal policy using dynamic programming

Grid world example using value and policy iteration algorithms with basic Python

Monte Carlo methods

Monte Carlo prediction

The suitability of Monte Carlo prediction on grid-world problems

Modeling Blackjack example of Monte Carlo methods using Python

Temporal difference learning

TD prediction

Driving office example for TD learning

SARSA on-policy TD control

Q-learning - off-policy TD control

Cliff walking example of on-policy and off-policy of TD control

Further reading


Hello Plotting World!

Hello Matplotlib!

What is Matplotlib?

What's new in Matplotlib 2.0?

Changes to the default style

Color cycle


Scatter plot


Line style

Patch edges and color


Improved functionality or performance

Improved color conversion API and RGBA support

Improved image support

Faster text rendering

Change in the default animation codec

Changes in settings

New configuration parameters (rcParams)

Style parameter blacklist

Change in Axes property keywords

Plotting our first graph

Loading data for plotting

Data structures


Numpy array

pandas dataframe

Loading data from files

The basic Python way

The Numpy way

The pandas way

Importing the Matplotlib pyplot module

Plotting a curve

Viewing the figure

Saving the figure

Setting the output format

PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

PDF (Portable Document Format)

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

Post (Postscript)

Adjusting the resolution


Visualizing Online Data

Typical API data formats




Introducing pandas

Importing online population data in the CSV format

Importing online financial data in the JSON format

Visualizing the trend of data

Area chart and stacked area chart

Introducing Seaborn

Visualizing univariate distribution

Bar chart in Seaborn

Histogram and distribution fitting in Seaborn

Visualizing a bivariate distribution

Scatter plot in Seaborn

Visualizing categorical data

Categorical scatter plot

Strip plot and swarm plot

Box plot and violin plot

Controlling Seaborn figure aesthetics

Preset themes

Removing spines from the figure

Changing the size of the figure

Fine-tuning the style of the figure

More about colors

Color scheme and color palettes


Visualizing Multivariate Data

Getting End-of-Day (EOD) stock data from Quandl

Grouping the companies by industry

Converting the date to a supported format

Getting the percentage change of the closing price

Two-dimensional faceted plots

Factor plot in Seaborn

Faceted grid in Seaborn

Pair plot in Seaborn

Other two-dimensional multivariate plots

Heatmap in Seaborn

Candlestick plot in matplotlib.finance

Visualizing various stock market indicators

Building a comprehensive stock chart

Three-dimensional (3D) plots

3D scatter plot

3D bar chart

Caveats of Matplotlib 3D


Adding Interactivity and Animating Plots

Scraping information from websites

Non-interactive backends

Interactive backends

Tkinter-based backend

Interactive backend for Jupyter Notebook

Plot.ly-based backend

Creating animated plots

Installation of FFmpeg

Creating animations


Selecting Subsets of Data

Selecting Series data

Getting ready

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See also

Selecting DataFrame rows

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Selecting DataFrame rows and columns simultaneously

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Selecting data with both integers and labels

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Speeding up scalar selection

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Slicing rows lazily

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Slicing lexicographically

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Boolean Indexing

Calculating boolean statistics

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Constructing multiple boolean conditions

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Filtering with boolean indexing

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Replicating boolean indexing with index selection

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Selecting with unique and sorted indexes

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Gaining perspective on stock prices

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Translating SQL WHERE clauses

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Determining the normality of stock market returns

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Improving readability of boolean indexing with the query method

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Preserving Series with the where method

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Masking DataFrame rows

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Selecting with booleans, integer location, and labels

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Index Alignment

Examining the Index object

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Producing Cartesian products

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Exploding indexes

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Filling values with unequal indexes

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Appending columns from different DataFrames

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Highlighting the maximum value from each column

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See also

Replicating idxmax with method chaining

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Finding the most common maximum

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Grouping for Aggregation, Filtration, and Transformation

Defining an aggregation

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See also

Grouping and aggregating with multiple columns and functions

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Removing the MultiIndex after grouping

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Customizing an aggregation function

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Customizing aggregating functions with *args and **kwargs

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See also

Examining the groupby object

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Filtering for states with a minority majority

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Transforming through a weight loss bet

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Calculating weighted mean SAT scores per state with apply

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Grouping by continuous variables

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See also

Counting the total number of flights between cities

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Finding the longest streak of on-time flights

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Restructuring Data into a Tidy Form

Tidying variable values as column names with stack

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Tidying variable values as column names with melt

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Stacking multiple groups of variables simultaneously

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Inverting stacked data

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Unstacking after a groupby aggregation

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Replicating pivot_table with a groupby aggregation

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Renaming axis levels for easy reshaping

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Tidying when multiple variables are stored as column names

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Tidying when multiple variables are stored as column values

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Tidying when two or more values are stored in the same cell

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Tidying when variables are stored in column names and values

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Tidying when multiple observational units are stored in the same table

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See also

Combining Pandas Objects

Appending new rows to DataFrames

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Concatenating multiple DataFrames together

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Comparing President Trump's and Obama's approval ratings

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See also

Understanding the differences between concat, join, and merge

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See also

Connecting to SQL databases

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