


Hands-On IoT Solutions with Blockchain电子书

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作       者:Maximiliano Santos

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:19.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Integrate an end-to-end logistic chain using IBM Blockchain and IoT platforms Key Features *Explore practical implementation of ledger technology in the IoT architecture *Study security best practices for your smart devices *Understand Blockchain implementation for end-to-end IoT solutions Book Description Blockchain has been the hot topic of late thanks to cryptocurrencies. To make matters more interesting, the financial market is looking for ways to reduce operational costs and generate new business models, and this is where blockchain solutions come into the picture. In addition to this, with Internet of Things (IoT) trending and Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and other devices flooding the market, you can now create cheap devices even at home. Hands-On IoT Solutions with Blockchain starts with an overview of IoT concepts in the current business scenario. It then helps you develop your own device on the IBM Watson IoT platform and create your fi rst IoT solution using Watson and Intel Edison.Once you are familiar with IoT, you will learn about Blockchain technology and its use cases. You will also work with the Hyperledger framework and develop your own Blockchain network. As you progress through the chapters, you'll work with problem statements and learn how to design your solution architecture so that you can create your own integrated Blockchain and IoT solution. The next set of chapters will explain how to implement end-to-end Blockchain solutions with IoT using the IBM Cloud platform. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the convergence of IoT and Blockchain technology and exploited the best practices and drivers to develop a bulletproof integrated solution. What you will learn *Understand the key roles of IoT in the current market *Study the different aspects of IBM Watson IoT platform *Create devices, gateways, and applications connected to the platform *Explore the fundamentals of Blockchain *Define good use cases for Blockchain *Discover the Hyperledger Fabric and Composer frameworks *Develop an IBM Watson IoT application using a Intel Edison *Integrate IoT with the Blockchain platform Who this book is for Hands-On IoT Solutions with Blockchain is for you if you are an Internet of Things (IoT) analyst, architect, engineer, or any stakeholder responsible for security mechanisms on an IoT infrastructure. This book is also for IT professionals who want to start developing solutions using Blockchain and IoT on the IBM Cloud platform. Basic understanding of IoT will assist you in understanding key concepts covered in the book.

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Hands-On IoT Solutions with Blockchain

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Understanding IoT and Developing Devices on the IBM Watson IoT Platform

What is IoT?

Common business use cases of IoT

Connected car

Connected persons

Technical elements in IoT


Edge computing


Wireless (Wi-Fi) or cabled network

Cellular/mobile network

Low-power wide-area network (LPWAN)

LoRa or LoRaWAN

Network summary

Application protocols


Analytics and AI

IBM Watson IoT Platform features



Devices, gateways, and applications


Creating your first IoT solution

Creating a gateway

Creating an application

Creating a device


Further reading

Creating Your First IoT Solution

Technical requirements

The first IoT solution – the gardening solution

Requirements overview

Solution overview

Selecting the equipment

Intel Edison

Arduino breakout board

Grove system

Grove base shield for Arduino

Grove sensors

Grove button

Grove relay

Wiring the device

Coding the device firmware

Measuring soil moisture

Measuring environmental temperature

Turning on the relay

Publishing events

Monitoring the events

Subscribing to actions

Creating the backend application

Creating a Cloud Foundry application in the IBM Cloud Platform

Uploading the code


Further reading

Explaining Blockchain Technology and Working with Hyperledger

What is blockchain?

Blockchain and Hyperledger

Hyperledger projects

Hyperledger Sawtooth framework

Hyperledger Iroha framework

Hyperledger Composer tool

Hyperledger Burrow framework

Hyperledger Fabric

Member or peer

Certificate Authority (CA)

Ordering Cluster


Selecting a good use case

Blockchain – food tracking use case



Further reading

Creating Your Own Blockchain Network


Creating your own blockchain network with Hyperledger Composer

Accessing Hyperledger Composer

Exploring the structure of a sample blockchain network

Installing your own blockchain network using Hyperledger Fabric and Composer

Setting up Docker

Installing Hyperledger Composer


Step 1 – Setting up CLI Tools

Step 2 – Setting up Playground

Step 3 – Hyperledger Fabric

Step 4 – IDE

Installing Hyperledger Fabric 1.3 using Docker

Deploying Hyperledger Fabric 1.3 to a Kubernetes environment


Further reading

Addressing Food Safety - Building around the Blockchain

Regulations, challenges, and concerns in the modern food chain

Challenges regarding food safety

Food safety regulations – ISO 22000

How blockchain and IoT can help in a food chain

Food ecosystem

Opportunities and challenges in a food ecosystem


Food manufacturers


Transporters (transportation companies)

Stores and supermarkets


Is the food chain a good use case for IoT and blockchain technology?


Further reading

Designing the Solution Architecture

The business of food

Challenges of the process

The process at the food factory

The process at the distribution center

The process at supermarkets and stores

The technological approach

Frontend applications

IoT-based asset tracking


Hyperledger Composer – a high-level overview

Software components

Composer REST server

Hyperledger Composer model

The Hyperledger Composer access control language

Hyperledger Composer transaction processor functions



Further reading

Creating Your Blockchain and IoT Solution

Technical requirements

Solution overview

Creating a blockchain network

Concepts and enumerations

Asset definitions


Deploying and testing the business network for Hyperledger

Manipulating assets via transactions in the blockchain

Generating and exporting participant business cards

Defining access control lists (ACLs)

Upgrading the business network to a newer version

Setting up Composer REST servers for each participant

Creating the IoT part of the solution

Hardware setup

Firmware development

Application development

End-to-end testing

Creating a FoodBox

Transferring the asset to the transporter

Measuring the temperature while transporting

Transferring the asset to the warehouse

Creating a pallet and adding the box to it

Measuring the temperature while transporting a pallet

Tracking the FoodBox


The IoT, Blockchain, and Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0

Cloud computing as an innovation platform

The cloud computing model

The importance of cloud computing to Industry 4.0

The IoT

Blockchain – simplifying business chains


Best Practices for Developing Blockchain and IoT Solutions

Developing cloud applications

Reference architecture

Development using the 12–factor application model

Serverless computing

Blockchain development using Hyperledger Composer

The Hyperledger Composer toolkit

The Hyperledger Composer REST server

Authentication and multiuser mode

Data source configuration


Further reading

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