


The Adventurer's Son:A Memoir电子书

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作       者:Dial, Roman

出  版  社:William Morrow


字       数:42.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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这是一个侦探、探险故事:探险家27岁的儿子独自去科尔科瓦杜国家公园——一片未开垦的热带雨林探险,临行前告知父亲将探险4-5天。儿子未能如约归来,探险家十分担忧他遭遇不测,因此出发寻找。他在雨林中穿梭,采访当地人,追查线索,希望得到真相... “A brave and marvelous book. A page-turner that will rip your heart out.”—Jon KrakauerIn the tradition of?Into the Wild?comes an instant classic of outdoor literature, a riveting work of uncommon depth.?The Adventurer’s Son?is Roman Dial’s?extraordinary account of his two-year quest to unravel the mystery of his son’s fate.In the predawn hours of July 10, 2014, the?twenty-seven-year-old?son of preeminent Alaskan scientist and National Geographic Explorer Roman Dial, walked alone into Corcovado National Park, an untracked rainforest along Costa Rica’s remote Pacific Coast that shelters miners, poachers, and drug smugglers. He carried a light backpack and machete. Before he left,?Cody Roman Dial?emailed his father: “I am not sure how long it will take me, but I’m planning on doing 4 days in the jungle and a day to walk out. I’ll be bounded by a trail to the west and the coast everywhere else, so it should be difficult to get lost forever.”They were the last words Dial received from his son.As soon as he realized Cody Roman’s return date had passed, Dial set off for Costa Rica. As he trekked through the dense jungle, interviewing locals and searching for clues—the authorities suspected murder—the desperate father was forced to confront the deepest questions about himself and his own role in the events. Roman had raised his son to be fearless, to be at home in earth’s wildest places, travelling together through rugged Alaska to remote Borneo and Bhutan. Was he responsible for his son’s fate? Or, as he hoped, was Cody Roman safe and using his wilderness skills on a solo adventure from which he would emerge at any moment?Part detective story set in the most beautiful yet dangerous reaches of the planet, The Adventurer’s Son emerges as a far deeper tale of discovery—a journey to understand the truth about those we love the most.? The Adventurer’s Son?includes fifty black-and-white photographs.


Title Page


Prologue: Family

Part I

Chapter 1: Usibelli

Chapter 2: 10,910

Chapter 3: Peggy Mayne

Chapter 4: The Cornice

Chapter 5: Cody Roman Dial

Chapter 6: Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn

Chapter 7: Umnak

Chapter 8: Space Captain

Chapter 9: Borneo

Chapter 10: Gunung Palung

Chapter 11: Jungles and Ice

Chapter 12: Dungeons and Dragons

Chapter 13: Big Banana

Part II

Chapter 14: Mexico

Chapter 15: Guatemala

Chapter 16: El Petén

Chapter 17: Finding Carmelita

Chapter 18: South to Costa Rica

Chapter 19: “The Best Map Yet”

Part III

Chapter 20: “email, please!”

Chapter 21: Dondee

Chapter 22: The Corners

Chapter 23: Carate

Chapter 24: The Helicopter

Chapter 25: Rio Conte

Chapter 26: Jenkins

Chapter 27: Zeledón

Chapter 28: Cruz Roja

Chapter 29: Whiteout

Chapter 30: Las Quebraditas

Chapter 31: Negritos

Chapter 32: Piedras Blancas

Chapter 33: Homefront

Chapter 34: The Fellowship

Chapter 35: Tree Fall

Chapter 36: Foul Play

Chapter 37: Peggy and Jazz

Chapter 38: Cerro de Oro

Chapter 39: Roman’s Route

Chapter 40: Rio Claro

Chapter 41: Back to Alaska

Chapter 42: TIJAT

Chapter 43: Carson

Chapter 44: Kool-Aid

Chapter 45: Pata Lora

Chapter 46: A Backpack

Chapter 47: Discovery

Chapter 48: Sleeping in the Forest

Chapter 49: Closure

Chapter 50: Gather the Ashes

Epilogue: Meat, Ravens, and Seeds


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