


Above the Line:Living and Leading with Heart电子书

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作       者:Klemich, Stephen,Klemich, Mara

出  版  社:Harper Business


字       数:40.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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常识告诉我们,你总是可以选择你对待事件的反应。 但是,正如企业顾问Stephen Klemich和临床心理学家Mara Klemich所主张的那样,除非你意识到自己为什么要做出选择,以及内心和大脑如何共同塑造你的行为,否则你根本无法改变根深蒂固的行为模式,这也就是为什么人们总是会重复自己犯过的错误和消极的行为。本书对此进行了深入的探讨并提出改变的可行办法,让你可以对自己和周围做的世界出积极的影响。 A leadership consultant and neuropsychologist identify the universal habits of the heart and mind—the keys to unlocking our true potential, creating our best selves and?eliminating behavior patterns that hold us back.?Why is it so hard for leaders to coach employees who are struggling? Why do we repeat the same mistakes and negative behaviors? Common wisdom says you always have a choice in how you react or respond. But, as corporate consultant Stephen Klemich and clinical psychologist Mara Klemich contend, until you recognize why you make choices, and how the heart and the brain work together to shape your behavior, you can’t change long-ingrained patterns and discover your best self.The Klemichs have developed a model backed by extensive research and data, and paired it with character-led personal development, to help you answer the "Why?" and eliminate behavior that is “below the line.” In Above the Line, they argue that that the quality of your life flows from the attitudes of your heart. Offering wise, compassionate, and practical advice, this book explores the deep, fundamental drivers of human behavior that exist within your heart—the seat of your character. It reveals that all of these behaviors can be explained by four principles—humility, love, pride, and fear—which influence every facet of your life, for better or for worse.We are all designed for greatness, but so often our best self is pitted against our worst. The pressures of life are pulling our character below the line while our authentic self is drawing us to live above the line. When you fully understand that the four principles are at the root of your behavior, you can begin the journey to become your best self and navigate life more effectively and successfully. Filled with proven strategies, Above the Line will create lasting changes in your behavior and improve your life personally and professionally—so you can make a positive impact on the world around you.


Title Page




Part I: Why We Do the Things We Do

Chapter 1: The Four Universal Principles That Shape Your Life

Chapter 2: Triggers, Templates, and Truths

Chapter 3: Voids, Wounds, and the Gold within the Heart

Chapter 4: The 16 Common Behavior Styles

Chapter 5: Spotting Behavior Patterns and Connecting the Dots

Part II: Shifting Above the Line

Chapter 6: Trade Up! How to Resist Being Pulled Below the Line

Chapter 7: Know Who I Am—Authentic and Transforming

Chapter 8: Know Where I’m Going—Reliable and Achieving

Chapter 9: Connecting with Others—Relating and Encouraging

Chapter 10: Growing with Others—Developing and Compassionate

Chapter 11: Building Above the Line Work Culture

Conclusion: Living Above the Line





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