


The Border:A Novel电子书

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作       者:Winslow, Don

出  版  社:William Morrow


字       数:122.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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"纽约时报畅销作品,一场动人心弦的毒品战争。 四十多年来,阿特?凯勒一直在美国历长的战争——毒品战争的前线奋斗。 他渴望打败世界上强大、富有、致命的头目——锡那罗亚贩毒集团的教父阿丹?巴雷拉 ——让他血流成河、伤痕累累、失去一切。 现在,功成身就的凯勒被提升到美国缉毒局的别,却发现战争并未结束,尽管的怪物已经不复存在,毒品仍然在墨西哥制造混乱和痛苦。而“教父”巴雷拉留下的后一笔遗产是遍布美国的海洛因泛滥。 为了阻止毒品的流动,凯勒没有放弃追击,在这过程中发现自己被敌人包围了——有想要杀死他的人,有想要摧毁他的政客,更难以想象的是即将上台的政府与凯勒试图推翻的毒贩勾结在一起。 凯勒发现自己不仅在于毒贩集团作战,还在与他自己的政府作战。 长期的斗争教会了他比他想象中更多的东西。 现在,他学到了后一课——没有边界。 从墨西哥的沙漠到华尔街,从危地马拉的贫民窟到华盛顿特区的大理石走廊,作者讲述了新一代的毒枭,与他们作战的警察,街头贩子,瘾君子,政客,房地产大亨,以及渴望逃离暴力的孩子们在一个崭新国家里生活的故事。 "ONE OF THE MOST ACCLAIMED BOOKS OF THE YEAR"A big, sprawling, ultimately stunning crime tableau." – Janet Maslin, New York Times"You can't ask for more emotionally moving entertainment." – Stephen King"One of the best thriller writers on the planet." – EsquireThe explosive, highly anticipated conclusion to the epic Cartel trilogy from the New York Times bestselling author of The ForceWhat do you do when there are no borders??When the lines you thought existed simply vanish???How do you plant your feet to make a stand when you no longer know what side you’re on?The war has come home.For over forty years, Art Keller has been on the front lines of America’s longest conflict: The War on Drugs. His obsession to defeat the world’s most powerful, wealthy, and lethal kingpin―the godfather of the Sinaloa Cartel, Adán Barrera―has left him bloody and scarred, cost him the people he loves, even taken a piece of his soul.Now Keller is elevated to the highest ranks of the DEA, only to find that in destroying one monster he has created thirty more that are wreaking even more chaos and suffering in his beloved Mexico. But not just there.Barrera’s final legacy is the heroin epidemic scourging America. Throwing himself into the gap to stem the deadly flow, Keller finds himself surrounded by enemies―men who want to kill him, politicians who want to destroy him, and worse, the unimaginable―an incoming administration that’s in bed with the very drug traffickers that Keller is trying to bring down.Art Keller is at war with not only the cartels, but with his own government. And the long fight has taught him more than he ever imagined. Now, he learns the final lesson―there are no borders.In a story that moves from deserts of Mexico to Wall Street, from the slums of Guatemala to the marbled corridors of Washington, D.C., Winslow follows a new generation of?narcos, the cops who fight them, street traffickers, addicts, politicians, money-launderers,?real-estate moguls, and mere children fleeing the violence for the chance of a life in a new country.A shattering tale of vengeance, violence, corruption and justice, this last novel in Don Winslow’s magnificent, award-winning, internationally bestselling trilogy is packed with unforgettable, drawn-from-the-headlines scenes. Shocking in its brutality, raw in its humanity,?The Border?is an unflinching?portrait of modern America, a story of—and for—our time.


Title Page





Book One: Memorial

1. Monsters and Ghosts

2. The Death of Kings

3. Malevolent Clowns

Book Two: Heroin

1. The Acela

2. Heroin Island

3. Victimville

4. The Bus

Book Three: Los Retornados

1. The Holidays

2. Coyotes

3. La Bestia

4. This Upside-Down World

5. Banking

Book Four: Inauguration

1. Foreign Lands

2. Death Will Be the Proof

3. Bad Hombres

4. Billy the Kid

5. White Christmas

Book Five: Truth

1. The Most Powerful Entity on Earth

2. Broken

3. Cheap Guns

4. The Reflecting Pool



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Also by Don Winslow


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