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作       者:中国电力企业联合会

出  版  社:中国计划出版社


字       数:9.1万

所属分类: 科技 > 建筑 > 城乡规划/市政工程



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  • 读书简介
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DL/T 5210《电力建设施工质量验收及评价规程》共8个部分: -DL/T 5210.1 第1部分土建工程 -DL/T 5210.2第2部分锅炉机组 -DL/T 5210.3第3部分汽轮发电机组 -DL/T 5210.4第4部分热工仪表及控制装置 -DL/T 5210.5第5部分管道及系统 -DL/T 5210.6第6部分水处理及制氢设备和系统 -DL/T 5210.7第7部分焊接工程 -DL/T 5210.8第8部分加工配制 本部分是DL/T 5210的第4部分。




1 Scope

2 Normative References

3 General Provisions

4 Construction Quality Acceptance

4.1 Requirements in Construction Quality Acceptance

4.2 Division of Construction Quality Acceptance Range and General Tables

4.3 General Criteria

4.4 Installation of Sampling Element and Sensitive Element

4.5 Installation of Local Inspection and Control Instrument

4.6 Installation of Control Panel(Console,Box and Cabinet)

4.7 Laying and Wiring of Wire and Cable

4.8 Pipe laying and Connection

4.9 Protection and Grounding

4.10 Debugging and Acceptance of Measuring Instruments and Control Devices

5 Evaluation on the Construction Quality of Individual project

5.1 Basic Requirements

5.2 Evaluation Provisions

5.3 Evaluation Content

5.4 Evaluation Methods

5.5 Construction Quality Evaluation on Installations of Sampling Element and Sensitive Element,Local Testing and Control Instrument

5.6 Construction Quality Evaluation of Installing Control Panel(Console,Box,Cabinet)

5.7 Evaluation on Construction Quality of Installing Bridge,Wire,Cable Laying and Connection

5.8 Evaluation on Construction Quality of Instrument Pipe Laying and Connection

5.9 Evaluation on Construction Quality of I&C Device Debugging

5.10 Evaluation Score Summarized Table of Each Part of Individual Project

5.11 Report of Individual Project Quality Evaluation

6 Quality Evaluation of Individual Unit

7 Overall Project Quality Evaluation

Appendix A(Normative) Insulation Resistance of Industrial Automation Instrument

Appendix B(Normative) Selection of Gasket Material

Appendix C(Normative) The Shortest Straight Pipe Segment Length shall be Required by Orifice Plate,Nozzle and Venturi Nozzle

Appendix D(Normative) Sealing Test Standard of Pipe and Valve

Appendix E(Normative) The Minimum Distance Between Signal Cable and Power Cable

Appendix F(Normative) Selection of Instrument Pipe Material and Pipe Diameter

Appendix G(Informative) General Record Table of Sampling Element and Sensitive Element Installation Engineering

Appendix H(Informative) General Record Table of Local Testing and Control Instrument Installation Engineering

Appendix I(Informative) Common Record List for Installation Engineering of Control Panel(Console,Box,Cabinet)

Appendix J(Informative) General Record List of Wire,Cable Laying and Wiring Installation

Appendix K(Informative) General Record Table of Pipe Laying and Connection

Appendix L(Informative) General Record Table of Protection and Grounding

Appendix M(Informative) General Record Table of Debugging and Acceptance of Measuring Instrument and Control Devices for Heating Engineering

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