



适读人群:大学生,成人英语学习者、爱好者 本书特色:英语经典阅读,体裁丰富,按难易度排序,唯美设计,小巧便携 使用方法:晨读,夜读,闲读,背诵 想要学好英语,除了积累足够的词汇和语法知识,还需要有大量地道、优质内容的输,阅读英语经典则是不二之选。因为经典作品极具代表性和价值,永不过时,经得起仔细品味和推敲。阅读经典,让我们得以站在文人巨匠的肩膀上看世界。

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作       者:新东方英语研究中心

出  版  社:浙江教育出版社


字       数:26.4万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 实用英语



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本书收录了100篇精心挑选、极具代表性的名家名作,体裁涵盖诗歌、散文、演讲、书信、小说等,比如美国桂冠诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的《未选择的路》,培根的《论读书》,林肯的《葛底斯堡演说》,菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》,威廉·福克纳获诺贝尔文学奖时的致辞,且每篇文章都配有文笔优美、广为流传的经典译文。书中文章排序由易到难,且篇幅适中;重单词均变色标出,给出音标、词性及词义;还给出作者简介,方便读者了解作者背景信息,加深对文章的理解。本书还提供地道美音朗读音频,扫描扉页或书后的二维码,即可在线随听或下载到本地。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>适读人群:大学生,成人英语学习者、爱好者 本书特色:英语经典阅读,体裁丰富,按难易度排序,唯美设计,小巧便携 使用方法:晨读,夜读,闲读,背诵 想要学好英语,除了积累足够的词汇和语法知识,还需要有大量地道、优质内容的输,阅读英语经典则是不二之选。因为经典作品极具代表性和价值,永不过时,经得起仔细品味和推敲。阅读经典,让我们得以站在文人巨匠的肩膀上看世界。 通过阅读经典,我们可以提升语感,扩充词量与地道表达,增强阅读理解能力,积累写作素材;在品味语言之美的同时,还可以窥见伟人、名家对生活的所思、所想、所感,感受他们的人生态度和智慧,启迪心智,滋养心灵。这就是我们编写本书的初衷。我们希望大家通过阅读书中的这些经典之作,学到名人名家的写作思路和地道表达、培养语感、扩充词量,提升英语综合能力;同时慰藉和滋养心灵,提高综合文化素养。 考虑到大家学业、工作繁忙,没有足够的阅读时间,我们精心挑选经典中*精华的部分,严格控制文章的字数,让大家能在有限的阅读时间里读到*质的内容,提高阅读质量和效率。书中的文章按难易度排序,随着大家阅读能力的提升,文章也更具挑战性,留给大家足够的提升空间。 希望大家喜欢!<br/>【作者】<br/>新东方英语研究中心 新东方英语研究中心,汇聚了新东方长期从事英语教学和研究工作的一线教师、留学精英和图书编辑。他们具有丰富的教学经验,坚实的英语基础知识和留学经验,了解英语学习者的各种需求,熟知国人在学习英语上存在的弱和误区。所编写的英语学习用书凝聚了个人经验、教学实践和理论探索之精华,是学习者高效学习的实用书籍。<br/>



1 This Land Is Your Land (Excerpts)

2 The Road Not Taken

3 On Love (Excerpts)

4 Our Eden

5 We're Just Beginning

6 True Nobility

7 Life Is Too Short to Be Little

8 We Are on a Journey

9 Love Your Life

10 The Goodness of Life

11 Change Makes Life Beautiful

12 Relish the Moment

13 Human Life a Poem (I)

14 Human Life a Poem (II)

15 Have Faith in Others

16 Man Is Here for the Sake of Other Men

17 Three Passions I have Lived for

18 On Achieving Success

19 Advice to a Young Man

20 Choosing an Occupation

21 Work and Pleasure

22 If I Rest, I Rust

23 Be Happy

24 Self-control

25 Ambition

26 On Resignation

27 Youth

28 Man's Youth

29 On the Feeling of Eternity in Youth

30 What Is Immortal (Excerpts)

31 Character Is Your Gold Mine

32 A Straight Wall Is Hard to Build (Excerpts)

33 Thoughts in Westminster Abbey (Excerpts)

34 The Age of Thrills (I)

35 The Age of Thrills (II)

36 The Delights of Books (I)

37 The Delights of Books (II)

38 Companionship of Books

39 Owning Books

40 Of Studies

41 Suit Is Best (Excerpts)

42 Commencement Address at Stanford University (I)

43 Commencement Address at Stanford University (II)

44 Commencement Address at Stanford University (III)

45 Commencement Address at Stanford University (IV)

46 Two Truths to Live By (I)

47 Two Truths to Live By (II)

48 Five Balls in Life

49 Six Famous Words

50 The Rewards of the Professions (Excerpts)

51 The Fringe Benefits of Failure (Excerpts)

52 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

53 Gettysburg Address

54 First Inaugural Address (Excerpts)

55 Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tears (I)

56 Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tears (II)

57 Thought and Character (I)

58 Thought and Character (II)

59 Three Days to See (Excerpts)

60 The Great Gatsby (Excerpts)

61 On Motes and Beams

62 The Song of the River

63 The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life (Excerpts)

64 Journal of a Solitude

65 The Ephemera: An Emblem of Human Life (I)

66 The Ephemera: An Emblem of Human Life (II)

67 Eulogy of the Dog

68 A Fable for Tomorrow (I)

69 A Fable for Tomorrow (II)

70 Nature (Excerpts)

71 The Love of Beauty

72 Hour in the Sun

73 The Dew Drop

74 July (Excerpts)

75 Glories of the Storm (I)

76 Glories of the Storm (II)

77 First Snow (I)

78 First Snow (II)

79 Seeing the Wind

80 On Going a Journey (Excerpts)

81 My Favorite Fruit

82 Happy Mother's Day from President Obama

83 A Letter to Our Daughter (I)

84 A Letter to Our Daughter (II)

85 A Letter to Our Daughter (III)

86 A Letter to Our Daughter (IV)

87 Thirteen Names of Virtues

88 Our Family Creed

89 If You Could Have One Superpower, What Would It Be? (Excerpts)

90 Beautiful Smile and Love

91 Love Is Not Like Merchandise

92 Are You Winning the Game of Life?

93 Conquering the Mountain of Grief

94 If You Can't Change a Situation, Change Your Mind

95 How to Make Friends with Stress

96 The Magic of Self-renewal

97 The Gift of a Determined Disposition

98 Universities and Their Function (Excerpts)

99 College Helps Students Dream of More than a Salary (I)

100 College Helps Students Dream of More than a Salary (II)

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