《161个句型轻松玩转英语口语》编辑推荐: ◆《161个句型轻松玩转英语口语》分为三个阶段学习,通过不同阶段逐级提高的学习,让你从简单沟通变身聊天达人,达到真正的零障碍沟通!◆《161个句型轻松玩转英语口语》中的好用单词,好用短语和好用生活句型的讲解,帮你更好地理解句意,掌握聊天中的常用表达! ◆文中穿插的让你零障碍沟通的技巧和回答小技巧,教你如何化险为夷,避免聊天中的各种不畅!
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Preface 作者序
User's Guide 使用说明
Chapter 1 简单的问题这样答不尴尬!
1. How old are you?你多大了?
2. What do you do?你从事什么工作?
3. Where is your office?你的公司在哪里?
4. What time do you usually come off work?你通常几点下班?
5. What do you usually do after work?你下班后通常做些什么?
6. Where are you from?你是哪里人?
7. Where do you live?你住在哪儿?
8. Do you live with your parents?你跟父母亲住在一起吗?
9. Are you close to your parents?你跟父母亲近吗?
10. How many brothers and sisters do you have?你有几个兄弟姐妹?
11. Where are you in the birth order?你在家排行老几?
12. Do you have any children?你有小孩吗?
13. Do you have any pets?你养宠物吗?
14. What’s your star sign?你是什么星座?
15. What’s your Chinese zodiac sign?你属什么生肖?
16. Are you an evening person?你是个夜猫子吗?
17. Are you a shy or an outgoing person?你是个内向的人还是外向的人?
18. Do you have a hobby?你有什么爱好吗?
19. How have you been?你最近好吗?
20. Where have you been?你到哪儿去了?
21. What time is it?现在几点了?
22. What date is today?今天是几月几号?
23. When were you born?你何时出生的?
24.How tall are you?你有多高?
Chapter 2 寒暄抬杠就“英”这么说!
1. Any good restaurants near here?这附近有什么好餐厅吗?
2. What choices do we have if we want to order takeout?如果我们要叫外卖,有什么选择?
3. What kind of breakfast do you prefer?你喜欢吃什么样的早餐?
4. How much time do you get for lunch?你的午餐时间有多久?
5. Any plans for dinner?晚餐打算吃什么?
6. How often do you eat out?你多久在外面吃一次饭?
7. Who fixes the meals in your house?你家谁负责做饭?
8. How often do you have meals with your family?你多久跟家人一起吃一次饭?
9. Would you choose to be a vegetarian?你会选择吃素吗?
10. Do you have a habit of having late night snacks?你有吃夜宵的习惯吗?
11. Do you drink alcohol?你喝酒吗?
12. Do you smoke, or do you mind people smoking around you?你抽烟,或介意别人在你旁边抽烟吗?
1. What’s your dressing style?你的穿衣风格是什么?
2. What do you usually wear to work?你平常都穿什么上班?
3. What do you wear at home?你在家都怎么穿?
4. What does your wardrobe look like?你的衣柜是什么样子?
5. How often do you buy clothes for yourself?你多久为自己添置一次新衣?
6. What do you do with your old clothes?你怎么处理你的旧衣服?
7. Do you like wearing uniforms?你喜欢穿制服吗?
8. Who does the laundry in your house?你家谁负责洗衣服?
9. What is your shoe size?你穿几号鞋?
10. What size of clothes do you wear?你穿几号的衣服?
11. Do you wear make-up / perfume / jewelry?你平常会化妆/擦香水/戴首饰吗?
12. Do you mind sharing your clothes / accessories / shoes with others?你介意跟别人共用你的衣服/首饰/鞋子吗?
1. Are you getting along with your roommates?你跟室友相处得好吗?
2. What’s the rent for your apartment per month?你租的地方一个月租金是多少?
3. What are your considerations while looking for an apartment?你在找房子时考虑的因素有哪些?
4. What is your housing budget?你在居住方面的预算是多少?
5. How’s the public security in your neighborhood?你住的地方治安怎么样?
6. How do you like the environment around your place?你喜欢你住处附近的环境吗?
7. How long have you been living in this neighborhood?你住在这个地区多久了?
8. How are you getting along with your neighbors?你跟邻居相处得怎么样?
9. How often do you clean up your place?你多久打扫一次房间?
10. How do you like the place you’re living now?你喜欢你现在住的地方吗?
11. Do you prefer living with your parents or by yourself?你喜欢跟爸妈住还是自己住?
1. How did you get here?你怎么来的?
2. How do I go there? / How do you want to go there?我要怎么去那里?/你要怎么去那里?
3. What kind of gas does your car use?你的车加哪种油?
4. How often does the bus come?公交车多久来一班?
5. Would you give your seats to pregnant women or the elderly on the underground?你在地铁上会给孕妇或老人让座吗?
6. Where do I get a subway ticket?我要在哪儿买地铁车票?
7. How do I recharge my prepaid subway ticket?我要怎么给地铁预付票卡充值?
8. Where is the nearest subway station?最近的地铁站在哪里?
9. What time is the last high speed train?最后一班高铁是几点?
10. Do you drive?你开车吗?
11. When did you get your driver’s license?你什么时候拿到驾照的?
12. How’s the traffic convenience in your city?你住的城市交通便利性如何?
1. Where do you go to school?你在哪儿上学?
2. What’s your major?你主修什么?
3. How many courses are you taking this semester?你这学期修几门课?
4. What’s your best subject?你最拿手的科目是什么?
5. What’s your least favorite subject?你最不喜欢的科目是什么?
6. How many hours do you study a day?你一天学习几个小时?
7. Have you skipped classes?你逃过课吗?
8. Have you ever dozed off during class?你曾经在上课时打过瞌睡吗?
9. Do you belong to a club?你参加社团了吗?
10. How did you do on your test?你考得怎么样?
11. Do you have a part-time job?你在打工吗?
12. What do you do with the allowance your parents give you?你都怎么使用爸妈给的零用钱?
1. What are you going to do tonight?你今晚要干嘛?
2. How do you usually spend your weekend?你周末通常怎么过?
3. Do you always plan for your vacation?你都会为假期做计划吗?
4. How often do you go abroad?你多久出国一次?
5. Do you like to travel in groups or by yourself?你喜欢团体旅行还是自己旅行?
6. What do you do to kill time?你都做什么来打发时间?
7. What kind of sports do you do?你都做什么类型的运动?
8. What do you do to stay fit?你都做什么来保持身材?
9. What kind of movie do you like?你喜欢什么类型的电影?
10. What do you usually read?你平常读什么书?
11. How do you celebrate your birthday?你怎么庆祝生日?
12. Are you a partygoer?你是社交聚会常客吗?
1. What’s your favorite time of day?一天中你最喜欢什么时候?
2. What’s your favorite quote?你最喜欢的名言是什么?
3. What is your motto?你的座右铭是什么?
4. Do you have an idol?你有崇拜的偶像吗?
5. Do you keep a diary?你写日记吗?
6. How do you make use of your money?你怎么花钱?
7. Is there a habit you want to get rid of?你有想要改掉的习惯吗?
8. What would you do if you won the lottery?如果中了彩票你会做什么?
9. Would you have plastic surgery done on your body?你会整形吗?
Chapter 3重要场合的进退应对这样说最得体!
1. What’s the purpose of your visit?你这次来的目的是什么?
2. How long is your visit this time?你这次来要待多久?
3. Where are you going to stay during your visit?你这次来这儿的期间要住哪里?
4. Are you planning to visit other countries in Europe?你计划去其他欧洲国家吗?
5. What’s your transportation while in the United States?你在美国期间的交通工具是什么?
6. Is anyone coming to meet you at the airport?有人会来机场接你吗?
1. Do you like to entertain friends at home?你喜欢在家里招待朋友吗?
. Do you mind if people come to your party empty-handed?你介意朋友空手来参加你的派对吗?
3. How often do you give a party?你多久办一次派对?
4. What’s the party dress code?派对的穿衣标准是什么?
5. What kind of party is it?这是什么类型的派对?
6. What time does the party start?派对几点开始?
7. Can I bring my friends over?我可以带朋友过去吗?
1. Tell me briefly about yourself.请简单自我介绍一下。
2. Why do you want to apply for this position?你为何想要应聘这个职位?
3. Why did you leave your last job?你为什么辞去上一份工作?
4. What’s your strength?你的优点是什么?
5. What’s your weakness?你的缺点是什么?
6. What is your ability to work under pressure?你能在有压力的情况下工作吗?
7. Are you willing to work overtime?你愿意加班吗?
8. What are you looking for in a job?你希望能从工作中得到什么?
9. What kind of salary do you need?你期望怎样的薪资待遇?
10. Why should we hire you?我们雇用你的理由是什么?
11. Do you have any questions for me?你有什么问题要问我吗?
1. What’s wrong with you?你哪里不舒服?
2. Did you eat anything peculiar?你吃什么特殊的东西了吗?
3. Have you been staying up lately?你最近熬夜了吗?
4. When did you start coughing?你什么时候开始咳嗽的?
5. Since when have you been feeling depressed?你从什么时候开始感到忧郁的?
6. Are you allergic to any food?你对什么食物过敏吗?
7. How many hours do you sleep per day?你一天睡几小时?
8. Does any of your family have a chronic disease?你家有什么人患有慢性病吗?
1. May I help you?有什么可以帮助您的吗?
2. How about this one?这件可以吗?
3. Why do you want to refund this shirt?您为什么要退这件衬衫呢?
4. How would you like to alter your pants?您想要怎么修改您的裤子呢?
1. Why are you interested in our college?你为什么对我们学校感兴趣?
2. Who has most influenced you in your life?你的人生中对你影响最大的人是谁?
3. Tell me about a book that you read.说说你读过的一本书。
4. Tell me about a challenge that you overcame.说说你克服过的一个难题。
5. What do you see yourself doing ten years from now?十年后的你会是什么样子?
6. What do you hope to do after graduation?你毕业后希望做什么?
7. Why do you want to go to graduate school?你为什么想念研究院?
8. Tell me about a most important experience you had in high school.说说你高中时最重要的一次经历。
1. Where is the car coming from?这辆车哪来的?
2. What is the condition of the car?这辆车的状况如何?
3. Why is the car on sale?这辆车为什么要卖?
4. How many miles are on the odometer?里程计上的英里数是多少?
5. What are you willing to sell the car for?你这辆车要卖多少钱?
1. How often do you cut your hair?你多久剪一次头发?
2. What type of hair do you have?你是什么发质?
3. How would you like your hair cut?你想要怎么剪头发?
4. What would you like to do with your hair this time?你这次想要怎么弄头发?
5. Have you grown your hair long?你留过长头发吗?
6. Have you ever had a salon facial?你到沙龙做过美容吗?
7. What’s your skin type?你是什么肤质?
8. Would you like to try our new face cream?您要不要试试我们的新面霜?