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作       者:戴云 刘芸

出  版  社:北京语言大学出版社


字       数:71.2万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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  • 读书简介
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本书精选近年考生亲历机经题目,题目涵盖教育、科技、传媒、文化、社会、环保等几乎全部托福作文话题。独立写作部分提供了165篇高分范文,范文多角度、全方位展现了托福写作的各种论证技巧,且在文章结构、段落结构、句型结构以及用词方面都具有多样化的特色,可助考生拓思路,举一反三。综合写作部分精编了10道高仿真题目,模拟考试情境,提供高质量范文。本书所有范文均经外籍写作专家精心润饰,并由国内托福名师严格审读把关,力求做到精益求精,帮助考生攻克托福写作难关。每篇范文均配备纯正美式录音,考生可扫描或获取音频。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>本书经过改版,新增了30篇近年来托福考试出现的全新话题及经过中外写作专家严格审阅的高质量范文,同时删减了10篇低频话题范文,使之更贴合考题趋势。本书现包含165篇优质独立写作范文,可谓容纳了*全写作话题,另包含10篇综合写作范文。每篇范文均按照满分评分标准写作,经中外写作专家严格审阅,向读者展示了各种各样的文章框架结构和段落展技巧以及漂亮句型,并依照原版的经典模式为每篇范文配有中文翻译与重词汇注释,方便读者学习。<br/>【作者】<br/>戴云:原北京新东方校长教学助理,新东方集团高级教师培训师,原51Talk学术副总裁。曾获“北京市园丁奖”、“新东方集团10年功勋奖”和“新东方集团20年功勋人物奖”,曾赴亚利桑那大学和宾夕法尼亚大学学习。现任葡萄英语联合创始人兼首席学术官。功底深厚,学识渊博,幽默风趣,对学生满腔热情,对英语教学有精深研究。著有《TOEFL iBT词汇10000》《TOEFL iBT语法精要》《SAT写作高分范文》等约20本畅销图书。   刘芸:资深留学考试培训专家,原北京新东方优秀教师和教学研发专家,原51Talk学术中心高级教研经理,拥有15年英语教学与创作出版经验。曾获全国英语网络写作大赛一等奖、CCTV英语演讲大赛复赛一等奖。主要著作有:《SAT写作高分范文》《雅思写作高分范文集》《任务型英语口语教程》《大学英语四级导考教程·翻译写作篇》等。<br/>




第一章 托福写作简介

第二章 独立写作高分范文

1. Do you prefer to have an interview with a company by exchanging emails or by meeting the interviewer?

1. 若想成功应聘,发邮件还是亲自参加面试?

2. Should we change our friends’ attitudes or ways of doing things?

2. 我们是否应该改变朋友的态度或处事方式?

3. How to best prepare children for their elementary school lives?

3. 如何最好地帮助孩子进行入学前准备?

4. If you own a company, whom would you choose?

4. 如果你是老板你会优先选择谁?

5. What will you do if you get homesick during your trip?

5. 只身在外,想家怎么办?

6. Is the communication skill the most important quality of a politician or leader?

6. 沟通技巧对于政治家或领导者而言最重要吗?

7. Should primary school students do no more than 30 minutes of homework every night?

7. 小学生晚间做作业时间不得超过半小时吗?

8. Which way do you think is better to improve the employees’ productivity?

8. 改善员工生产率的更有效途径是什么?

9. Which value is the most important to share with a young child?

9. 哪种价值观最该分享给孩子?

10. Do businesses need to put plenty of money into advertising?

10. 企业需要花很多钱做广告吗?

11. Movies: serious or entertaining?

11. 严肃电影还是娱乐电影?

12. Is relating well to others more important than studying hard?

12. 搞好人际关系比努力学习更重要吗?

13. Do grades encourage students to learn?

13. 分数鼓励学生学习吗?

14. Is the ability to write well more important than that of speaking?

14. 写作能力比口语能力更重要吗?

15. What can help you to succeed?

15. 什么能帮助你走向成功?

16. Is it more important to work quickly with risks making mistakes than to work slowly with everything correct?

16. 冒着犯错误的风险高速地工作比确保万无一失地缓慢工作更重要吗?

17. Is it essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize?

17. 年轻人必须具备组织管理才能吗?

18. Shouldn't people pay for public transportation?

18. 人们应该免费搭乘公共交通工具吗?

19. Land: for human needs or for endangered animals?

19. 土地用于人类需求还是濒危动物?

20. Should the government focus more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development?

20. 政府应当更加注重环保,并减少对经济发展的重视程度吗?

21. Should people work in the same company or for the same employer for their whole life?

21. 人们应在同一家公司或为同一个雇主效力终生吗?

22. Should young people try different jobs before they decide on their long-term job or career?

22. 年轻人应当在决定长期从事的职业之前先尝试做不同的工作吗?

23. Is it advisable for teenage children to take part-time jobs?

23. 十几岁的孩子做兼职工作可取吗?

24. Are some scientists responsible for the negative impacts made by their discoveries?

24. 有些科学家应对其科学发现所产生的负面影响负责吗?

25. Is advertising the main cause of unhealthy eating habits?

25. 广告是导致不健康饮食习惯的主要原因吗?

26. Does playing sports teach us about life?

26. 体育运动教给人们人生的道理吗?

27. Are environmental issues too complex to be handled by the individual?

27. 由于环境问题过于复杂,个人是无法应对的吗?

28. The most important things for governments to do to improve health care

28. 政府为改善医疗保健需做的最重要的工作

29. The only way the government can conserve energy

29. 政府保护能源的唯一途径

30. Were people friendlier in the past than they are today?

30. 过去的人们比现在的人们更友好吗?

31. Is visiting museums the best way to learn about a country?

31. 了解一个国家最好的方法就是参观博物馆吗?

32. Choosing a subject that interests you or one preparing you for a better job or career?

32. 选择一门你感兴趣的学科还是选择职业倾向性强的学科?

33. Is traveling in a group led by a tour guide the best way to travel?

33. 跟团旅行是最好的旅行方式吗?

34. Should the government focus its budget more on young children's education rather than on universities?

34. 政府应将更多预算投入到青少年教育上而非高等教育上吗?

35. A large company or a small one, which do you want to work for?

35. 就职于大公司还是小公司?

36. Making friends with intelligent people or with humorous people?

36. 与聪明人交朋友还是与幽默的人交朋友?

37. Letting a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that may destroy your friendship?

37. 让一个朋友犯错误胜过说一些可能伤害友情的话或做一些可能伤害友情的事?

38. Advice: from friends older than you or from those of your age?

38. 建议:采纳来自年长朋友的还是同龄朋友的?

39. Do some people like to spend time alone when relaxing?

39. 放松的时候,有些人喜欢独处?

40. Are students more influenced by their teachers than by their friends?

40. 学生受老师的影响比受朋友的影响更多吗?

41. Should the most important education for students be conducted in the classroom, but not out of the classroom?

41. 对学生最重要的教育是在教室里进行的,而不是教室外?

42. Is knowledge gained through study more important than the ability to be creative?

42. 通过学习收获的知识比创新能力更重要?

43. Finishing a project completely then to another one or doing two or several projects at a time?

43. 先彻底完成一个项目再转向另一个项目,还是同时进行两个或两个以上的项目?

44. Solving questions using our own knowledge and experience or asking other people for advice?

44. 利用自己的知识和经验还是询问他人的建议来解决问题?

45. Is it a good method to give the same grade to all the members who do the same project together?

45. 每个组员都获得相同的分数是评价他们的好办法吗?

46. Is it better to select broad subjects than specialize in a specific subject?

46. 选择宽泛的学科比专注于一门学科更好?

47. Should drivers pay a certain amount of fees in order to be permitted to drive out in traffic busy time?

47. 司机应该缴纳一定的费用以获得在交通高峰时段驾驶的许可吗?

48. Is the extended family less important than it was before?

48. 大家庭没有过去重要了吗?

49. Will people reduce car use in 20 years?

49. 20年后,人们会减少对汽车的使用吗?

50. Spending money on something that lasts for a long time,or something that provides a short-term pleasure?

50. 把钱花在保存时间较长的物品上还是短期享受上?

51. Is it difficult for people to know whom to believe or who is telling the truth because of so many sources of information?

51. 由于太多的信息资源,人们已经很难分辨谁是可以信任的,谁说的是真话?

52. Do people benefit more from traveling in their own country than in a foreign country?

52. 比起国外游,人们更得益于国内游?

53. Choosing a job: one with more vacation time, or one with high paying but less vacation time?

53. 选择何种工作:较多假期的工作,还是高薪但假期短的工作?

54. Has technology made children less creative than they were in the past?

54. 科技是否使孩子们不如以前那么有创造力了?

55. Should governments spend more money in support of arts than in support of athletics?

55. 政府应该投入更多资金支持艺术,而不是竞技体育?

56. Won't students use printed books any more in 20 years?

56. 20年以后,学生将不再使用纸质图书?

57. Is physical exercise more important for older people than younger people?

57. 比起年轻人,体育锻炼对老年人更重要?

58. Could people learn more from watching television than reading books?

58. 比起读书,人们可以从看电视中学到更多的东西?

59. Should people be taught how to manage money at an early age?

59. 人们应该在很小的时候就学习如何理财吗?

60. Should teachers be paid according to their students’ performance?

60. 教师应根据他们学生的表现优劣拿工资吗?

61. Be more like others or be different from everyone else?

61. 更从众还是与众不同?

62. Does technology make people's lives simpler rather than more complicated?

62. 技术使人们的生活变得更加简单而不是更加复杂吗?

63. Should people live in a city or a country all their lives instead of moving to another place?

63. 人们应该终生住在同一座城市或者同一个国家,而不应搬迁到其他地方去吗?

64. Does telephone have greater influence on people's lives than TV?

64. 电话对人们生活的影响大于电视吗?

65. Is it more important to have rules about the types of clothing that people wear at work or at school?


66. Are most business people motivated only by the desire for money?

66. 大多数企业家只受金钱欲的驱使吗?

67. Is it desirable to know events from all over the world?

67. 了解全世界发生的事件有必要吗?

68. Children should not be allowed to play computer games?

68. 不应该允许孩子们玩电脑游戏吗?

69. People buy things not because they need them,but because others buy them?

69. 人们买东西并非因为需要,而是由于别人也买?

70. Is university education the most important factor in a person's success?

70. 大学教育是个人成功的最重要因素吗?

71. Shouldn't people be permitted to use mobile phones on public transportation vehicles?

71. 应当禁止人们在公共交通工具上使用手机吗?

72. Should students in all fields be required to take basic science courses?

72. 应该要求所有专业的学生都学习基础科学课程吗?

73. The most important investment for a big company

73. 对大公司来说最重要的投资

74. Are people now easier to become educated than in the past?

74. 现在,人们接受教育比过去容易吗?

75. Choosing friends that have fun with or that help you when you need them?

75. 选择能与你一起玩乐的朋友还是选择能在你需要时给予帮助的朋友?

76. Should children play and study rather than learn how to do household chores?

76. 孩子们应该好好学习、开心玩耍,而不必学做家务?

77. People would be happier with fewer possessions?

77. 所得较少的人会更幸福?

78. Should people buy things that are made in their own country?

78. 人们应该购买国产商品吗?

79. Is it impossible to succeed if one cannot accept criticism in teamwork?

79. 在团队协作中,如果一个人无法接受批评,就不可能成功?

80. Should all teachers be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge?

80. 应该要求教师每5年进修相应课程以更新其知识储备吗?

81. Should high school students take a course on basic economics?

81. 中学生应该学习基础经济学课程吗?

82. The best way to teach children about responsibility

82. 教会孩子何谓责任的最好方法

83. Watching a movie: in a cinema or at home?

83. 看电影:去电影院还是在家?

84. Does an effective leader try to make others feel that they are part of decision-making?

84. 一位高效的领导者总是让下属感觉他们也加入到了决策制定的过程之中吗?

85. Should parents reward their children with money for the high grades?

85. 家长应该对孩子的高分给予金钱形式的奖励吗?

86. Will people feel happier when they finish a challenging or difficult work?

86. 人们在完成有挑战性或艰难工作时幸福感更强烈吗?

87. Should parents help to determine the future of their children?

87. 父母应当帮助决定孩子的未来吗?

88. A job with low salary and more security or one with high salary but easier to lose?

88. 选择工资低但稳定的工作还是工资高但容易失去的工作?

89. Are younger school children (age 5 -10) required to study art and music?

89. 应该要求5至10岁的已入学儿童学习美术和音乐吗?

90. Which are more interesting, movies and TV programs made in your own country or ones made in other countries?

90. 哪些更有趣:国产的电影电视节目还是国外的电影电视节目?

91. What should movies and televisions show the audience?

91. 电视或电影应该向观众传达些什么?

92. Shouldn't teachers show their political or social views to students in the class?

92. 教师不应该在课堂上把自己的政治或社会观念传达给学生吗?

93. Helping students gain self-confidence or teaching specific knowledge?

93. 帮助学生获得自信还是教授他们基本知识?

94. Should teachers be paid at least as much as lawyers,doctors, and business leaders are paid?

94. 教师的工资至少要和律师、医生和企业家一样高?

95. Should university students be required to take at least one course that teaches them the culture of a country rather than their own?

95. 大学生应该选修至少一门有关其他国家文化的课程?

96. Do most of the advertisements make products appear better than they really are?

96. 大多数广告都美化了商品吗?

97. Working 3 days a week with long hours or working 5 days a week with short hours?

97. 每周工作3天、每天工作时间较长,还是每周工作5天、每天工作时间较短?

98. Can people take care of their family members better when they live in big cities than in the countryside?

98. 与在农村居住相比,人们在大城市居住可以更好地照顾自己的家人吗?

99. Is it better for children to choose jobs similar to their parents’?

99. 孩子选择与父母相同的工作更好吗?

100. In order to achieve happiness for yourself, you have to try to make other people happy?

100. 为了获得个人幸福,你必须使他人幸福?

101. Should advertisements targeting children aged between 2 and 5 be banned?

101. 应该禁止针对2到5岁儿童的广告吗?

102. Do what you already do well or try new things?

102. 轻车熟路还是勇于创新?

103. A big party with many people or a small party just with family?

103. 举办很多人参加的大型聚会还是只有家人参加的小型聚会?

104. To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than success?

104. 在失败时保持乐观比成功本身更重要?

105. Should university students in all fields be required to take history courses?

105. 应该要求所有专业的大学生都选修历史课吗?

106. Should a person make an important decision alone?

106. 人们应该独自作出重要决定吗?

107. Is the ability to cooperate well with others more important today than it was in the past?

107. 如今,与他人良好合作的能力比过去更重要了吗?

108. Will people spend less time on cooking food in 20 years?

108. 20年以后,人们用在做饭上的时间会变得更少吗?

109. Should governments spend more money on developing Internet access instead of public transportation?

109. 政府应该将更多资金投入到互联网建设而不是公共交通建设之中吗?

110. We only do what we like to do rather than what we should do?

110. 我们只做我们喜欢做的而不做应该做的吗?

111. Students who can keep their own rooms organized are more likely to succeed?

111. 将自己的房间整理得井然有序的学生更有可能成功吗?

112. Should children only play sports for fun rather than in competitions or contests?

112. 孩子们参加体育活动应该仅仅以玩耍为目的而不应以比赛为目的吗?

113. People who are interested in different things cannot be friends?

113. 兴趣不同的人很难成为朋友吗?

114. People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team?

114. 持有不同观点的人组成的团队无法取得成功吗?

115. Challenging plans or practical plans?

115. 选择挑战性的计划还是实际的计划?

116. Does the way a person is dressed indicate his character or personality?

116. 一个人的着装风格是其性格或个性的体现吗?

117. Should students spend a year on traveling or working before they go to colleges or universities?

117. 在上大学之前,学生应该用一年时间旅行或工作吗?

118. Today's parents do not understand their children as well as parents did 50 years ago?

118. 当今的父母不如50年前的父母理解自己的孩子?

119. Should the government support Scientific research that does not have any practical use?

119. 政府应该支持那些无任何实际用途的科学研究吗?

120. Are newspapers and magazines the best ways to learn about a foreign country?

120. 报纸和杂志是了解外国的最佳途径吗?

121. Do professional athletes deserve high salaries?

121. 职业运动员理应得到高薪吗?

122. The advantages and disadvantages of moving to a new city or a new country

122. 搬到另一座城市或另一个国家居住的利与弊

123. Is it important for families to have meals together regularly?

123. 家人经常聚餐很重要吗?

124. Are our lives better than our grandparents’ lives when they were young?

124. 我们现在的日子比祖父母小时候的日子要好吗?

125. Should schools ask students to evaluate their teachers?

125. 学校应该让学生评价他们的老师吗?

126. Planning or not planning for your leisure time?

126. 对闲暇时间计划与否?

127. Should people read only those books that deal with real matters?

127. 人们应该只阅读那些描写真人真事的书籍吗?

128. Only people who earn a lot of money are successful?

128. 只有有钱人才是成功的?

129. Items made by hand or items by machine, which do you prefer?

129. 你喜欢手工制品还是机器制品?

130. Complain in writing or in person?

130. 书面投诉还是当面投诉?

131. Why is music important to many people?

131. 音乐为什么对很多人非常重要?

132. Living in university housing or an apartment in the community?

132. 住在大学宿舍还是社区公寓?

133. Living in places that have the same climate all year long, or in areas where the climate changes several times a year?

133. 住在气候终年不变的地方,还是住在气候一年数变的地方?

134. Which famous person from history would you like to meet?

134. 你希望遇到历史上的哪位名人?

135. Have telephone and email made communication between people less personal?

135. 电话和电子邮件使得人们之间的沟通缺少人情味儿了?

136. Should children begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school?

136. 孩子是否应该一上学就开始学外语?

137. Hire an inexperienced worker with a lower salary or an experienced one with a higher salary?

137. 雇用无经验低薪酬的员工还是有经验高薪酬的员工?

138. Are games equally important for adults and children?

138. 游戏对成年人和儿童来说一样重要吗?

139. What makes a good son or daughter?

139. 好儿子或好女儿需具备哪些重要素质?

140. Which do you prefer, getting up early or late?

140. 你喜欢早起还是晚起?

141. Travel alone or with a companion?

141. 单独旅行还是结伴旅行?

142. Is progress always good?

142. 进步总是好事吗?

143. Live performance or television broadcast,which is more enjoyable?

143. 现场表演和电视转播哪个更精彩?

144. Should people sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing?

144. 人们有时应该做自己不喜欢做的事情吗?

145. The causes of people's longevity today

145. 现代人长寿的原因

146. Should the government spend money on the construction of new buildings rather than on the preservation of old buildings?

146. 政府应该为新楼房的建设投资而不是出资维护老建筑吗?

147. Ask classmates for help or find a professional tutor for help when needing help with some schoolwork?

147. 在功课上遇到困难之时,是向同学求助还是向专业辅导老师求助?

148. Is it beneficial for people to stop reading or listening to the news for a few days or a week?

148. 持续好几天或一星期与新闻隔绝,这对人们有好处吗?

149. Should we give the positive or the negative feedback first when assessing the work of our classmates or coworkers?

149. 评价同学或同事的表现时,先给正面反馈还是先给负面反馈?

150. Is independent reading as important as or even more important than the reading assigned by teachers?

150. 自主阅读是否和老师布置的阅读任务一样重要?

151. Should students aged 15-18 with same skill levels of certain subjects be included in the same class?

151. 如果高中生在某些学科上的能力水平相当,他们应该被分到同一个班吗?

152. Would you prefer to choose how the donation will be used or leave the decision to the organizations?

152. 捐款时,你希望由自己决定钱款去向还是把一切托付给慈善机构?

153. Should teachers assign homework that students must do every day?

153. 老师是否应该给学生布置每天都要完成的作业?

154. Should students be required to pass a sport physical exam before they graduate?

154. 毕业之前,学生是否应该通过一项体育测试?

155. Will you end a friendship with an old friend if he or she does something you don't like?

155. 如果朋友做了你不喜欢的事,你会和其绝交吗?

156. Should we never be impolite to another person in the modern world?

156. 在现代世界,我们是否应该永远对他人讲礼貌?

157. Is it better for graduates to finish an intensive research project on an interesting topic or to finish an internship?

157. 准毕业生是选择参加感兴趣的科研项目还是选择去企业实习?

158. Are young people today less dependent on their parents than in the past?

158. 现代年轻人对父母的依赖变小了吗?

159. Should university education be free for students and financed by the government tax?

159. 高等教育是否应该由政府税收资助且对所有学生免费呢?

160. Can two people be good friends if one person has more money than the other?

160. 贫富悬殊的两个人能成为好朋友吗?

161. Is it always right for governments to ask people to move their businesses and houses to construct large structures?

161. 政府因大型工程的建设要求企业或个人搬迁,这种做法总是正确的吗?

162. Which factor is the most important one when choosing a place for living?

162. 选择居住地址的最重要因素是什么?

163. Do you support the government's plan to establish some car-free zones in the center of the city?

163. 你是否支持政府在市中心建设无车区的规划?

164. Is increasing the price of gasoline and electricity the only way for governments to encourage energy conservation?

164. 政府鼓励人们节约能源的唯一途径就是抬高油价和电价吗?

165. Will staff's dissatisfaction with their companies decrease if companies prohibit sending emails to them out of office hours?

165. 如果公司禁止在休假期间给员工发电邮,员工的不满情绪就会减少吗?

第三章 综合写作高分范文

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