


高中英语菁华阅读 第2册电子书

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21人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:钱建源

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:29.0万

所属分类: 教育 > 中小学教辅 > 中小学阅读



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  • 读书简介
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 语言学习的规律显示,反复诵读优美的文句能激发学习的兴奋,是语言学习不可或缺的环节。本套书集英美名家名篇佳句,由浅深,从古至今,兼顾不同题材和体裁的优秀篇章,并辅以必要的注释和汉语译文,经常诵读,有利于熟练掌握英语、识事明理、增智慧、陶冶情操。 <br/>

前 言

1 On the beach

2 What makes a good gift?

3 When the cat is away, the mice will play.

4 Light on a cold night

5 Having a stroll in Banff

6 Prince

7 Searching for tracks of Rip Van Winkle in the Catskill Mountains

8 Weakness or strength?

9 “I went skydiving at 84!”

10 Students and technology

11 Have a nice day — a social custom

12 When milk arrived on the doorstep

13 A woman helped to catch a killer

14 Great care

15 A strange man in the hospital

16 The secret of living happily

17 Daydream

18 Can GM foods fulfill the promise?

19 Diaries, not memories

20 Every mother is a daughter

21 Bloom where you are planted

22 A mini-library

23 Grasp all, lose all

24 Teach a man to fish rather than give him a fish

25 The last paradise on earth?

26 A pleasant surprise

27 Saving the boys

28 Home, sweet home

29 The importance of being silly

30 What gifts should a good teacher have?

31 Father and son

32 A choice of life

33 Two powerful words

34 The magic of clothing

35 The next ice age

36 The wonder of problem solving

37 A man who ate chilies

38 The internet = more friends?

39 Mountain lions

40 Wave energy

41 Attitudes towards beggars

42 Co-educational or single-sex school?

43 A simple gesture warmed the last trip

44 Friends

45 Love yourself first

46 Does fame drive you crazy?

47 Charm of the detour

48 Giving flowers to the elderly

49 What’s your name?

50 How do siblings grow up differently?

51 Relax first and then become creative

52 Curiosity kills the cat

53 Big Brothers Big Sisters

54 World travelers

55 The most unusual contributor

56 Three boys and their dad

57 Air pollution kills

58 Conflict control builds a better school

59 My father

60 How long can people live?

61 Blameless

62 A miracle at the parking lot

63 A little man

64 The hero of the day

65 Looking back on the past

66 A touching letter

67 How to be a good teacher?

68 Memories of flying kites

69 The source of happiness

70 The meaning of real reading


技巧一 根据句子的内在逻辑关系猜测词义

技巧二 运用生活经验和普通常识猜测词义

技巧三 了解阅读理解题针对词义理解考查的常见提问形式



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