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作       者:汪承平

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:29.9万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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  • 读书简介
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汪承平所著的《文学语篇的语用文体学研究--基 于顺应理论的小说人物会话分析》以语用学理论和顺 应理论为基础,构建了分析小说人物会话的理论框架 ,并选取三本经典小说(《围城》、《儿子与情人》 和《傲慢与偏见》)中的会话语料行论证。小说人 物会话通常肩负着多重任务,在推动情节发展的同时 ,还是人物性格的载体。本书构建的理论框架,融合 了语言学和文体学的要素,从语言、文化、社会、认 知等多个视角对小说人物会话行解读,以期*好地 展现小说作者的艺术手法。此外,本书的研究成果对 小说研究、文学教学和小说翻译都有一定的参考作用 。

前 言

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Objectives of the Study

1.3 Research Scope and Methodology

1.4 Data Collection

1.5 Layout of the Study

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Ordinary Conversation and Fictional Conversation

2.1.1 Nature of Ordinary Conversation and Fictional Conversation

2.1.2 The Mock Reality of Fictional Conversation

2.1.3 Function of Fictional Speech

2.2 Stylistic Study of Literature

2.2.1 The Task of Stylistics

2.2.2 The Problem with Stylistics

2.3 Why Pragmastylistics?

2.3.1 Pragmatic Approach and Its Capacity to Characterize “Literariness”

2.3.2 Pragmastylistics as an Interdisciplinary Approach

2.3.3 Research Area

2.4 Literature as Text and as Discourse

2.5 Pragmatic Interpretation of Fictional Conversation

2.6 Summary

Chapter 3 Preliminary Theoriesand Bearings

3.1 Pragmatics

3.1.1 The Established Views on Pragmatics

3.1.2 Verschueren’s View Linguistics of Language Use: the Pragmatic Perspective Pragmatics and Interdisciplinarity

3.2 Context

3.2.1 Categories of Context

3.2.2 Dynamic Notion of Context

3.2.3 Verschueren’s Notion of Context

3.3 Discourse Analysis

3.3.1 Discourse Type—Genre

3.3.2 Discourse Type—Register

3.4 Summary

Chapter 4 Theoretical Foundation and AT Model for Novel Understanding

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Adaptation Theory

4.2.1 Choice Making

4.2.2 Variability, Negotiability and Adaptability Variability Negotiability Adaptability

4.3 Four Angles of Investigation

4.3.1 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability

4.3.2 Structural Objects of Adaptability

4.3.3 Dynamics of Adaptability

4.3.4 Salience of Adaptation

4.4 Four Ingredients’ Cooperation and Meaning Generation

4.5 A Pragmatic Perspective and an Integrated Approach to Communication

4.6 The AT Framework of Novel Understanding

4.6.1 Code-switching

4.6.2 Style

4.6.3 Phonological Correlates

4.6.4 Lexical-level Correlates

4.6.5 Syntactic Feature Correlates

4.6.6 Semantic Level Correlates

4.6.7 Utterance and Utterance Cluster Correlates

4.6.8 Pragmatic Strategy Correlates Speech Acts and Pragmatic Acts Cooperative Principle and Implicature Politeness Principle and Face Threatening Acts Irony Principle

4.7 Summary

Chapter 5 AT Application (1):Choice and Adaptation of Structure Correlates

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Choice and Adaptation of Code and Style

5.2.1 Code-switching and Adaptation

5.2.2 Adaptation and Style

5.3 Adaptation at Phonological Level

5.4 Adaptation at Lexical Level

5.4.1 Dialect and Idiolect

5.4.2 Formal Words, Informal Words, Colloquial Words and Others

5.5 Syntactic Adaptation

5.5.1 Long Sentence and Short Sentence

5.5.2 Simple Sentence and Complex Sentence

5.5.3 Formal and Informal Sentence Patterns

5.6 Semantic Adaptation

5.7 Choice and Adaptation at Utterance and Utterance Cluster Levels

5.8 Choice and Adaptation of Utterance-building Principles

5.8.1 Introduction to Utterance-building Principles

5.8.2 Topic Control and Topic Change

5.8.3 Turn-taking

5.9 Summary

Chapter 6 AT Application (2):Choice and Adaptation to Pragmatic Strategies

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Speech Acts

6.2.1 Macro-speech Acts

6.2.2 Indirect Speech Acts

6.3 Politeness and Adaptation

6.3.1 Politeness and Adaptation to the Physical World

6.3.2 Politeness and Adaptation to the Social World

6.3.3 Politeness and Adaptation to the Mental World

6.4 Irony Producing and Interpreting Process and Adaptation

6.5 Summary

Chapter 7 Conclusion

7.1 Summary of the Study

7.2 Findings and Implications of the Study

7.3 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further Research


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