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作       者:Dirk Geeraerts

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:53.6万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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“国际认知语言学经典论丛”由国际认知语言学研究领域的理论先驱和权威专家编撰而成。丛书每一册都聚焦认知语言学研究领域的一个主题,收录一位专家具有代表性的文章,集结成册。每册均反映了作者的思索过程和研究轨迹,呈现其学术生涯中的精彩片段。读者从中可探究认知语言学基本思想和重要观的源与流,更好地了解这一学科的发展历程。 Dirk Greeraerts是认知语言学领域 的领军人物之一,现为比利时鲁汶大学语言学系教授。本书汇集了作者过去30 余年来发表的探讨语义结构和语义变化的主要论文。作者为本书撰写了一篇详细的导读,介绍了每篇文章的写作背景 和主要内容,列举了一步研究的文献,并对自己的学术研究路线做了阐述。本书的出版,将极大地方便国内教师、学生和研究者直触认知语言学领域的原版经典论文。

出 版 说 明


Mapping out My Research: Lines of Enquiry across Fields of Investigation

Conceptual Structure

Chapter 1 Prototypicality as a Prototypical Notion

Chapter 2 On Necessary and Suff icient Conditions

1. The Cognitive and the Classical View of Categorization

2. The Structure of the Prototypical Argument

3. Delimitations of Ambiguity

4. Delimitations of Prototypicality

5. Delimitations of Semantics

6. Conclusion

Chapter 3 Neologism at Short Range

1. Introduction

2. Descriptive Material and Analytical Method

3. The Semasiological Development

4. An Alternative Representation of the Semasiological Development

5. The Conceptual Onomasiological Development

6. The Formal Onomasiological Development

7. Conclusion

Chapter 4 Metonymy as a Prototypical Category


1. The Cognitive Linguistic View of Metonymy

2. An Inventory of Metonymical Patterns

3. Contiguity in the Spatial and Material Domain&

4. Contiguity in the Temporal Domain

5. Contiguity in Actions, Events and Processes

6. Contiguity in Assemblies and Collections

7. Conclusions

Chapter 5 Prisms and Blends. ‘Digging one’s grave’ from Two Perspectives

1. Basics of the Prismatic Model

2. Combinations of Isomorphism and Motivation

3. Reinterpretation Processes

4. Digging One’s Own Grave

5. Moving along the Top of the Prism

6. Moving along the Bottom of the Prism

7. Summary and Conclusion

Conceptual Variation

Chapter 6 Prototype Theory and Diachronic Semantics.A Case Study

1. Introduction

2. Exposition

3. Discussion

4. Conclusion

Chapter 7 Hearts and (Angry) Minds in Old English

1. Introducing the Questions

2. Heart and Mood

3. Anger

4. Coming to Conclusions

Chapter 8 On Measuring Lexical Convergence

Theoretical Aspects

Methodological Concepts

The Case Study


Chapter 9 Causes for Causatives: the Case of Dutch doen and laten

1. Background and Research Questions

2. Limitations of the Present Study

3. The Materials in the Case Study

4. The Variables

5. The Results of the Statistical Analysis

6. Conclusions and Wider Perspectives

Chapter 10 Entrenchment as Onomasiological Salience

1. Entrenchment as Onomasiological Salience

2. Def inition and Types of Onomasiological Salience

3. Formal Onomasiological Salience

4. Conceptual Onomasiological Salience

5. Typological Onomasiological Salience

6. Extending the Study of Onomasiological Salience

Collected References

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