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出 版 说 明
The Symbolic Alternative
Grammatical Ramif ications of the Setting/Participant Distinction
Constituency, Dependency, and Conceptual Grouping
1. Background and Overview
2. Constituency in Cognitive Grammar
3. The Conceptual Basis of Grammatical Structure
4. The Emergence of Classical Constituents
5. Conceptual Grouping
5.1 Some Kinds of Groupings
5.2 Pronoun-Antecedent Conf igurations
6. Phonological Grouping
7. Further Exemplif ication
7.1 Discontinuity
7.2 Scope Inversion
7.3 Overlapping Constituents
8. Conclusion
A Study in Unif ied Diversity:English and Mixtec Locatives
1. General Observations
2. The Mixtec System
3. Some English Locative Constructions
4. Some Theoretical Issues
5. Mixtec Locative Constructions
6. From Nouns to Adpositions
7. Conclusion
Topic, Subject, and Possessor
1. Evidence of Special Aff inities
2. Some Basic Notions of Cognitive Grammar
3. Reference Point Phenomena
4. Reference Point Analysis of Subject and Object
5. Levels of Organization
6. Conclusion
Double-Subject Constructions
1. The Phenomenon
2. Basics of Cognitive Grammar
3. Reference-Point Constructions
4. Possessive Constructions
5. Reference-Point Subject Constructions
6. Conclusion
Dimensions of Defocusing
1. Canonical Event Presentation
1.1 Archetypes
1.2 Descriptive Constructs
1.3 Alignment
2. Prominence Dimensions
2.1 Trajector Choice
2.2 Prof ile Adjustment
2.3 Landmark Choice
3. Specif icity Dimensions
3.1 Despecif ication
3.2 Non-Delimitation
4. Conclusion
The English Present Tense
1. The Problem
2. Cognitive Grammar
3. Perfective and Imperfective Verbs
4. The Progressive and the Tenses
5. The Basic Analysis
6. The Importance of Virtual Entities
7. Non-Present Uses of the Present
8. Conclusion
Dynamicity, Fictivity, and Scanning:The Imaginative Basis of Logic and Linguistic Meaning
Cognitive Semantics
Fictive Scanning
“Logical” Elements
Quantif ier Meanings
Metonymic Grammar
Active Zones
Reference Points
Complex Things and Relationships
Buried Connections
Anaphoric Connections
Interactive Cognition: Toward a Unif ied Account of Structure, Processing, and Discourse
1. Unification
2. Discourse Function
3. Conceptual Coordination
4. The Access-and-Activation Model
5. Coverage and Activation
6. Efficiency
7. Ellipsis
8. Zero Anaphora
9. Conclusion
Collected References