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作       者:殷红梅,张洪芹,鲁显生

出  版  社:南京大学出版社


字       数:183.1万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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PART Ⅰ Basic Skills and Preparation for English Medical Academic Paper Writing

Chapter One Lexis and Sentence Theories in Medical Academic English Writing

1.1 Introduction to written and spoken genres

1.2 The conventions of academic English lexis choices

1.3 Introduction to sentence classification in general

1.4 Academic English sentence constructions

Chapter Two Academic English Paragraph Construction Methods

2.1 Introduction to the structure and logic of academic English paragraphs

2.2 Academic English sentential conventions in medical paragraphs

2.3 Principal methods of paragraph construction in academic English essays

Chapter Three Coherence in English Medical Academic Paper Writing

3.1 Introduction to the theory of discourse coherence

3.2 Coherent conventions and thematic progression in medical essays

3.3 Theme and rheme

3.4 Thematic progression

PART Ⅱ English Medical Academic Paper Writing

Chapter Four English Academic Paper Writing

4.1 An overview on English academic paper writing

4.2 SCI, SCI paper and CNKI

4.3 Academic research paper and its textual structure elements

4.4 The basic procedure of medical research and the output process of a paper

4.5 Ways of topic writing

4.6 Topics to be avoided

Chapter Five Title Selection and Author-related Contents of Research Papers

5.1 The function and elements of a title

5.2 The main points of a title

5.3 The features of a title and title page

5.4 Principles of a good title

5.5 The structure of a title

5.6 Some suggestions on writing a good title

5.7 Author, affiliation and contact information

Chapter Six Abstract Writing

6.1 An overview on abstract and the function of abstract

6.2 Identification of an abstract and academic summary

6.3 Moves in an abstract

6.4 Requirements for an abstract

6.5 Formats of an abstract

6.6 Process of abstract writing

Chapter Seven Introduction Writing

7.1 The function and importance of an introduction

7.2 The basic principles and components in EAP introduction writing

7.3 Organization and structural discourse of an introduction

Chapter Eight Materials and Methods Writing

8.1 The function of materials and methods section

8.2 Principles and key points of materials and methods writing

8.3 Organization and discourse of materials and methods section

8.4 Moves in materials and methods section

Chapter Nine Results Writing

9.1 The function of results section

9.2 The items and organization of results section

9.3 The structure of data commentary

9.4 The writing requirements of results section

9.5 The content of results section

Chapter Ten Discussion and Conclusions Writing

10.1 Structural arrangement for discussion and conclusions

10.2 The format and function of conclusions

10.3 The function, role and principles of discussion

10.4 The organization of discussion/conclusions

10.5 Textual structure elements and functional discourse coherence

10.6 Things to be avoided when writing discussion

Chapter Eleven Contributions, Acknowledgements and References in English Medical Academic Papers

11.1 Acknowledgements and contributions writing

11.2 References and citation style

Chapter Twelve Common Errors in English Academic Paper Writing

12.1 Language of English academic papers

12.2 Common language errors in English academic paper writing

12.3 Common errors in coherence and cohesion

12.4 Plagiarism in writing English academic papers


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