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作       者:黄任

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:3742

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Editor's Note to the 2nd Edition

Unit 1 Goals for Studying Rhetoric

1.1 Modern rhetoric and rhetorical system

1.2 The three fundamental elements in writing

1.3 Goals for studying rhetoric

1.4 The three principles for our study of rhetoric

Exercise 1

Unit 2 The Three Artistic Criteria in English Rhetoric

2.1 The three basic elements in thetorical raditions

2.2 Logos and logical thinking

2.3 Formal logic and syllogism

2.4 Changes in the connotations of pathos

2.5 Pathos in use today

2.6 Ethos in rhetoric

2.7 Fallacies in logical reasoning

2.8 Fallacies related to pathos

2.9 Fallacious use of ethos

Exercise 2

Unit 3 The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations(A): Selecting Wordsand Phrases

3.1 Three basic levels of rhetoric

3.2 The importance of word choice

3.3 Five principles for selocting words and phrases

3.4 The command of vocabulary

3.5 The use of dictionaries

Exercise 3

Unit 4 The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations(B): Seeking Sentence Varidy

4.1The significance of scnence varicty

4.2 Variety in sentcnce patems

4.3 Significanoe of varity in sentence length

4.4 Approaches to achicve varictics in sentence length

Exercise 4

Unit 5 The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations(C): Writing a Paragraph and Arranging Paragraphs into a Complete Text

5.1 Features of a paragraph

5.2 Roquirements for paragraph writing

5.3 The or ganization of a composition

5.4 Devices for making the ideas flow

5.5 Subjcct mater and paragraph fomation

Exercise 5

Unit 6 Meanings of Words:a Multifaceted Notion

6.1 Importance of grasping the right word meanings

6.2 Aspocts of wod mcanings

6.3 Referential meaning

6.4 Social meaning

6.5 Affective meaning

Execise 6

Unit 7 Denotation and Comotation

7.1 Shades of meaning

7.2 Denotation

7.3 Connotation

7.4 To be "positive"insttad of "assertive"

Exermise 7

Unit 8 Generalizaion and Specification

8.1 Generality and specificity

8.2 General terms and specific terms

8.3 Abstract writing and some other similar practices

8.4 Approaches to writing in a specific way

Exercise 8

Unit 9 Economy and Clarity

9.1 Two basic roquirements of "cconomy"in writing

9.2 The relationship between caconomy and clarit

9.3 Camses of wordiness

9.4 Approaches tb clarity

Excrmise 9

Unit 10Acauracy and Vaguenes

10.1 Acacuracy in communication

10.2 How grammar may affect accuray

10.3 Vagucncss as a language attribute

10.4 Occasions for vagueness

Exercise 10

Unit 11 Unity and Coherence

11.1 The central idea and two principles in infomation organization

11.2 Creating unity

11.3 Maintaining coherence

Exerise 11

Unit 12 The Literal Use and Figurative Use of Language

12.1 Labels in use and literal or figuative meanings

12.2 Relations between itcral/ figurstive and denotative/connotative mcanings

12.3 More otes on litral uses

12.4 More notes on figurative uses

Exerise 12

Uit 13 The Three Inartistic Criteria in English hetorie

13.1 Artistic criteria and inartistic crteria

13.2 Facs

13.3 Examplks and illustrations

13.4 Testimony

13.5 Guidelines for the applicaion of the three inatistie citeria

Exercise 13

Unit 14 Propriety and Creativity

14.1 Rclafionship between propricty and creativity

14.2 How to onganize an esay in a tes

14.3 How to write in a creative way

14.4 Thrce devices usod to make one's viewpoints impressive and convincing

Exercise 14

Unit 15 A Table of the Common Figures of Speedh

15.1 Genral principls for the use of the figures of speech

15.2 Figures resembling similaritics; Similk, Metaphor, Analogy, Allegory, Per-sonification and Zoosemy

15.3 Figures of substitution: Mctonymy, Synacdoche, Antonomasia, Alusion,Hyperbole, Understatement, Euphemism and Periphasis

15.4 Figures of playing doubk meanings: Pun, Irony, Paradox, Oxymoron,Innuendo, Sarcasm, Transfered Epithet, Sylepsis and Zcugma

15.5 Figures of repeition: Aliteration, Assonance, Consonance, Paregmcnon,Correcion, Anaphora, Epiphara, Anadiplosis and Regression

15.6 Figures of imitation: Parody, Onomatopocia, Mimesis, Malapropism and Graphic

15.7 Figures of handling contrastive and coordinated strucures: Contrast,Parallelism and Antithesis

15.8 Figures of wiuy expressions: Epigram, Aphorism and Maxim


Appendix I Keys to the Exercises

Appendix II A Table of Rhetorical Terms in English and Chinese

Appendix Ⅲ Index

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