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作       者:朱慧敏

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:35.2万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Rationale for the Study

1.3 Purpose and Method of the Study

1.4 Signif icance of the Study

1.5 Organization of the Book

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Def initions of Lexical Richness

2.3 Measures for Lexical Richness

2.3.1 Lexical Density

2.3.2 Lexical Variation

2.3.3 Lexical Sophistication

2.3.4 Word Frequency Distribution

2.4 Role of Vocabulary in L2 Writing

2.5 Developmental Features of Vocabulary in L2 Writing

2.6 Lexical Richness in Writings by L1 and L2 Learners

2.7 Lexical Richness and L2 Writing Quality

2.8 Lexical Features of L2 Writing

2.8.1 Features of Personal Pronouns

2.8.2 Features of High-frequency Verbs

2.8.3 Features of Modal Auxiliaries

2.8.4 Features of Multi-function Words,Articles and Demonstratives

2.9 Research Gaps and Research Questions

2.10 Chapter Summary

Chapter Three Methodology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Special Considerations for Research Design

3.2.1 The Natural Class Setting

3.2.2 A Topic to Interest the Students

3.2.3 Corpus-based Analysis of Language Use

3.2.4 Objective Rating of Compositions

3.3 Participants

3.4 Source of Data

3.5 Pilot Study

3.6 Procedures for Data Collection

3.6.1 Selecting the Universities and the Classes

3.6.2 Orientation for Coordinators

3.6.3 Implementing Writing Tasks

3.6.4 Rating the Compositions

3.7 Building the DIY Corpora

3.7.1 Criteria for the Corpus Design

3.7.2 Screening the Written Products

3.7.3 Computational Processing of the Compositions

3.7.4 Modif ication of the Compositions

3.7.5 Creating the Stop List for Range32

3.7.6 Grammatical Tagging

3.7.7 Structure of the Corpora

3.8 Data Analysis

3.8.1 Tools Used for Data Analysis

3.8.2 Approaches Adopted for Data Analysis

3.8.3 Analyzing the Quantitative Data

3.8.4 Analyzing the Case Study Data

3.9 Chapter Summary

Chapter Four Results and Findings of the Cross-sectional Study

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Features of Lexical Variation

4.3 Features of Lexical Density

4.4 Features of Lexical Sophistication

4.5 Features of Word Length

4.6 Features of Word Frequency Distribution

4.7 Relationship between Lexical Richness and Overall Writing Performance

4.8 Chapter Summary

Chapter Five Results and Findings of the Longitudinal Study

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Features of Lexical Variation

5.3 Features of Lexical Density

5.4 Features of Lexical Sophistication

5.5 Features of Word Length

5.6 Features of Word Frequency Distribution

5.7 Relationship between Lexical Richness and Overall Writing Performance

5.8 Chapter Summary

Chapter Six Results and Findings across the Two Corpora

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Patterns and Discrepancies in Lexical Variation

6.3 Patterns and Discrepancies in Lexical Density

6.4 Patterns and Discrepancies in Lexical Sophistication

6.5 Patterns and Discrepancies in Word Length

6.6 Patterns and Discrepancies in Word Frequency Distribution

6.7 Patterns and Discrepancies in the Relationships between Lexical Richness and Overall Writing Performance

6.8 Chapter Summary

Chapter Seven Results and Findings of the Case Studies

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Results of Keyness Analysis

7.3 Developmental Features of “we”

7.4 Developmental Features of “you”

7.5 Developmental Features of “I”

7.6 Developmental Features of “can”

7.7 Developmental Features of “know”

7.8 Developmental Features of “so”

7.9 Chapter Summary

Chapter Eight Discussion

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Overuse of High-frequency Words

8.3 Vocabulary Plateau Phenomenon in Lexical Variation

8.4 Models of Developmental Features of Lexical Richness

8.4.1 Model of Developmental Features of Lexical Variation

8.4.2 Model of Developmental Features of Lexical Density

8.4.3 Model of Developmental Features of Lexical Sophistication

8.5 Unbalanced Effects of Lexical Richness on the Overall Writing Performance

8.6 The Most Overused First and Second Personal Pronouns

8.6.1 Rhetorical Differences

8.6.2 Cultural Differences

8.6.3 Writer/Reader Visibility

8.6.4 First Language Transfer

8.6.5 Abnormal Phenomenon of the Overuse of “you”

8.7 The Most Overused Modal Auxiliary

8.8 The Most Overused Lexical Word

8.8.1 Overuse of “can know”

8.8.2 Overuse of “As we all know”

8.8.3 Inadequacy in Vocabulary Teaching

8.9 The Most Overused Multi-function Word

8.9.1 First Language Interference

8.9.2 Pedagogical Factors

8.10 Chapter Summary

Chapter Nine Conclusion

9.1 Summary of the Study

9.2 Pedagogical Implications

9.2.1 Adopting a Reward System in Evaluating L2 Writings

9.2.2 Turning the Receptive Vocabulary into the Productive Vocabulary

9.2.3 Integrating Vocabulary Teaching into Writing Instruction

9.2.4 Overcoming the Vocabulary Plateau Problem

9.2.5 Reducing Style-interference

9.2.6 Developing Vocabulary Learning Strategies

9.2.7 Launching Corpus-based Vocabulary Teaching

9.2.8 Applying User-friendly Software to Vocabulary Teaching

9.3 Limitations of the Study

9.4 Suggestions for Future Studies

9.5 Concluding Remarks


Appendix I Prompts of Writing Task

Appendix II Marking Scheme for TEM-4 and TEM-8 Compositions

Appendix III Stop List

Appendix IV UCREL CLAWS7 Tagset


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