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作       者:Ken Hyland

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:74.0万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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海兰德是世界知名语言学家,一直致力于学术写作英语的教学和研究,成果卓越。 《学术写作英语》汇集了作者在这一领域丰富的理论知识和实践经验。一方面介绍了学术写作英语的文体和风格,另一方面探讨了学术写作英语教学的若干方法。 本书有两个显著特:一是在学术写作英语教学中建立和运用写作语料库;二是论述了学术写作英语中作者的视角和定位问题。本书对于指导国内外广大教师的学术写作英语研究和教学实践必有裨益。<br/>



Chapter 1 A Very Peculiar Practice

Feeling my way: working as an EFL school teacher (1977—1983)

Learning my trade: the Jungle MA (1983—1984)

Developing an interest: English for Specific Purposes (1984—1990)

Doubting the consensus: some troubling issues

Becoming an academic: a very peripheral participant (1991—1995)

Gaining a voice: publication and reputation (1995—2003)

Being a professor: the Institute of Education (2003—2009)

Running a centre: back to Hong Kong (2009 to present)


Section One Writing, Research and Genres

Chapter 2 Researching Writing

1. Assumptions, writing and research

2. An overview of methods

3. A sample study

4. Conclusions

Chapter 3 Writing in the University: Education,Knowledge and Reputation

1. Introduction

2. Why this interest?

3. Education

4. Knowledge

5. Reputation

6. Conclusions

Chapter 4 Genre-Based Pedagogies: A Social Response to Process

1. A social take on process

2. A brief overview of genre

3. A genre view of language and writing

4. Genre and second language literacy

5. Genre-based pedagogies

6. Conclusion

Section Two Interaction in Academic Writing

Chapter 5 Stance and Engagement: A Model of Interaction in Academic Discourse

1. Interaction and evaluation

2. Stance and engagement

3. Corpus and methods

4. Stance and features of writer positioning

5. Engagement and features of reader positioning

6. Stance and engagement practices: corpus findings

7. Stance, engagement and disciplinarity

8. Conclusions and cautions

Chapter 6 Metadiscourse in Academic Writing:A Reappraisal*

1. Introduction

2. Conceptions of metadiscourse

3. Key principles of metadiscourse

4. A model of academic metadiscourse

5. Metadiscourse in postgraduate writing

6. Conclusions

Chapter 7 Community and Individuality:Performing Identity in Applied Linguistics

1. Identity: individuality and disciplinarity in writing

2. Bringing corpora to identity studies

3. The protagonists

4. Texts and methods

5. Personal interests and professional niches

6. Deborah Cameron — the radical linguist

7. John Swales — the inquiring colleague

8. Conclusions: thoughts on the discursive production of identity

Section Three Features of Academic Writing

Chapter 8 Humble Servants of the Discipline? Selfmention in Research Articles

1. Impersonality and its discontents

2. Method and corpus

3. Frequencies and forms of self-mention

4. Self-Citation, disciplinary identity, and knowledge-making

5. First person and authorial presence

6. Theme and personal prominence

7. Self-mention and discourse purposes

8. Some conclusions and teaching implications

Chapter 9 Academic Attribution: Citation and the Construction of Disciplinary Knowledge

1. Citation, intertextuality and the construction of knowledge

2. Procedure and corpus

3. General findings

4. Discussion: citation and disciplinary argument

5. Contextualisation and the construction of knowledge

6. Agency and epistemology in reporting

7. Ethos and evaluation: the use of reporting verbs

8. Conclusion

Chapter 10 Is There an “Academic Vocabulary”?*

1. The concept of an “academic vocabulary”

2. Lists of academic vocabulary

3. Corpus and methods

4. In search of an academic vocabulary: overall frequencies and distributions

5. In search of an academic vocabulary: distributions across fields

6. In search of an academic vocabulary: word meanings and uses

7. Discussion

8. Conclusions and implications

Chapter 11 As Can Be Seen: Lexical Bundles and Disciplinary Variation

1. Bundles, collocations and communities

2. Corpora and methods

3. Frequencies and structures of disciplinary bundles

4. Patterns and variations

5. Functions of bundles

6. Conclusions

Section Four Some Genres of Academic Writing

Chapter 12 Dissertation Acknowledgements: The Anatomy of a Cinderella Genre

1. Acknowledgements in published scholarly texts

2. Acknowledgements, self-representation and gift-giving

3. Corpus and procedures

4. Postgraduate acknowledgements: differences of degree

5. Allocating credit: some disciplinary patterns

6. Acknowledging scholarly support: the construction of a professional identity

7. Acknowledging friends and family: the construction of a social identity

8. Some observations and directions

Chapter 13 Constructing Proximity: Relating to Readers in Popular and Professional Science

1. Interpersonality and proximity

2. A tale of two genres

3. Facets of proximity

4. Conclusions

Chapter 14 The Presentation of Self in Scholarly Life: Identity and Marginalization in Academic Homepages

1. Introduction

2. Online identities

3. The academic homepage

4. Data and method

5. Text choices in the academic homepage

6. Formatting and images

7. Hyperlinks and connections

8. Conclusions

Section Five Teaching Academic Writing

Chapter 15 Nurturing Hedges in the ESP Curriculum

1. Introduction

2. The importance of scientific hedging

3. Functions of hedging in science

4. The expression of hedging in science

5. L2 students and hedging

6. Nurturing hedges in ESP

7. Conclusions

Chapter 16 Specificity Revisited: How Far Should We Go Now?

1. Introduction

2. Specificity and literacy

3. General English for Specific Purposes?

4. Different strokes for different folks

5. Putting the S back into ESP

Chapter 17 Sugaring the Pill: Praise and Criticism in Written Feedback*

1. Significant prior research

2. Participants and data

3. Analysis and categorisation scheme

4. Teacher acts in end comments

5. Mitigation in teacher end comments

6. Mitigation: motivations and miscommunications

7. Some conclusions and teaching implications

Chapter 18 Conclusion: A Never-ending Story

1. Academic writing: what we know and how we know it

2. Some questions and limitations

3. Everybody’s doing it: global publication



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