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468人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:微臣教育托福教研团队

出  版  社:浙江教育出版社


字       数:34.3万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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本书共收录近年考场上被高频考查到的阅读篇目50篇。书中的核心词汇、学术词汇、长难句分析用于为将来篇章阅读做基本的词汇储备和语言能力训练。文章概览及结构图、全文翻译及题目解析则从宏观到微观帮助考生既能理解全文框架结构,又能细致微地学习每句话、每道题。同时,书中对于每个题目行了细致的讲解而非只是给出参考答案,给冲刺阶段有大量做题需求的考生提供了有反馈的“刷题”工具,帮助考生知其然也能知其所以然,从根本上提升做题能力。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>《托福阅读高频50篇精讲》的编写初衷是服务考生托福阅读备考的全阶段,对基本的词句到篇章及题目的理解行全面覆盖。利用“3s版本”和“句间关系”梳理文章结构,帮助考生快速掌握文章大意;提供核心词汇和学术词汇,用阅读的方式提升词汇量,在上下文中背单词;在每篇文章中挑选若干个长难句行精析,提升考生的基本阅读能力;50篇文章均配有详细精准的翻译,帮助考生理解全文,加强对长难句的翻译训练;对每道题目的正确选项及错误选项行分析,让考生不仅能读懂文章,还能理解题目;提供配套视频课程,让考生如同置身于课堂。<br/>【作者】<br/>陈琦:微臣培训学校创始人。毕业于清华大学精密仪器与科学系。GRE“再要你命3000”系列作者。托福听力“椅听”方法论创者,培训出大量托福听力满分学员。擅长多科目通的协同式教学,助考生事半功倍备考托福、GRE。 张明:微臣培训学校教师。主讲托福阅读、托福写作、GRE阅读。GRE、托福考试高分获得者。授课内容严谨、详实,方法和知识并重。目前所带的每期托福阅读课程都会产生满分获得者。<br/>






Unit 1 天文学和气象学

Passage 01 Determining the Ages of the Planets and the Universe

Passage 02 Alaska and Bark Beetles

Passage 03 Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation

Passage 04 The Climate of Japan

Unit 2 地质学

Passage 05 Saving Soil and Cropland

Passage 06 Early Theories of Continental Drift

Passage 07 How Soil Is Formed

Passage 08 Earthquake Prediction

Unit 3 艺术

Passage 09 Cave and Rock Art

Passage 10 Historical Trends in European Urban Design

Passage 11 Mexican Mural Art

Passage 12 Olmec Art

Passage 13 Portraits as Art

Passage 14 The Early History of Motion Pictures

Unit 4 海洋生物

Passage 15 Bioluminescence in Marine Creatures

Passage 16 Coral Reef Communities

Passage 17 Sea Turtle Hatchling Strategies for Navigation

Passage 18 Temperature Regulation in Marine Organisms

Passage 19 The Brain Size of Bottlenose Dolphins

Unit 5 动物学和植物学

Passage 20 Bird Colonies

Passage 21 Bison and Humans

Passage 22 Dinosaurs and Parental Care

Passage 23 Human Impacts on Biogeography

Passage 24 The Cambrian Explosion

Passage 25 The Extinction of the Dinosaurs

Passage 26 The First Eyes

Passage 27 The Geographical Distribution of Gliding Animals

Passage 28 Vocalization in Frogs

Passage 29 Preventing Overgrowth among Tree Branches

Unit 6 人类学、商业和心理学

Passage 30 Art and Culture of Pacific Northwest Communities

Passage 31 Domestication

Passage 32 Hunting and the Setting of Inner Eurasia

Passage 33 Origins of the Megaliths

Passage 34 Consolidated Industry in the United States

Passage 35 Costs of Quitting a Job

Passage 36 Controversy about Causing Emotion

Passage 37 Motor Development in Children

Unit 7 古代文明

Passage 38 Documenting the Incas

Passage 39 Mesopotamian and Egyptian Settlement Patterns

Passage 40 The Collapse of the Maya

Passage 41 The Emergence of Civilization

Passage 42 The Multiplier Effect

Passage 43 The Western Roman Empire in the Fifth Century

Unit 8 历史

Passage 44 Newspaper in Western Europe

Passage 45 Effects of the Commercial Revolution

Passage 46 European Context of the Scientific Revolution

Passage 47 Farming New England in Colonial Times

Passage 48 Population Revolution in Eighteenth-Century Europe

Passage 49 The British Economy under the Roman Empire

Passage 50 Written Records

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