序 晚来谁惹霜林醉?
第一编 散曲 (上)
A Spring Scene
A Lotus-Gathering Song
Lotus Leaves Dry
An Autumn Scene
A Good Wish
A Fisherman and A Woodman
1. 【黄钟】节节高
1. A Poem on the Temple Wall
2. 【双调】沉醉东风
2. My Leisure Life
3. 【双调】沉醉东风
3. An Autumn Scene
4. 【双调】沉醉东风
4. Parting from an Actress
5. 【越调】蟾宫曲
5. Life Counting
1. 【中吕】山坡羊 叹世(二首)
The World Changes
1. 前调
1. A Wonderful Hour
2. 【南宫】四块玉
2. Parting Sorrows
3. 大德歌四首
3. The Song of Great Virtue
4. 四块玉(二选一)
4. For a Private Pleasure
5. 碧玉箫
5. Blue Jade Flute
1. 【越调】天净沙
1. Autumn
2. 【中吕】阳春曲
2. Knowing Life
3. 【双调】庆东原
3. Such Is the World
1. 醉高歌
1. Reminiscence
2. 【越调】凭栏人
2. Winter Clothes
3. 【中吕】阳春曲
3. Time Slips
4. 【中吕】普天乐
4. Keep Things Going
1. 【越调】天净沙
1. Autumn Thoughts
2. 【双调】寿阳曲
2. Fisherman’s Evening
3. 【双调】寿阳曲
3. A Folk Song from Shouyang
4. 【双调】拨不断
4. Watching Tide
5. 【双调】拨不断
5. Who Is the Hero
6. 【南宫】四块玉
6. Quiet Retreat
7. 【南吕】金字经
7. Shall I Climb High
8. 【双调】清江引
8. Wild Tastes
9. 夜行船
9. Autumn Thoughts
10. 迎客仙
10. Looking into China Proper
11. 青衫泪
11. Tears on Blue Shirts
1. 蟾宫曲
1. Farewell, Springtime
2. 清江引
2. Plum Blossom
3. 【中吕】红绣鞋
3. A Loving Night
1. 【中吕】山坡羊二首
1) Pondering on History from Tongguan Pass
2) 骊山怀古
2) Pondering on History from Mount Lishan
2. 得胜令
2. Good Rain
3. 水仙子
3. To My Heart’s Content
4. 喜春来(三选一)
4. Overjoyed
5. 雁儿落兼得胜令
5. Retreating
6. 【南吕】一枝花
6. Praying for Rain
1. 【中吕】山坡羊
1. A Deep Sigh
2. 【南吕】四块玉
2. Missing My Boyfriend
3. 骂玉郎
3. A Sea of Sorrow
4. 采茶歌
4. Go Home, Then
1. 【正宫】叨叨令
1. Dreamers and Dreams
2. 叨叨令
2. An Autumn Night
3. 【双调】落梅风(二首)
By the Apple-crab
1. 【双调】水仙子
2. 【双调】清江引
2. A Love Debt
3. 【双调】水仙子
3. Love’s Labor
4. 【双调】沉醉东风
4. Meeting, Unexpected
5. 【越调】凭栏人
5. Spring Sorrow
6. 【越调】凭栏人
1. 【双调】清江引二首
A Right Place for the Soul
2. 【正宫】醉太平
2. Being a Gentleman in the Country
1. 【双调】水仙子
1. Lovesickness
2. 【中吕】朝天子
2. Dating
喜春来 和则明韵(两首)
1. An Old Wife
1. 【双调】庆东原
1. To a Poet
2. 凭栏人
2. Fellow Travelers
3. 【越调】凭栏人
3. A River Night
4. 【中吕】红绣鞋
4. Spring: Once More by the Lakeside
5. 齐天乐、过红衫儿
5. Worldly Affairs
On the Cleansing River
Your Love Care
第二编 散曲(下)
1. 山丹花
1. Flowers and Butterflies
2. 【正宫】塞鸿秋
2. Along the Mountain Path
3. 红绣鞋
3. A Wild Goose
4. 折桂令
4. A Song of Man
5. 叹世间
5. The New Moon
6. 游四门
6. Around the Gate:
7. 游四门
7. Around the Gate:
8. 雁儿落得胜令
8. Life’s Fate
9. 朝天子
9. Fallacy
10. 迎客仙
10. Silver, Silver
11. 【越调】天净沙
11. Blooming or Withering
12. 【越调】小桃红
12. Remembrance
13. 【双调】水仙子
13. A Flying Kite
第三编 剧 曲
1. 大江东去浪千叠
1. The Billows Rolling on Eastwards
2. 你错勘贤愚枉做天
2. Heaven, How can You Be Yourself like That
1. 恹恹瘦损
1. Sick and Thin
2. 碧云天
2. Blue Sky with White Clouds
3. 笑吟吟一处来
3. Come Together, Smiling
1. 原来姹紫嫣红开遍
1. So Many Colors Splendid
2. 最撩人春色是今年
2. How Especially Alluring Is the Spring This Year
Looking up from the West Frontier
A Parasitic Plant
Wandering through Cathay
When to Return