适读年龄:3-10岁 这本漫画从首次出版到现在已经将近一个世纪,翻译成了多国语言,它的经典毋庸置疑。今天我们将其重新出版,增编作者生平简介好而其他文字说明,并使用英汉对照,方便读者朋友提高英语水平。同时,双色印刷,横本,便于阅读和使用,尽量让读者们在理解作品原味的基础上,能阔眼界,学习到更多的知识。经典需要传承,相信这本经典漫画一定会动更多的读者。
售 价:¥
1 欢迎回家 Welcome home
2 丑陋的小狗 The Ugly Little Dog
3 见识警犬 Meeting Patrol Dog
4 当平民爱上公主 Civilian Falls in love with Princess
5 过高的台阶 Overhigh Step
6 渴望美食 Desire for Delicious Food
7 六只小狗 Six Little Dogs
8 勇敢的小狗 Brave Dog
9 不停奔跑 Keep Running
10 拖车与矮狗 Trailer and Short Dog
11 被困孤岛 Trapped in Island
12 扫兴的家伙 Disappointing Buddy
13 冬天来了 Winter is Coming
14 力不从心 Powerless
15 科学喂狗 Feed Dogs Scientifically
16 被啃的垒球 Gnawed Softball
17 被糟蹋的美味 Spoiled Delicacy
18 吃醋 Jealousy
19 让爸爸带你去 Let Dad Take You Outside
20 白日梦 Daydream
21 白忙活 Futility
22 叛徒 Traitor
23 好消息 Good News
24 灵敏的猎鸟犬 Quick Bird Dog
25 小狗取信 Getting Letters
26 讨厌的圣诞节礼物 Annoying Christmas Gift
27 打扮 Dressing-up
28 狗狗的毛线衫 Dog’s Sweater
29 可爱的照片 Lovely Photo
30 装饰品 Decoration
31 可怜的家伙 Poor Guy
32 新发型 New Hairstyle
33 主人的谎言 Host’s Lie
34 下雪天 Snowing Day
35 追求时尚的代价 The Cost of Pursuing Fashion
36 参赛摄影 Photograph Competition
37 狗的作用 The Role of the Dog
38 古板的狗与新潮的窝 Conservative Dog and Fashionable Kennel
39 迷糊蛋 Silly Dog
40 法律规定 Legal Provision
41 梦寐以求 Wish
42 新买的剃须刀 Newly Purchased Razor
43 刚洗完澡的狗 The Dogs after Shower
44 找死的跳蚤 Suicidal Flea
45 自以为是的狗 Conceited Dog
46 束手无策 Helpless
47 职责所在 Responsibility
48 绝对秘方 Secret Recipe
49 可恶的玻璃门 Annoying Glass Door
50 有点反常 A Little Bit Abnormal
51 意见不统一 Discrepancy
52 墨西哥无毛犬 Mexican Hairless Dog
53 巨大的噩梦 Huge Nightmare
54 机会难得 Rare Opportunity
55 失宠 Being out of Favor
56 相思病 Lovesickness
57 为爱痴狂 Crazy for Love
58 待遇有别 Different Treatment
59 原来是我们 It’s us
60 胜利归来 Return with Victory
61 大战在即 Game on
62 艰难的抉择 Hard Decision
63 冷与不冷 Cold or Not
64 惊喜发现 Surprising Discovery
65 狗狗的待遇 The Treatment of the Dog
66 猎鸟犬 Bird Dog
67 圣诞老人的难题 The Trouble of Santa Claus
68 空空如也 Hungry
69 该遛狗了 It is Time to Walk the Dog
70 愚蠢的小狗 Foolish Dog
71 我们要的是猎犬 We Need Hound Dogs
72 问询 Enquiry
73 不值钱的东西 Worthless Things
74 想抄近路 Want to Take a Shortcut
75 好喜欢的毛衣 Lovely Sweater
76 穿前任毛衣的狗 The Dog Wearing Ex-dog’s Sweater
77 唯一遗忘的事 The Only Forgotten Thing
78 外行的家伙 Unprofessional Guy
79 嗅觉练习 Smell Sense Practice
80 可怕的意外 Terrible Accident
81 胆小狗 Timid Dog
82 狗仗人势 Bully Dog under Host’s Protection
83 可怕的经验 Terrifying Experience
84 救险 Rescue
85 狗类禁止入内 Dog is Forbidden
86 胆小鬼发脾气 Angry Coward
87 不屑一顾 Beneath Attention
88 主人带回来的剩饭 Leftovers Brought by Host
89 精美的装饰品 Beautiful Decorations
90 赶火车 Catch the Train
91 不想说再见 Don’t Want to Say Goodbye
92 触景生情 Being Touched
93 土路 Soil Road
94 共餐的快乐 Happiness of Eating Together
95 我的作品是船 My Masterpiece is a Ship
96 真沮丧 So Depressed
97 儿子参赛 Competition of Son
98 底层 Bottom
99 躲不过的家务 Unavoidable Housework
100 晚餐食材 Materials for Dinner
101 对妻子的期望 Expectation on Wife
102 第一封家书 The First Letter from Home
103 可怕的着陆点 Terrible Landing Point
104 妻子的杰作 Wife’s Masterpiece
105 闲谈之时 During Chatting
106 好孩子的标准 Standards of Being a Good Child
107 值得高兴的事 Exciting Thing
108 弟弟的话 Brother’s Words
109 形象不符 Image Unconformity
110 笨笨的人类 Foolish Human Beings
111 买西瓜 Buy Watermelon
112 工人儿子的骄傲 The Pride of A Worker’s Son
113 加“油”站 Gasoline Station
114 细心的丈夫 Considerate Husband
115 第一次外出过夜 The First Night Outside
116 神奇的修理工 The Magic Repairman
117 汽车高手 Master of Car
118 战中幻想 Imagination in the War
119 妻子的闹铃 Wife’s Alarm
120 海军家属的福利 Benefits of the Navy’s Family
121 长大的好处 The Benefits of Growing Up
122 只顾得意的丈夫 Complacent Husband
123 九年前的秘密 A Secret Nine Years Ago
124 军人妻子的圣诞 Soldier-Wife’s Christmas
125 女海军回家 The Return of Female Navy
126 海军妻子的待遇 The Treatment of Navy-wife
127 执行任务 Perform Task
128 从实招来 Make A Confession
129 比较 Comparison
130 上校 Colonel
131 被猫欺负的女人 The Woman Bullied by A Cat
132 颜面扫地 Humiliation
133 一片狼藉 A Mess
134 我正在减肥 On a Diet
135 战争感言 Testimonials about War
136 一家之主 Master of the Family
137 不识上将 Don’t Know He is A General
138 期望破灭 Broken Hopes
139 不合时宜的广告 Inappropriate Advertising
140 乐观的遇难者 Optimistic Victim
141 可怜的家伙 Poor Guy
142 海军“大战”空军 Competition between Navy and Air Force
143 都是桥牌的罪过 The Fault of Bridge
144 高手 Master
145 指点者的下场 The Fate of Commenter
146 着急的旁观者 Onlooker’s Worry
147 别捣乱 Don’t Play Tricks
148 回家的感觉 Feeling of Returning Home
149 钱花得太快了 Money is Running Out Quickly
150 生财有道 Method of Making Money
151 风光旧事 Proud Old Things
152 马力 Horse Power
153 假如我是一只小鸟 If I were a Little Bird
154 矛搭的帐篷 Tent Built by Spears
155 不必太传统 Don't be so Traditional
156 胆小鬼的担心 The Coward's Fear
157 结婚周年礼物 Gift for Wedding Anniversary
158 澄清身份 Clarify the Status
159 女兵风范 Demeanor of Female Soldier
160 我可不是小偷 I am not a Thief
161 俘虏的待遇 Treatment of the Captive
162 各自的打算 Respective Plan
163 最不幸的时刻 The Most Unfortunate Time