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作       者:黄莹, 著

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:2159

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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  • 读书简介
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  本研究选取58篇《人民日报》元旦社论(1949—2006)这一当代中国政治话语的特定体裁作为语料,行跨时期(1949—1966,1967—1978,1979—2006)的定性与定量分析,从不同的维度系统地揭示了社会语言学中语言与社会共变的规律。中国社会的变迁在这一政治话语中主要体现于体裁结构、社会主体和社会行为的话语表征方式以及评价性资源的历时变异等方面。   研究表明,这些语言使用方面的历时变化,在很大程度上体现了机构权威以及个人权威与公众(包括其他机构或个人)之间的社会关系,已从权势不对称关系逐渐趋向平等关系,更加凸显对中华民族这一共同身份的认同。作为当代中国政治话语的特定体裁,《人民日报》元旦社论语篇中已经出现了话语民主化趋势。<br/>





Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Why the study?

1.2 Why the NYEs?

1.3 Historical demarcation of the NYEs

1.4 Identifying the NYEs as a genre of political discourse

1.5 Elucidating key notions

1.6 The purpose of the study

1.7 Outline of the dissertation

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 SFL approach to political discourse analysis

2.3 Corpus-based multi-dimensional approach to political discourse analysis

2.4 Socio-cognitive approach to political discourse analysis

2.5 Critical discourse analysis

2.6 Contrastive rhetoric approach to political discourse analysis

2.7 Pragmatic approach to political discourse analysis

2.8 Cognitive linguistic approach to political discourse analysis

2.9 Sociolinguistic approach to political discourse

2.10 Content analysis in communication studies

2.11 Summary

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework and Methodology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Establishing a theoretical framework for diachronic analysis of the NYEs

3.3 Analytical tools for analyzing diachronic change of social relations in the NYEs

3.4 Methodology

3.5 Summary

Chapter Four Generic Variation of the NYEs

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Diachronic evolvement of social context: an overview

4.3 Generic structure of the NYEs from 1949—2006

4.4 Generic variation and the change of social context

4.5 Variation in semantic fi elds of agriculture and industry

4.6 Discussion

Chapter Five Representation of Social Actors and Social Actions in the NYEs

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Representation of social actors in the NYEs

5.3 Representation of social actions in the NYEs

5.4 Discussion

Chapter Six Negotiating Power and Solidarity via Evaluation

6.1 Introduction

6.2 General trend of diachronic variation of attitudinal resources in the NYEs

6.3 Discussion

Chapter Seven Survey of Social Attitudes towards Political Words

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Results and major findings

7.3 Discussion

Chapter Eight Conclusion

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Major findings of the study

8.3 Theoretical and methodological contributions and implications of the study

8.4 Concluding remarks

8.5 Limitations of the study

8.6 Suggestions for further research

Appendix 1 Key Words in Each of the NYE Texts

Appendix 2 Questionnaire of Social Attitude Survey on Political Words

Works Cited

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