



这部小说真实深刻地揭露了英国当时社会下的教育现状。虽然它没有名声大噪,但因为针砭时弊又不乏风趣,因此一直是影视作品改编的热门,在今天依然有着相当的知名度。 作品里虽然涉及现实黑暗和消极的一面,描写了形形色色的社会罪恶,但却没有给读者留下*厌恶的感觉,因为其中藏有真正人道的思想。即便在今天读来,仍然发人深省。

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作       者:(英)查尔斯·狄更斯


字       数:150.8万

所属分类: 文艺 > 小说 > 外国小说



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本书是“英国小说之王”狄更斯的经典代表作。喜欢狄更斯作品的读者,不妨翻阅这部带有半自传体性质的小说。 作品为英文版,英语爱好者不可错过。 1838年,狄更斯在走访约克郡的鲍斯学堂时,发觉该学校虐待学生的情形几乎没有改善,便以校长威廉·肖为原型塑造了小说中沃克弗德这一个遭人唾弃的形象。 该书发表于1839年,是查尔斯·狄更斯的一部幽默小说和教育小说,同时也是狄更斯diyi部浪漫主义小说。 在小说中,狄更斯从自身的生活经验和对生命的感受出发,描写人生困难,表现人生困境,其中很多场景和角色都是狄更斯的亲身经历。

The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby(I) 尼古拉斯·尼克贝(英文版)

Chapter 1 Introduces all the Rest

Chapter 2 Of Mr Ralph Nickleby, and his Establishments, and his Undertakings, and of a great Joint Stock Company of vast national Importance

Chapter 3 Mr Ralph Nickleby receives Sad Tidings of his Brother, but bears up nobly against the Intelligence communicated to him. The Reader is informed how he liked Nicholas, who is herein introduced, and how kindly he proposed to make his Fortune at once

Chapter 4 Nicholas and his Uncle (to secure the Fortune without loss of time) wait upon Mr Wackford Squeers, the Yorkshire Schoolmaster

Chapter 5 Nicholas starts for Yorkshire. Of his Leave-taking and his Fellow-Travellers, and what befell them on the Road

Chapter 6 In which the Occurrence of the Accident mentioned in the last Chapter, affords an Opportunity to a couple of Gentlemen to tell Stories against each other

Chapter 7 Mr and Mrs Squeers at Home

Chapter 8 Of the Internal Economy of Dotheboys Hall

Chapter 9 Of Miss Squeers, Mrs Squeers, Master Squeers, and Mr Squeers; and of various Matters and Persons connected no less with the Squeerses than Nicholas Nickleby

The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby(II) 尼古拉斯·尼克贝(英文版)

Chapter 10 How Mr Ralph Nickleby provided for his Niece and Sister-in-Law

Chapter 11 Newman Noggs inducts Mrs and Miss Nickleby into their New Dwelling in the City

Chapter 12 Whereby the Reader will be enabled to trace the further course of Miss Fanny Squeer's Love, and to ascertain whether it ran smooth or otherwise

Chapter 13 Nicholas varies the Monotony of Dothebys Hall by a most vigorous and remarkable proceeding, which leads to Consequences of some Importance

Chapter 14 Having the Misfortune to treat of none but Common People, is necessarily of a Mean and Vulgar Character

Chapter 15 Acquaints the Reader with the Cause and Origin of the Interruption described in the last Chapter, and with some other Matters necessary to be known

Chapter 16 Nicholas seeks to employ himself in a New Capacity, and being unsuccessful, accepts an engagement as Tutor in a Private Family

Chapter 17 Follows the Fortunes of Miss Nickleby

Chapter 18 Miss Knag, after doting on Kate Nickleby for three whole Days, makes up her Mind to hate her for evermore. The Causes which led Miss Knag to form this Resolution

The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby(III) 尼古拉斯·尼克贝(英文版)

Chapter 19 Descriptive of a Dinner at Mr Ralph Nickleby's, and of the Manner in which the Company entertained themselves, before Dinner, at Dinner, and after Dinner

Chapter 20 Wherein Nicholas at length encounters his Uncle, to whom he expresses his Sentiments with much Candour. His Resolution.

Chapter 21 Madam Mantalini finds herself in a Situation of some Difficulty, and Miss Nickleby finds herself in no Situation at all

Chapter 22 Nicholas, accompanied by Smike, sallies forth to seek his Fortune. He encounters Mr Vincent Crummles; and who he was, is herein made manifest

Chapter 23 Treats of the Company of Mr Vincent Crummles, and of his Affairs, Domestic and Theatrical

Chapter 24 Of the Great Bespeak for Miss Snevellicci, and the first Appearance of Nicholas upon any Stage

Chapter 25 Concerning a young Lady from London, who joins the Company, and an elderly Admirer who follows in her Train; with an affecting Ceremony consequent on their Arrival

Chapter 26 Is fraught with some Danger to Miss Nickleby's Peace of Mind

Chapter 27 Mrs Nickleby becomes acquainted with Messrs Pyke and Pluck, whose Affection and Interest are beyond all Bounds

The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby(IV) 尼古拉斯·尼克贝(英文版)

Chapter 28 Miss Nickleby, rendered desperate by the Persecution of Sir Mulberry Hawk, and the Complicated Difficulties and Distresses which surround her, appeals, as a last resource, to her Uncle for Protection

Chapter 29 Of the Proceedings of Nicholas, and certain Internal pisions in the Company of Mr Vincent Crummles

Chapter 30 Festivities are held in honour of Nicholas, who suddenly withdraws himself from the Society of Mr Vincent Crummles and his Theatrical Companions

Chapter 31 Of Ralph Nickleby and Newman Noggs, and some wise Precautions, the success or failure of which will appear in the Sequel

Chapter 32 Relating chiefly to some remarkable Conversation, and some remarkable Proceedings to which it gives rise

Chapter 33 In which Mr Ralph Nickleby is relieved, by a very expeditious Process, from all Commerce with his Relations

Chapter 34 Wherein Mr Ralph Nickleby is visited by Persons with whom the Reader has been already made acquainted

Chapter 35 Smike becomes known to Mrs Nickleby and Kate. Nicholas also meets with new Acquaintances. Brighter Days seem to dawn upon the Family

Chapter 36 Private and confidential; relating to Family Matters. Showing how Mr Kenwigs underwent violent Agitation, and how Mrs Kenwigs was as well as could be expected

The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby(V) 尼古拉斯·尼克贝(英文版)

Chapter 37 Nicholas finds further Favour in the Eyes of the brothers Cheeryble and Mr Timothy Linkinwater. The brothers give a Banquet on a great Annual Occasion. Nicholas, on returning Home from it, receives a mysterious and important Disclosure from the Lips

Chapter 38 Comprises certain Particulars arising out of a Visit of Condolence, which may prove important hereafter. Smike unexpectedly encounters a very old Friend, who invites him to his House, and will take no Denial

Chapter 39 In which another old Friend encounters Smike, very opportunely and to some Purpose

Chapter 40 In which Nicholas falls in Love. He employs a Mediator, whose Proceedings are crowned with unexpected Success, excepting in one solitary Particular

Chapter 41 Containing some Romantic Passages between Mrs Nickleby and the Gentleman in the Small-clothes next Door

Chapter 42 Illustrative of the convivial Sentiment, that the best of Friends must sometimes part

Chapter 43 Officiates as a kind of Gentleman Usher, in bringing various People together

Chapter 44 Mr Ralph Nickleby cuts an old Acquaintance. It would also appear from the Contents hereof, that a Joke, even between Husband and Wife, may be sometimes carried too far

Chapter 45 Containing Matter of a surprising Kind

Chapter 46 Throws some Light upon Nicholas's Love; but whether for Good or Evil the Reader must determine

The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby(VI) 尼古拉斯·尼克贝(英文版)

Chapter 47 Mr Ralph Nickleby has some confidential Intercourse with another old Friend. They concert between them a Project, which promises well for both

Chapter 48 Being for the Benefit of Mr Vincent Crummles, and positively his last Appearance on this Stage

Chapter 49 Chronicles the further Proceedings of the Nickleby Family, and the Sequel of the Adventure of the Gentleman in the Small-clothes

Chapter 50 Involves a serious Catastrophe

Chapter 51 The Project of Mr Ralph Nickleby and his Friend approaching a successful Issue, becomes unexpectedly known to another Party, not admitted into their Confidence

Chapter 52 Nicholas despairs of rescuing Madeline Bray, but plucks up his Spirits again, and determines to attempt it. Domestic Intelligence of the Kenwigses and Lillyvicks

Chapter 53 Containing the further Progress of the Plot contrived by Mr Ralph Nickleby and Mr Arthur Gride

Chapter 54 The Crisis of the Project and its Result

Chapter 55 Of Family Matters, Cares, Hopes, Disappointments, and Sorrows

The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby(VII) 尼古拉斯·尼克贝(英文版)

Chapter 56 Ralph Nickleby, baffled by his Nephew in his late Design, hatches a Scheme of Retaliation which Accident suggests to him, and takes into his Counsels a tried Auxiliary

Chapter 57 How Ralph Nickleby's Auxiliary went about his Work, and how he prospered with it

Chapter 58 In which one Scene of this History is closed

Chapter 59 The Plots begin to fail, and Doubts and Dangers to disturb the Plotter

Chapter 60 The Dangers thicken, and the Worst is told

Chapter 61 Wherein Nicholas and his Sister forfeit the good Opinion of all worldly and prudent People

Chapter 62 Ralph makes one last Appointment--and keeps it

Chapter 63 The Brothers Cheeryble make various Declarations for themselves and others. Tim Linkinwater makes a Declaration for himself

Chapter 64 An old Acquaintance is recognised under melancholy Circumstances, and Dotheboys Hall breaks up for ever

Chapter 65 Conclusion

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