



西北地区的非物质文化遗产; 反映西北劳动人民细腻的感情世界与多元的生活样貌; 中国民歌的对外传播的有益探索。

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作       者:杨晓丽

出  版  社:商务印书馆


字       数:7.5万

所属分类: 文艺 > 文学 > 文学评论与鉴赏



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花儿是流传在我国西北地区的民间歌谣,是珍贵的非物质文化遗产。本书精选具有代表性的一百余首花儿,用自由诗的形式英译,并对方言词汇、背景知识、译文处理方式等配有注解。为了保留花儿的音韵之美,本书还收集了20首花儿的曲谱。通过英译连传统与现代、中国与西方,有助于传播中国地方文化与文学,促民歌研究,并可为民歌英译爱好者提供素材。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>西北地区的非物质文化遗产; 反映西北劳动人民细腻的感情世界与多元的生活样貌; 中国民歌的对外传播的有益探索。<br/>【作者】<br/>杨晓丽,北方民族大学外国语学院副教授,主要从事语言学、民族典籍翻译与研究。 丁媛,北方民族大学外国语学院副教授,热爱并致力于英汉互译,主要研究方向为中华传统文化英译、英汉互译文本对比与赏析。 王静,北方民族大学外国语学院副教授,主要从事口笔译教学和研究工作,研究方向为翻译学。 史若兰(Caroline Elizabeth Kano),英国学者,热衷于中国传统文化与诗歌翻译。<br/>

前 言 Preface

第一部分 花儿精选 Part One A Selection of Hua’er

1. 山上的黄羊下山来

The Brown Goats Come Down from the Mountain

2. 河北河南的几溜溜地

Between the Two Sides of the River

3. 上山的老虎下山来

The Tiger Comes Down from the Mountain

4. 白杨树栽者渠沿上

The White Poplar Grows by the Canal

5. 骑上个白马了出门哩

I Rode Out on My White Horse

6. 白牡丹长给者山里了

A White Peony Grows Alone in the Mountains

7. 一碗凉水一碗蜜

A Bowl of Honey and a Bowl of Cold Water

8. 斧头搭着桦树尖

I Strike My Axe on the Trunk of a Birch Tree

9. 红雀飞过岷县城

A Linnet Flies through Min County

10. 后花园里割竹竿

I Cut Bamboo in the Backyard

11. 红心柳,一张杈(一)

A Rose Willow, a Hayfork (1)

12. 红心柳,一张杈(二)

A Rose Willow, a Hayfork (2)

13. 鞋一双,一双鞋(一)

One Pair of Shoes, a Pair of Shoes (1)

14. 鞋一双,一双鞋(二)

One Pair of Shoes, a Pair of Shoes (2)

15. 材一页,一页材

One Piece of Wood, a Piece of Wood

16. 莲花山,山莲花(一)

Lotus Mountain, Mount Lotus (1)

17. 莲花山,山莲花(二)

Lotus Mountain, Mount Lotus (2)

18. 莲花山,头一台

The Singers of Mount Lotus Are the Best

19. 莲花山,紫松山

Mount Lotus, Mount Pine

20. 姐家门前一道沟

In Front of My House There Is a River

21. 姐家门前一棵松

In Front of My House a Pine Tree Grows

22. 隔河望见妹穿青

I Saw a Pretty Girl Dressed in Green

23. 隔河瞭着姐出来

I Saw a Girl Come Out of Her Home

24. 阳婆出来照西台

The Sun Rises and Shines on the Western Hill

25. 太阳出来照南台

The Sun Rises and Shines on the Southern Hill

26. 送郎送到院墙边

I See You Off from the Courtyard

27. 送郎送到大石崖

I Saw You Off at the Mountain Ridge

28. 十字当街牛拉车

At the Crossroads

29. 嘉峪关出去黄沙滩

Lies the Yellow Desert

30. 脚户赶骡铃铛响

As the Foot Messenger Leads His Mule

31. 大马骑上了过雪山

I Ride a Large Horse through the Snowy Mountains

32. 妹像卷心尕白菜

My Girl Is as White as a Cabbage

33. 青石头青来蓝石头蓝

Some Stones Are Green While Others Are Blue

34. 一对白马犁地呢

A Pair of White Horses Plough the Land

35. 半圆的锅儿烙馍馍

She Fries Wheat Buns for Him in a Wok

36. 白马上献的葡萄

The White Horse Carries a Gift of Grapes

37. 黑沙子黄风大点儿雨

Yellow Sandstorms and Heavy Rain

38. 白杨树树长高了

The White Willow Tree Has Grown Tall

39. 白马下了个青骡子

A White Horse Gave Birth to a Black Mule

40. 胡麻榨了清油了

Sesame Seeds When Squeezed Make Oil

41. 瞌睡遇了枕头了

Like a Pillow to Rest One’s Weary Head

42. 花喜鹊落在墙头上

A Fine Magpie Alights on the Garden Wall

43. 花花雀儿绿翅膀

Beautiful Sparrow with Emerald Wings

44. 日头儿落了黑下了

The Sun Has Set

45. 羊皮筏不如木头筏

Better Is a Raft of Wood

46. 曹操骑马甩鞭子

Cao Cao Cracked His Whip

47. 黄萝卜地里拢蔓茎

I Tend the Leaves of Carrots

48. 青葫芦开花花搭架

Green Gourd Flowers Spread Over the Frame

49. 骆驼走路链着哩

The Camels Should Be Roped

50. 东海的日头西海里下

The Sun Rises from the East Sea

51. 黄风来了雨来了

After the Sandy Wind

52. 黄河沿上水车转

The Water Wheel Goes Round and Round

53. 天上的星星星对星

Stars Are Twinkling in the Sky

54. 花喜鹊落在杆头上

A Magpie Alights on a Branch

55. 孔圣人传艺者天下游

Confucius Preached Doctrines Far and Wide

56. 大山根里一眼泉

In the Remote Mountains

57. 大山根里的清泉水

The Clear Spring at the Foot of the Mountain

58. 阿哥是蜂蜜尕妹是蒜

I Am Honey While You Are Garlic

59. 菊花者盅里斟酒哩

Pouring Wine into a Chrysanthemum Cup

60. 青盈盈山来绿油油的不满

By a Mountain of Freshly Budding Green

61. 日头儿上来者饭罢了

At Sunrise the Betrothal Meal Is Served

62. 娶亲的马队一溜风

A Fine Procession of Horses Goes to Greet My Bride

63. 大豆开花骨朵儿白

The Flower of the Soya Plant Is White

64. 西藏的雪山是盘天的路

The Snowy Mountains of Tibet

65. 尕妹好比是红樱桃

My Girl Is a Red Cherry

66. 天变地变世事变

Rivers and Mountains May Crumble

67. 牛卖了买成马儿了

I Sold My Ox

68. 大山顶里的白石头

The White Rock on the Mountain Top

69. 白杨树上的花鹊雀

The Splendid Magpie in the Poplar Tree

70. 羊毛挂到三间里

The Sheep’s Fleece Stretches Far

71. 真金不怕火来炼

ot Fear Smelting

72. 阴山的牡丹雪压了

The Peony Is Overwhelmed

73. 樟木箱子里放麝香

Placing Musk in a Camphor Wood Chest

74. 青石头栏杆玉石头桥

A White Marble Bridge with a Greenstone Parapet

75. 凤凰展翅者行千里

A Phoenix Spreads Its Wings

76. 葱根根白来葱叶叶绿

White Are Scallion Roots

77. 油两碗,四碗油

Two Bowls of Oil, Four Bowls of Oil

78. 斧头剁了红桦了

A Red Poplar Tree Is Cut with an Axe

79. 斧头剁了榆树了

An Elm Is Cut with an Axe

80. 镰刀割了荞草了

The Buckwheat Is Cut with a Sickle

81. 镰刀割了艾蒿了

The Mugwort Has Been Cut with a Sickle

82. 枣红的鞍子枣红的马

A Chestnut Horse with a Chestnut-Coloured Saddle

83. 赶麦歌

Going to the Wheat Market

84. 脚户歌(节选)

Song of a Foot Messenger(excerpt)

85. 想念歌(节选)

Missing You(excerpt)

第二部分 早期花儿及曲谱 Part Two Early Hua’er with Musical Notation

86. 上去高山望平川

Climbing the High Mountain and Gazing across the Distant Plain

87. 阿哥的白牡丹

My Own White Peony

88. 尕马令

(Little Horse Tune)

89. 红牡丹红得破

The Red Peony Is a Blaze of Red

90. 桃杏花开在三月天

The Peach and Apricot Blossom Blooms in March

91. 人老时脚步儿慢了

Slow Steps in Old Age

92. 仓啷啷令

(Clinking Tune)

93. 莲花山的背篼匠

The Basket Maker of Lotus Mountain

95. 心里有话对谁说

To Whom Can I Tell What Is in My Heart?

96. 清眼泪刷啦啦淌哩

I Wipe Away My Tears

97. 野鸡娃

The Young Pheasant

98. 獐子吃草滚石崖

The Mountain Deer Eats Grass on the Ridge

99. 牡丹俊了

A Peony So Splendid

100. 哥是阳沟妹是水

The Young Man Is a River

101. 下四川

Travelling South to Sichuan

102. 一心儿想着个你了

Longing for You with All My Heart

103. 眼泪花儿把心淹了

My Tears Brim Over in My Heart

104. 渴死了凉水罢喝

Thirsty Though I Am

105. 模样咋这么俊了

Such a Beautiful Girl

参考文献 References

附 录 Appendix

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