



百看不厌,一本没有年龄界限的书,值得用一生去阅读.   品读风靡全球80年的畅销巨作!!!   老三毛——阿达姆松在作者生辉的妙笔下,乐观从容地面对生活。让读者在幽默的故事中,感受漫画的艺术魅力。   世界经典漫画会成为孩子现在的枕边书,未来的美好回忆。   彩色双语纪念版值得珍藏的精品

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7人正在读 | 0人评论 6.8

作       者:[瑞典]雅各布生 绘,张玉岩,邸春伟 译

出  版  社:北方文艺出版社


字       数:6290

所属分类: 文艺 > 动漫/二次元 > 漫画/动漫



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  • 读书简介
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《老三毛——阿达姆松》是世界漫画大师奥斯卡·雅各布生的经典代表作,一经出版便成为上个世纪漫画史上的*之作,风靡一时。20世纪30年代,该作品被引我国,畅销近一个世纪,影响了几代人。新版本不但包装设计精美,拥有典藏价值,还补充了中英文双语,使得家长方便讲解,充分挖掘儿童语言天赋,使作品在原有基础、上更加妙趣横生,寓教于乐。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>百看不厌,一本没有年龄界限的书,值得用一生去阅读. 品读风靡全球80年的畅销巨作!!! 老三毛——阿达姆松在作者生辉的妙笔下,乐观从容地面对生活。让读者在幽默的故事中,感受漫画的艺术魅力。 世界经典漫画会成为孩子现在的枕边书,未来的美好回忆。 彩色双语纪念版值得珍藏的精品<br/>【作者】<br/>奥斯卡·雅各布生,瑞典漫画家,幼时家境贫寒,做过雇工、伐木工、铁匠、铁路工人,36岁才始学画,37岁就始发表作品。他学历不高,但丰富的社会阅历使他的创作左右逢源,信手拈来。其作品画面简洁,意味隽永,充满了浓郁的生活气息。<br/>


扫垃圾 Sweeping rubbish

1+1=1 One and one is one

知音难觅 A faithful friend is hard to find

天上掉馅饼 Nothing really worthwhile ever comes easy in life

《体育报》的引力 The attraction ofSports Daily

饱受虚惊 A false alarm

桀骜难驯 Harsh and cruel

摩擦取火 Friction fire

安全措施 Security measures

妙计捕熊 A good idea to catch bear

难得清静 The rare quiet

蛋糕 Cake

健康有价烟无价 There is a price for health, but no price for smoking

选择 Making a choice

无独有偶 It happens that there is a similar case

忠实的狗 An honest dog

只好如此 So be it

顾此失彼 Attend to one thing and lose another

报仇受挫 Revenge is frustrated

再败沮丧 Be Frustrated again

恩将仇报 Returning ingratitude for kindness

技术有待提高 Skill needs to be improved

浑身是鱼 The fishes are all over the body

出气 Vent the anger

光棍的苦处 Single’s suffering

治鸡绝招 Unique skill of managing chicken

讨厌的猫 The hateful cat

智擒海豹 Catch the seal with smart

一见钟情 Fall in love at first sight

一绳两套 One rope with two harnesses

忙中出错 Undue haste makes waste

不屈不挠 Perseverance

爆炸之后 After explosion

一气之下 In a pet

事与愿违 Things go contrary to one’s wishes

恶有恶报 Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind

脱险 Be out of danger

唬退有术 Good way to scare it away

无可奈何 Have no alternative

驾车奇遇 Fortuitous meeting of driving

歪了 Slanting

费力不讨好 Thankless

牛奶何如烟酒 Milk is better than cigarettes and wine

脱毛的小狗 Shaved dog

急中生智 Show resourcefulness in an emergency

弄巧成拙 Go for wool and come back shorn

歹徒上当 The gangster is taken in

惊吓 Panic

船沉 The ship sank

坚强的帽子 Firm hat

全力一拼 Fight with all his strength

新式武器 New weapon

时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man

遭劫 Being robbed

巧滚雪缸 Rolling the snow vat skillfully

回敬 Return a compliment

淘气 Naughtiness

幸灾乐祸的报应 The retribution of taking pleasure in other’s misfortune

猎鸟畅曲 Episode of hunting birds

不识时务 Swim against the tide

拔牙 Teeth extraction

帮倒忙 Be more of a hindrance than a help

意外的收获 Unexpected harvest

粗心的求爱者 Careless wooer

姜还是老的辣 Aged ginger is more pungent

失败的死刑 A fail death penalty

不幸的帽子 Unfortunate hat

防贼有方 Proper way of theftproof

真相大白 Come out in the wash

车底塌了 Vehicle bottom collapsed

猫的报复 The revenge of a cat

白辛苦 In vain

误伤 Accidentally injure

不得法 Go the wrong way

污染 Pollution

换个法子试试 Try to change a way

“动人”的吹奏 A “touching” play

帽子也会飞 The hat can fly

热 Hot

受不了的亲热 Unbearable affectionateness

大吃一惊 Jump out of one’s skin

避犬新法 A new way to avoid dog

无动于衷 Showing no sympathy

晕头转向 Confused and disoriented

错位 Misplacement

天助老实人 God helps honest man

惩罚 Punishment

悼惜报险者 Grieved over the man who informs danger

召之即来 Come as soon as called

冲动的代价 The price of impulsion

守株待兔 Waiting for windfalls

溜冰记 Skating

得用餐具才行 Tableware is needed

不中用的狗 An useless dog

嗜酒如命 Drinking himself to death

并不是惊喜 Not a surprise

因小失大 Try to save a little but lose a lot

以胖制胖 A fat man for a fat man

罪有应得 Serving him right

回味 Aftertaste

谢谢捧场 Thanks for your support

自食其果 Reap what one has sown

贪小遭险 Be greedy for small advantages and run into danger

脱身之计 A plan of escaping

徒劳 Futile effort

打猎的成绩 The performance of hunting

无可奈何 Have no alternative

无妄之灾 Unexpected calamities

自给自足 Self-sufficiency

发动机起火 Engine is on fire

开瓶子 Open the bottle

意外收获 Unexpected harvest

后继有人 Having qualified successors

雪坡撒盐 Spilling salt on the snowbank

乱扔果皮 Throwing the peel all over

识趣 Knowing how to behave in a delicate situation

咎由自取 Stew in one’s own juice

闯祸 Making a trouble

适得其反 Just the opposite to what one wishes

唾沫战胜强敌 Saliva defeats the strong enemy

只剩鸡头 Only left cockscomb

巧取礼帽 Getting the hat skillfully

与我相似 You are similar to me

转念 Changing mind

以哭取胜 Winning by crying

受惊的理发师 A frightened barber

美食被毁 The food is destroyed

近距离射手 Close range shooter

模仿 Imitation

依赖人者戒 Who depends on others should take as a warning

犹有余恨 Still having hate in the heart

狗拿耗子多管闲事 Putting one’s finger in another’s pie

关箱子 Close the box

悬钓 Hanging fishing

可怕的爱 Terrible love

外力 External force

失误 A fault

欺人·自欺·人欺 Bullying·Self-deception·Being bullied

本性难移 It is hard to change one’s nature

对撞的结果 The result of collision

野蛮的回报 The returns of savage

不中用的枪 An useless gun

快速清洗 Quick cleaning

湿身 Getting wet

不管死活 Don’t care living or death

金钱的魔力 Money’s magic power

失败的爱神 Unsuccessful Cupid

抛锚 Drop anchor

物归原主 Return it to the origin owner

好运道 Good luck

最后一招 The last way

决心 Determination

不识人情 Be ignorant of human kindness

开罐头 Open the can

反馈 Feedback

不亏一文 No loss even a penny

顾此失彼 Attend to one thing and lose another

友好? Friendly?

吸尘器 Cleaner

笨手笨脚 Having two left hands

拙劣的修理 Unskilled repairing

自食其果 Reap as one has sown

智斗 A battle of wits

心愿 A wish

临阵脱逃 Desert in face of a battle

老眼昏花 Blurred vision of an old person

一场虚惊 A false alarm

收获不少 Gain a lot

惜酒如金 Treating wine as gold

圣诞礼物 Christmas gift

白忙一场 It is all for nothing

智胜 Winning by wisdom

连动 Linking action

哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗 Where there is oppression there is resistance

取火妙法 A good way to make fire

看谁笑到最后 See who’s the last laugh

都是误会 They are all misunderstandings

同归于尽 Perishing together

水倾火灭 Fire dies out after being poured water

越来越多 More and more

惜花 Cherishing flowers

逆风 Against the wind

打枪不如枪打 Beating with gun is better than shooting

干脆这样 Just like this

钉画 Nail painting

自讨苦吃 Put one’s finger in the fire

倾家荡产 Lose a family fortune

谢谢 Thanks

给你点颜色瞧瞧 Give you some color to see

顽固 Stubbornness

椅脚难齐 Uneven chair legs

渡河 River crossing

偷鸡不成蚀把米 Go for wool and come home shorn

用力过猛 Overexertion

防缉有术 The art of avoiding arresting

狗也嫌烦 The dog also suspects trouble

抓不住 Fail to grasp

不下水的笔 A pen in which no ink comes out

轻不敌重 The heavy triumphs over the light

前功尽弃 All one’s previous efforts wasted

望尘莫及 Too far behind to catch up with

保险钱包 Safe wallet

何必认真 Why so serious

不是瞎子 Not a blind person

以帽取人 Judge people with their hats

干杯 Cheers

狐遁鸭亡 Fox flees and duck dies

还是怕疼 Still be afraid of pain

新式风扇 New-style fan

不识好人心 Not grateful for good intention

不准偷看 No peeking

薄礼 Trivial gift

乱套的帽子 Messy hats

新纪录 New record

英姿难留 Hard to keep the heroic bearing

不忍心 Don’t have the heart

拍灰尘 Pat the dust

负担过重 Overburden

善举招灾 Philanthropic act makes troubles

莫名其妙 Without rhyme or reason

出手更快 Act more quickly

白帮忙 Help in vain

公鸡中的战斗机 The fighter jet of the cocks

胯下巧胜 Winning crawl under crotch

误以为草 Mistaking for grasses

过度 Excessiveness

总之太长 In short, it’s too long

巧猎野兔 Hunting rabbits skillfully

长发灵 Long hair liniment

不准小便 No urinating

心不在焉 Absent-mindedness

烟瘾 Smoking addiction

烟店关门 Tobacco shop is closed

乐极生悲 Extreme joy begets sorrow

光棍苦 Single’s suffering

适得其反 Just the opposite to what one wishes

连根拔起 Uprooting

猫灭鼠兴 Cats fall and mouses rise

蔑视有罪 Contempt is guilty

早知现在,何必当初 Hindsight is easier than foresight

大材小用 Waste one’s talent on a petty job

斗争 Conflict

不响的原因 The reason for no sound

失去的滋味 The feeling of lost

替罪羔羊 Scapegoat

弹力 Elastic force

祈祷二重奏 Praying duo

无处可躲 Nowhere to hide

痴迷 Obsession

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