


Fra Angelico电子书

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作       者:Stephan Beissel

出  版  社:Parkstone International


字       数:25.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the Dominican convent of Fiesole had a lively intellectual atmosphere. The convent was founded in 1406 by the Blessed Giovanni di Dominici Bacchini, (who later became the Archbishop of Ragusa and, in 1419, a cardinal,) in order to reestablish the former discipline and strictness of the Dominican order in the spirit of Saint Dominic. Members of the observant monasteries were expected to consecrate themselves to the saving of souls not only through study, science, and preaching, but also through applied artistic labour. Exiled from Venice, Giovanni arrived in Città di Castello near Arezzo in 1399. From there he was summoned to preach in the cathedral of Florence for Lent. San Lapo Mazzei wrote to a friend after hearing one of Giovanni’s sermons, and summarized his impressions in the following terms, “I was at Santa Liparata (the cathedral) where a Dominican friar was supposed to preach, and where he did indeed preach. I assure you that I have ne

Fra Angelico's Early Training and his Work in Cortona and Perugia

Stay and Work in Fiesole

Fra Angelico's Stay in Florence, and his Murals at the Convento di San Marco

Outside Influences

The Paintings of the Last Judgment and their Relationship with Dante's Poetry

The Virgin Mary in the Paintings of Fra Angelico

Works in Rome and Orvieto

The Final Years and Death of Fra Angelico


List of Artists

List of Illustrations

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